·Teilprojekt Z
·Teilprojekt 1
·Teilprojekt 2
·Teilprojekt 3
·Teilprojekt 4
·Teilprojekt 5
·Teilprojekt 7
Heubeck, C., G. Ergaliev, S. Evseev (2013) Large-scale seismogenic deformation of a carbonate platform straddling the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, Karatau Range, Kazakhstan: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 83, p. 1004-1024
Forchielli, A., Steiner, M., Hu, S., Lüter, C. and Keupp, H. (2012) Taphonomy of the earliest Cambrian linguliform brachiopods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, available online 04 May 2012 doi:
Da Li, Hong-Fei Ling, Graham A. Shields-Zhou, Xi Chen, Lorenzo Cremonese, Lawrence Och, Matthew Thirlwall, Christina J. Manning, (2012) Carbon and strontium isotope evolution of seawater across the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition: Evidence from the Xiaotan section, NE Yunnan, South China. Precambrian Research, Elsevier
D. Hippler, N. Hu, M. Steiner, G. Scholtz, G. Franz (2012) Experimental mineralization of crustacean eggs: new implications for the fossilization of Precambrian-Cambrian embryos. Biogeosciences 9, 1765-1775, doi: 10.5194/bg-9-1765-2012.
Fatka O., Steiner M., Weber B., Zhu M. (2012) The Precambrian-Cambrian biosphere (r)evolution: Insights from the Chinese Yangtze Platform, Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 1, pages 67 - 70
Weber B., Hu Sx, Steiner M., Zhao Fc. (2012) A diverse ichnofauna from the Cambrian Stage 4 Wulongqing Formation near Kunming (Yunnan Province, South China), Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 1, pages 71 - 92
Hu S., Steiner M., Zhu M., Luo H., Forchielli A., Keupp H., Zhao F. , Liu Q. (2012) A new priapulid assemblage from the early Cambrian Guanshan fossil Lagerstätte of SW China, Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 1, pages 93 - 106
Steiner M., Hu Sx, Liu J., Keupp H. (2012) A new species of Hallucigenia from the Cambrian Stage 4 Wulongqing Formation of Yunnan (South China) and the structure of sclerites in lobopodians, Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 1, pages 107 - 124
Forchielli A., Steiner M., Hu Sx, Keupp H. (2012) Taphonomy of Cambrian (Stage 3/4) sponges from Yunnan (South China), Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 1, pages 133 - 142
Li Gx, Steiner M., Zhu My, Zhao X. (2012) Early Cambrian eodiscoid trilobite Hupeidiscus orientalis from South China: ontogeny and implications for affinities of Mongolitubulus-like sclerites, Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 1, pages 159 - 169
Zhu, B., Becker, H., Jiang, S.-Y., Pi, D.-H., Fischer-Gödde, M., Yang, J.-H. (2012) Re-Os geochronology of black shales from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, Yangtze platform, South China. Precambrian Research, in press.
Steiner, M. , Hu, S., Liu, J. & Keupp, H. (2012 in press) A new species of Hallucigenia from the Cambrian Stage 4 Wulongqing Formation of Yunnan (South China) and the structure of sclerites in lobopodians. Bulletin of Geosciences 87, xxx-xxx
Liu, J., Steiner, M. , Dunlop, J. A., Keupp, H., Shu, D., Ou, Q., Han, J., Zhang, Z., & Zhang, X. (2011) An armoured Cambrian lobopodian from China with arthropod-like appandages. Nature, 470, 526-530, doi: 10.1038/nature09704
Lawrence M. Och, Graham A. Shields-Zhou, Simon W. Poulton, Christina Manning, Matthew F. Thirlwall, Da Li, Xi Chen, Hochg-Fei Ling, Tony Osborn, Lorenzo Cremonese, (2011), Redox changes in Early Cambrian black shales at Xiaotan section, Yunnan Province, South China: Precamrbian Research, Elsevier
D. Hippler, R. Witbaard, H. M. v. Aken, D. Buhl, A. Immenhauser (2011) Exploring the calcium isotope signature of Arctica islandica as an environmental proxy using laboratory- and field-cultured specimens. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol.
