Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anna Gorbushina

AB Mineralogie-Petrologie
Materials and Environment
Dept. of Earth Sciences & Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Freie Universität Berlin
Research Interests
- Geomicrobiology & microbial ecology of rock biofilms
- Microbial weathering & soil formation
- Subaerial biofilm models on (geo)materials
- Genomics of rock-inhhabiting fungi
Academic training
Habilitation in Microbiology (Oldenburg University, Germany)1992-1997
Dr. rer.nat. in Mycology (Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia)1985-1991
Diplom in Biology / Biophysics (Universität St. Petersburg, Russia)Professional experience
Since 4/2009
Full Professor (W3), Freie Universität Berlin & Head of Department IV “Materials and Environment”, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin2007-2009
Researcher, University of Geneva, Switzerland2000-2007
Assistant Researcher, Geomicrobiology, Institute of Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), Oldenburg University1998-1999
Postdoctoral Fellow, Geomicrobiology, ICBM, Oldenburg1992-1997
Joint PhD program between Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia and ICBM, Oldenburg, Germany1991-1998
Junior Researcher, Biological Research Institute, St. Petersburg State UniversityAwards & Nominations
Feodor-Lynen-Fellowship (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)2001
DFG Research Fellowship2001
Nominated and elected member of the International Board of ISEB (International Symposia on Environmental Biogeochemistry)2001
Dorothea Erxleben Scholarship (6 years Research Assistant position)1992
St. Petersburg Natural History Society scholarship for graduate studies abroadCooperation/consultancy in national & international committees
Reviewer for various funding organizations: Israel NSF, National Environmental ResearchCouncil of Canada, Austrian Science Foundation FWF
Editorial activities
Guest Editor (2003) and Associate Editor of Geomicrobiology Journal (since 2007)Reviewer for 14 ISI-listed journals
Selected international invited presentations
AGS Annual Conference (2001), ISEB (2003); Geomycology, Uppsala (2008); Geochemistry of the Earth Surface 8 (2008); Goldschmidt Conference (2009), Gordon Research Conference on Geobiology (2011)10 Selected peer-reviewed publications – no. of citations (06/2012) in parentheses
1. Toepfer, I., Favet J.. Schulte A., Schmölling M., Butte W., Triplett E. W., Broughton W.J., Gorbushina A.A.. (2012) Pathogens as potential hitchhikers on intercontinental dust Aerobiologi, 28:221-231.2. Gorbushina, A.A., Kempe, A., Rodenacker, K., Jutting, U., Stark, R.W., Heckl, W.M., Krumbein, W.E. (2011). Quantitative 3-dimensional Image Analysis of Mineral Surface Modifications - Chemical, Mechanical and Biological. Geomicrobiology Journal. 28: 172-184.
3. Gorbushina, AA, Broughton, WJ (2009) Microbiology of the atmosphere-rock interface (how biological interactions and physical stresses regulate a sophisticated microbial system. Annual Reviews of Microbiology, Volume 63: 431-450. (20)
4. Brehm, U, Gorbushina, AA, Motterhead, D (2005) The role of microorganisms and biofilms in the breakdown and dissolution of quartz and glass. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 219: 117-129. (29)
5. Gorbushina, AA, Heyrman, J, Dornieden, Th, Gonzalez-Delvalle, M, Krumbein, WE, Laiz, L, Petersen, K, Saiz-Jimenez, C, Swings, J (2004) Bacterial and fungal diversity and biodeterioration problems in mural painting environments of St. Martins church (Greene–Kreiensen, Germany). International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 53: 13-24. (31)
6. Gorbushina, AA (2003) Microcolonial fungi: survival potential of terrestrial vegetative structures. Astrobiology 3: 543-554. (24)
7. Gorbushina, AA, Krumbein, WE and Volkmann, M (2002) Rock surfaces as life indicators: new ways to demonstrate life and traces of former life. Astrobiology 2: 203-213. (28)
8. Moehlenhoff, P, Gorbushina, AA, Petersen, K and Müller, L (2001) Molecular approaches to fungal communities characterisation: methods for DNA extraction, PCR amplification and DGGE analysis of mural paintings materials. FEMS Microbiology Letters 195: 169-173. (38)
9. Gorbushina, AA, Boettcher, M, Brumsack, H-J, Krumbein, WE, Vendrell-Saz, M (2001) Biogenic Forsterite and Opal as a Product of Biodeterioration and Lichen Stromatolite Formation in Table Mountain Systems (Tepuis) of Venezuela. Geomicrobiology Journal 18: 117-132. (22)
10. Gorbushina, AA, Krumbein, WE, Hamann, CH, Panina, L, Soukharjevski, S and Wollenzien, U (1993) On the role of black fungi in colour change and biodeterioration of antique marbles. Geomicrobiology Journal 11, 205-221. (88)
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