Different addresses of the Watershed Management-Module
Image Credit: Heubeck, Ch. 2007; Stumptner, A. 2004 and 2007
The Watershed Management-Module is addressed primarily to
- students of a degree programme on Watershed Management;
- students of a master's degree programme in Geo or Environmental Sciences with elective Watershed Management or sub-areas of Watershed Management;
- students in advanced-level courses of geoscientific and environmental diploma and magister degree programmes with Watershed Management as optional subject or elective.
Further addresses are
- lecturers of Geo and Environmental Sciences who teach Watershed Management;
- geoscientific and environmental professionals who want to learn self-dependently the concept of Watershed Management and
- all people interested in Watershed Management.
Due to the different addresses of the Watershed Management-Module technical terms are handled as follows:
- few technical terms are explained in the module that may - for several students - be subject matter of their basic-level course;
- for a number of terms hyperlinks to the glossary, to existing modules or information are offered. The hyperlink concept of this module is explained in 'how to learn with the materials'.
The learning targets of the Watershed Management-Module are elucidated on the next web page.