K. von Allmen, T. F. Nägler, T. Pettke, D. Hippler, E. Griesshaber, A. Logan, A. Eisenhauer, E. Samankassou (2010) Stable isotope profiles (Ca, O, C) through modern brachiopod shells of T. septentrionalis and G. vitreus: Implications for calcium isotope paleo-ocean chemistry. Chemical Geology, 269, 210-219.
Moore, J. M., Porter, S. M., Steiner, M. & Li, G. (2010) Cambrothyra ampulliformis, an unusual coeloscleritophoran from the Lower Cambrian of Shaanxi Province (China). Journal of Paleontology, 84(6), 1040-1060, DOI: 10.1666/09-091.1
Hu S., Zhu M., Steiner M., Luo, Huilin, Zhao Fangchen, Liu Qi (2010) Biodiversity and taphonomy of the Early Cambrian Guanshan biota, eastern Yunnan. Sci China Earth Sci, 40(9), 1115-1124, doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-4086-9 [in Chinese]
D. Hippler, D. Buhl, R. Witbaard, D. K. Richter, A. Immenhauser (2009) Towards a better understanding of magnesium-isotope ratios from marine skeletal carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (1), 90-100.
D. Hippler, R. Kozdon, K. F. Darling, A. Eisenhauer, T. F. Nägler (2009) Calcium isotopic composition of high-latitude proxy carrier Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.). Biogeosciences, 6, 1-14.
Qualification theses (all subprojects)
Sergey Evseev (2012) "The Berkuty Member of the Chulaktau Formation, southern Kazakhstan: A complex unit at the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary", Freie Universität Berlin.
Quiring, Manuel (2011) „Sr-Isotopen-Systematik in Karbonaten des Ediacariums der Yangtze-Plattform (Südchina)”, Freie Universität Berlin.
Herzlieb, Steffen (2011) „Verteilungen der Seltenen-Erd-Elemente in Cap Karbonaten des Ediacariums der Yangtze Plattform (Südchina)”
Lewandowski, Jeanette (2011) Morphometrie einer frühkambrischen Redlichia-Fauna Yunnans (China). Bachelorarbeit, FU Berlin, 32 S.
Kolja Bosch (2011): Die sedimentfazielle Herkunft von neoproterozoischen Diamiktiten der Kyrshabakty-Sektion, Kasachstan. Bachelor-Arbeit, Freie Universität Berlin.
Antje Wegwerth (2010): Petrography, Biogeochemistry, and Isotope Signatures of Early Cambrian Phosphorites, Meisucun Section, South China: Diplomarbeit, Freie Universität Berlin.
Felix Thalheim (2010): Unterkambrische Small Shelly Fossilien aus Kasachstan: Bachelor-Arbeit, Freie Universität Berlin.
Johannes Wagner (2010): Mineralogy and geochemistry of selected cherts and phosphate concretions at the Pc-C boundary (Lijiatuo Section), Hunan, China: Bachelor-Arbeit, Technische Universität Berlin.
M. Stuff (2011) Das Potential von Raman- und FTIR-Spektroskopie an Apatit zur Charakterisierung phosphogenetischer Prozesse am Beispiel der Phosphorite der Yangtze Plattform, China: Bachelor-Arbeit, Technische Universität Berlin.
N. Hu (2010): Mineralogie und sedimentäre Fazien der basalen Dahai-Phosphorite am PcC Übergang – Yangtze Plattform, SW China: Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität Berlin.
Kai Neldner (2009) „Kohlenstoffisotopenmuster in Karbonaten des Ediacariums der Yangtze-Plattform (Süd-China)”
F. Schiperski (2009): Petrologie und Geochemie von Phosphoriten der Kunyang Phosphatmine, Provinz Yunnan, China: Bachelor-Arbeit, Technische Universität Berlin.
