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Statistical Meteorology

Part of the statistical meteorology team

Part of the statistical meteorology team

The group Statistical Meteorology headed by Prof. Dr. Henning Rust works on probabilistic and statistical aspects of meteorology and climate. This is the post-processing of weather and climate model data, generation of probabilistic forecasts, as well as their recalibration and verification. With the communication of probabilistic weather and climate forecasts the group contributes to the Hans-Ertel-Centre for weather research. Statistical models for weather and climate impacts, as well as citizen science projects are meant to support this communication process. In the frame of participative citizen science projects people without a meteorological background, mostly with pupils, are getting involved in the weather observation process. This participation strengthens their understanding and competence with respect to weather and related warnings. Furthermore, the group develops stochastic models, for example for precipitation, or stochastic components for weather and climate models. Statistical modelling of extremes supports climate monitoring and risk analysis for weather services and decision makers.

Theses Topics

Currently available topics for Bachelor's or Master's theses can be found here (Unfortunately, only in German so far. Feel free to contact us, if you have any questions). Additional topics can be found through personal contact.

Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 6-10
12165 Berlin / GERMANY
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henning Rust