N. Hu (2008) Experimente zur Phosphatisierung und Fossilisation von Krebsembryonen: Bachelor-Arbeit, Technische Universität Berlin.
Conference abstracts
Maletz, J. (2012) Still in hiding? – The problems of recognizing early Radiolaria. Terra Nostra 2012/3, 116. Tagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin 2012.
Heubeck, C., A. Egorow, S. Evseev, M. Steiner, G. Franz (2011), Facies analysis of carbonate-phosphorite sections (southern Kazakhstan) complements biostratigraphic record of “Cambrian explosion”: Sediment 2011 (Leipzig), Tagungsband, p.34
Heubeck, C., and members of DFG-Forschergruppe736 (2010) The Ediacaran-Cambrian ecosphere revolution: Insights from Chinese microcontinents: Tagungsband Sediment 2010 (Potsdam), 26.-28.6.2010. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 72 (abstract volume Sediment 2010 Potsdam), p. 47.
Heubeck, C., Zhu M., and Jiang, Sh. (2010) The Ediacaran-Cambrian Ecosphere Revolution: Insights from Chinese Microcontinents: Geol. Soc. America Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010), Session No. 189
Heubeck, C., and members of the DFG Forschergruppe 736 (2009) The Precambrian-Cambrian ecosphere revolution: Can insights from Chinese microcontinents be generalized ? Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p. 57.
TP 1
Heubeck, C., and Evseev, S. (2012) Going out with a Bang: Seismogenic deformation of a carbonate platform straddling the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, Karatau Range, Kazakhstan: Fermor Meeting of the Geol. Soc. London “The Neoproterozoic Era”, Abstracts Volume, p. 109.*
Evseev, S., C. Heubeck and M. Steiner (2012) Sedimentary record of seismicity in Ediacaran-Cambrian transitional strata from Malyi Karatau range, southern Kazakhstan: Tagungsband Annual Meeting Geologische Vereinigung (September 23rd-28th, 2012, Hamburg, Germany), p. 90.
Heubeck, C. and Evseev, S. (2012) Seismogenic deformation of a carbonate platform straddling the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, Karatau Range, Kazakhstan: Annual Meeting Geol. Soc. Canada, St. John’s; Meeting Abstracts volume, p. 62.
Heubeck C., S. Evseev (2012) A major earthquake shook up a key Precambrian-Cambrian boundary stratigraphic section: Karatau Range, Kazakhstan: Terra Nostra 2012/3; Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, p. 77.
Sun X., C. Heubeck, M. Steiner, J. Maletz, D. Hippler (2012) Sedimentary environment of the Precambrian-Cambrian transition in the Meishucun area, Yunnan, south China: Terra Nostra 2012/3; Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, p. 175.
Evseev, S., C. Heubeck, A. Egorow, M. Steiner, G. Franz (2011) Seismically induced deformation and karsting of a carbonate platform straddling the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary, southern Kazakhstan: Sediment 2011 (Leipzig), Tagungsband, p.19.
Bosch, K., C. Heubeck, G. Franz (2011) A late Neoproterozoic diamictite of southern Kazakhstan: confirmation of (peri-) glacial deposition: Sediment 2011 (Leipzig), Tagungsband; p. 11
Scouflaire, Q., Heubeck, C., Weber, B., and Zhu, M. (2010) Transgressive-regressive sedimentation in the late Ediacaran of South China and its impact on Late metazoan communities: Geol. Soc. America Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010), Paper No. 144-14.
Wegwerth, A., U. Struck, M. Segl, T. Vennemann, P.-L. Gehlken, C. Heubeck, and M. E. Böttcher (2010) Stable isotope record of coexisting apatite and dolomite in Early Cambrian phosphorites, Meishucun section, South China: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-12976.
Heubeck, C., Q. Scouflaire, Zhu M. (2009) Low mechanical stability of Ediacaran Yangtze platform margin: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p. 55-56.
Scouflaire, Q., B. Weber, Y. Cai (2009) Latest Ediacaran transgressive-regressive cycle (Gaojiashan Member) at the northern margin of the Yangtze Platform (China): evolutionary push and taphonomic window for evolving metazoan communities: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p. 130-131.
Scouflaire, Q., C. Heubeck, M. Zhu (2009) Post-Cryogenian recovery of the shallow marine ecosystem as a base for Ediacaran metazoan evolution, central China: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p. 129-130.
Weber, B., Q. Scouflaire (2009) Microbial mats, Ediacaran benthos and preservation of trace- and body fossils - examples from the Ediacaran of the northern Yangtze Platform: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p. 144-145.
Wegwerth, A., O. Dellwig, D. Hippler, U. Struck, M.E. Böttcher, C. Heubeck (2009) Biogeochemistry and petrography of Early Cambrian phosphorites from the Meishucun section, Yangtze Platform, South China: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, October 2009, Göttingen, p. 146.
Scouflaire, Q., B. Weber und C. Heubeck (2008) Low-energy shoreline paleoenvironments in the Upper Ediacaran Dengying Formation of Southern Shaanxi, central China: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, October 2008, Aachen.
Weber, B., Steiner, M. & Zhu, M. (2008) Spurenfossilgesellschaften von der PC-C-Grenze der Yangtze Plattform (SW-China): Palichnologische Befunde zur Entwicklung benthischer Lebensformen. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen. Sonderband 6, Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 8.-10. Sept. 2008, Erlangen, p.71.
TP 2
Gamper, A., Struck, U., Scouflaire, Q., Weber, B., 2012, Carbon and Nitrogen isotope study of the upper Ediacaran Gaojiashan Member in South China: Insights in causes of the Cambrian Explosion, Terra Nostra, Schriften der GeoUnion Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung – 2012/3, Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, p. 61, available here
L. Cremonese, U. Struck, G. Shields, Q. Guo, H. Ling, L. Och (2009) d15N chemostratigraphy of Ediacaran-Cambrian sections of South China: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p. 22.
L. Cremonese, U. Struck, G. Shields, et al. (2009) delta N-15 chemostratigraphy of Ediacaran-Cambrian sections of South China: 19th Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference, (JUN 21, 2009 Davos SWITZERLAND): GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, vol. 73(13), p. A251-A251.
L. Och (2009) The Neoproterozoic Oxidation Event: Trace elements chemostratigraphy at the Precambrian/Cambrian transition in South China: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p. 106.
L. Och, GA Shields, HF Ling, et al. (2009) Redox-sensitive trace metals during the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event: 19th Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference (JUN 21, 2009 Davos SWITZERLAND): GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, v. 73(13), p. A962-A962
TP 3
Steiner, M. , Maletz, J. (2012) Cambrian graptolites (Pterobranchia) and the origin of colonial organization in metazoans. Terra Nostra 2012/3, 173-174. Tagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin 2012.
Weber B., M. Steiner, S. Evseev, C. Heubeck, G. Ergaliev (2012) A Meishucun-type lower Cambrian (Terreneuvian) ichnofauna from the Malyi Karatau Range (SE Kazakhstan): Terra Nostra 2012/3; Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, p. 191.
Steiner, M., Li, G. and Ergaliev, G. (2011) Toward a subdivision of the traditional “Lower Cambrian“. 16th Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, Flagstaff, Arizona, and southern Nevada, United States, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin 67, 306-308
Li, G., Gubanov, A., Steiner, M., and Zhu, M. (2011) The FAD of Watsonella crosbyi- a potential fossil standard for defining the Cambrian Stage 2 GSSP. 16th Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, Flagstaff, Arizona, and southern Nevada, United States, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin 67, 289-290
Steiner, M., Li, G., Hu, S. and Keupp, H. (2010) Soft-tissue preservation in small shelly faunas. GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 359
Li, G., Steiner, M. and Zhu, M. (2010) Radiation patterns of early Cambrian metazoan fossils in South China. GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 359
Forchielli, A., Steiner, M., Hu. S. and Keupp, H. (2010) Recent brachiopods as tool to understand the taphonomic pathways of the earliest Cambrian Chengjiang linguliform brachiopods. GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 360
Forchielli, A., Steiner, M., Hu S. & Keupp, H. (2010) Taphonomic pathways of the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Biota, Abstracts of 3rd International Palaeontological Congress, London, June, 28- July, 3, 2010, p.170.
Steiner, M. & Li, G. (2010) Cambrian Small Shelly Fossils and the taphonomic phosphatization window. Abstracts of 3rd International Palaeontological Congress, London, June, 28- July, 3, 2010, p. 363.
Steiner, M. & Li, Guoxiang (2009) The potential of small shelly fossils for subdivision of the traditional Lower Cambrian. Abstracts and Short Papers, 14th International Field Conference of the Cambrian Stages Subdivision Working Group, August, 24th- September, 2nd, 2009, Maly Karatau Range, South Kazakhstan, p.33-34.
Forchielli, A., M. Steiner, H. Keupp, Shixue Hu, Guoxiang Li (2009) Taphonomy of Early Cambrian Chengjiang fossils and phosphatized organic tissues: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p. 33.
Steiner, M., Li, G, & Zhu, M. (2008) Early Cambrian Small Shelly Fossil assemblages of South China and a biostratigraphic correlation with Siberia. Abstracts of the 13th International Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, The Siberia Platform, Western Yakutia, July 20- August 1, 2008, Yakutsk, Russia, p.65-67.
Steiner, M. (2008) Taphonomy of Early Cambrian phosphatic fossil remains from South China. Erlanger Geologische Abhandlungen. Sonderband 6, Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft, 8.-10. Sept. 2008, Erlangen, p.64-65.
TP 4
Hohl, S. V., Becker, H., Hippler, D., Baero, W. (2012) Trace element abundances in Doushantuo cap dolostones from platform and slope settings, Yangtze Platform, South China.
Goldschmidt Conference Montreal. Abstract.
Becker, H., Baero, W., Quiring, M., Hammerschmidt, K., Wiechert, U., Hippler, D. (2012) Primary origin vs. redistribution of trace elements by fluid flow in slope facies Ediacaran carbonate rocks from the Yangtze Platform (South China). Goldschmidt Conference Montreal. Abstract.
Becker, H., Baero, W., Quiring, M., Hammerschmidt, K., Wiechert, U. (2011) Reading the trace element and isotopic code recorded in slope facies Ediacaran carbonates from the Yangtze Platform (South China) GSA Meeting Minneapolis, Abstract.
Baero, W., Becker, H., Wiechert, U. (2011) Controls on isotope and trace element systematics of slope facies Ediacaran carbonates, Yangtze Platform (South China). Goldschmidt Conference Prague. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 75 (3), 469.
Zhu, B., Becker, H., Jiang, S.-Y., Pi, D.-H., Fischer-Gödde, M. (2011) Re-Os geochronology of black shales from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, Yangtze platform, South China. Goldschmidt Conference Prague. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 75 (3), 2275.
Zhu, B., Becker, H., Jiang, S.-Y. and Fischer-Gödde, M. (2010) Re-Os geochronology of black shales from the Doushantuo formation, Yangtze platform, South China. GSA Meeting Denver, Abstract.
Bäro, W., Fischer-Gödde, M. and Becker, H. (2010) REE patterns in slope facies Ediacaran carbonates from the Yangtze Platform (South China) GSA Meeting Denver, Abstract.B
aero, W., H. Becker, U. Wiechert (2009) Authigenic zircons and monazites in Ediacaran sediments of the Yangtze Platform (South China): Abstracts 19th Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference (JUN 21, 2009 Davos, Switzerland): Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta vol. 73 (13), supplement 1, p. A6.
Neldner, K., Baero, W., Wiechert, U., Becker, H. (2009) Carbon isotope signatures of Ediacaran slope facies carbonates from the Yangtze Platform (South China): Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, p. 101.
TP 5
Tatzel, M., von Blanckenburg, F., Hippler, D. (2012) Stable silicon isotope composition of chert and silicified shales in the Ediacaran through Lower Cambrian slope-facies succession Lijatuo, Hunan Province, South-East China. Poster bei: Fermor 2012, London.
Tatzel, M., von Blanckenburg, F., Schüssler, J.A. and Bohrmann, G. (2013) The impact of silica diagenesis on the stable silicon isotope rock record. Vortrag bei: Environmetal Isotopes Tagung 2013 Ascona, CH.
Tatzel, M., von Blanckenburg, F., Schüssler, J.A. and Bohrmann, G. (2013) The silicon isotope record of early silica diagenesis. Vortrag bei: Goldschmidt Tagung 2013 Florenz.
D. Hippler and G. Franz (2011) Rare-earth elements of Precambrian-Cambrian phosphorites from the Yangtze Platform (S. China). Annual Goldschmidt Conference 2011 (Praha).
K. Bosch, C. Heubeck, G. Franz (2011) A late Neoproterozoic diamictite of southern Kazakhstan: confirmation of (peri-) glacial deposition. Sediment 2011 (Leipzig), Tagungsband; p. 11.
C. Heubeck, A. Egorow, S. Evseev, M. Steiner, G. Franz (2011) Facies analysis of carbonate-phosphorite sections (southern Kazakhstan) complements biostratigraphic record of “Cambrian explosion”. Sediment 2011 (Leipzig), Tagungsband, p. 34.
M. Stuff, D. Hippler, M. Koch-Müller, G. Franz (2011) Exploring Precambrian and Cambrian sedimentary apatite by Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. Sediment 2011 (Leipzig), Tagungsband, p. 96.
D. M. Banerjee, G. Franz, D. Hippler (2011) New Contribution to Mineralogy of the Mussoorie Phosphorite International Conference on Indian Monsoon and Himalayan Geodynamics IHMG-2011 (Dhera Dun, India) Conf. Vol. p. 4-5
D. Hippler, M. Stuff, F. Schiperski, N. Hu, J. Wagner, G. Franz (2010) Precambrian-Cambrian carbonate-phosphorite and chert-phosphorite assemblages from the Yangtze Platform, China. GSA Annual Meeting 2010, Denver (USA), The Geological Society of America, ISSN: 0016-7592.
D. Hippler, N. Hu, R. Mbacke, G. Scholtz, G. Franz (2010) Experimental phosphatization of crustacean embryos: The potential key to understand exceptional morphology preservation. GSA Annual Meeting 2010, The Geological Society of America, ISSN: 0016-7592.
D. Hippler (2009) Mineralogical investigations of concretionary nodules at the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary. Abstracts GV Annual Meeting 2009, Göttingen, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, ISBN: 978-3-941875-09-8, p. 61.
N. Hu (2009) Mineralogy and sedimentary facies of the first “phosphate giant”, Yangtze Platform, SW China. Abstracts GV Annual Meeting 2009, Göttingen, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, ISBN: 978-3-941875-09-8, 65.
A. Wegwerth, O. Dellwig, U. Struck, D. Hippler, P. L. Gehlken, J. Trappe, G. Franz, M. E. Böttcher, C. Heubeck (2009) Biogeochemistry and petrography of Early Cambrian phosphorites from the Meishucun section, Yangtze Platform, South China. Abstracts GV Annual Meeting 2009, Göttingen, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, ISBN: 978-3-941875-09-8, 146.
TP 7
F. Ohnemueller, A. Meixner, A. Gamper, S. A. Kasemann (2013) Ocean-pH evolution and weathering conditions during the Ediacaran: Insights from B, Sr & Li isotopes at the Gaojiashan Section, South China. Goldschmidt Tagung 2013 Florenz.
F. Ohnemueller, A. Gamper, Q. Scouflaire, S. Kasemann (2012) Ocean-pH evolution during the upper Ediacaran: Insights from boron isotopes at the Gaojiashan section, ShaanxiProvince, South China. Fermor 2012, London.