Dr. Christoph Gross
Diplom Geologie und Paläontologie

Postdoc | Imaging • PR Projekt Mars Express • HRSC-Experiment
Raum D-235
12249 Berlin
Gross, C., Al-Samir, M., Bishop, J.L., Poulet, F., Postberg, F., Schubert, D. (2024). Prospecting in-situ resources for future crewed missions to Mars. Acta Astronautica, Volume 223, Pages 15-24, ISSN 0094-5765, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.07.003
Ovchinnikova, A., Jaumann, R., Walter, S. H. G., Gross, C., Zuschneid, W., Postberg, F. (2024). A modeling approach for water and sediment transport in Jezero crater on Mars based on new geomorphological evidence. Icarus, 426, 116349, ISSN 0019-1035, https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.icarus.2024.116349
Jaumann, R., Tirsch, D., Adeli, S., Bahia, R., Michael, G., le Deit, L., Grau Galofre, A., Head, J.,
Bohacek, E., Gross, C., Walter, S. G. H., & Hiesinger, H. (2024). Geological Record of Water and
Wind Processes on Mars as Observed by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera.
Space Science Reviews, 220(4), 45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11214-024-01076-z
Wilk, K. A., Bishop, J. L., Weitz, C. M., Parente, M., Saranathan, A. M., Itoh, Y., Gross, C., Flahaut,
J., & Seelos, F. (2024). Characterization of aqueous alteration and formation of salty exposures
at Ius Chasma, Mars. Icarus, 408, 115800. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/
Chatzitheodoridis, E., Clerc, P., Kereszturi, A., Mason, N., Persson, E., Possnig, C., Poulet, L., Puumala, M., Sivula, O., Brucato, J. R., Cesari, L., Detrell, G., Ditrych, O., Fornaro, T., Gonçalves, B., Gross, C., Hedlund, M., Hofmann, M., Krassakis, A., … Tracht, K. (2024). Towards Permanent Settlements on Mars (from 1000 to 100,000 People). In C. Verseux, M. Gargaud, K. Lehto, & M. Viso (Eds.), Mars and the Earthlings: A Realistic View on Mars Exploration and Settlement (pp. 253–339). Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-66881-4_8
Siljeström, S., Baatout, S., de Vera, J.-P., Dehant, V., Freissinet, C., Gross, C., Lee, N. M., Mangold, N., Noack, L., Plesa, A.-C., Rivoldini, A., & ten Kate, I. L. (2024). Mars in Short: Past and Present Geology and Climate. In C. Verseux, M. Gargaud, K. Lehto, & M. Viso (Eds.), Mars and the Earthlings: A Realistic View on Mars Exploration and Settlement (pp. 5–50). Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-66881-4_2
Gross, C., Al-Samir, M., Bishop, J. L., Poulet, F., Postberg, F., Schubert, D. (2024). Resource Reconnaissance for Future Crewed Missions to Mars. Europlanet Science Congress 2024, held 8-13 September, 2024 at Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany. Online at https://www.epsc2024.eu/, id. EPSC2024-807
Ovchinnikova, A., Jaumann, R., Walter, S. H. G., Gross, C., Zuschneid, W., Postberg, F. (2024).Water and Sediment Transport Processes in Jezero Crater. Europlanet Science Congress 2024, held 8-13 September, 2024 at Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany. Online at https://www.epsc2024.eu/, id. EPSC2024-748
Bishop, J. L., Meusburger, J. M., Talla, D., Weitz, C. M., Parente, M., Gross, C., Saranathan, A. M., Itho, Y., Gruendler, M. R. D., Howells, A., Yeşilbaş, M., Hiroi, T., Schmitt, B., Maturilli, A., Al-Samir, M., Bristow, F., Lafuente, B. and Wildner, M. (2024). Characterizing the New Mineral FeSO4OH on Mars and Describing its Geochemical History and Association with Other Sulfates. Europlanet Science Congress 2024, held 8-13 September, 2024 at Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany. Online at https://www.epsc2024.eu/, id. EPSC2024-289
Bishop, J. L., Weitz, C. M., Parente, M., Gross, C., Saranathan, A. M., Itho, Y., Meusburger, J. M., Gruendler, M. R. D., Talla, D., Howells, A. (2024). Characterizing Fe Hydroxysulfate at Aram Chaos and the Juventae Chasma Plateau to Constrain the Geochemical History of Mars. Tenth International Conference on Mars, held 22-25 July, 2024 in Pasadena, California and Virtually. LPI Contribution No. 3007, 2024, id.3428
Weitz, C. M., Bishop, J. L., Parente, M., Itoh, Y., Saranathan, A., Al-Samir, M., Gross, C. (2024). Analyses of the Sulfates Within Juventae Chasma Using New CRISM Processing Techniques. Tenth International Conference on Mars, held 22-25 July, 2024 in Pasadena, California and Virtually. LPI Contribution No. 3007, 2024, id.3356
Bishop, J. L., Weitz, C. M., Parente, M., Gross, C., Saranathan, A. M., Itho, Y., Meusburger, J. M.,
Gruendler, M. R. D., Al-Samir, M. (2024). Investigating Sulfate Alteration on the Juventae
Chasma Plateau to Reconstruct the Ancient Geochemical History. 55th Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference, Abstract # 3040
Online HRSC-Presseveröffentlichungen 2024
2023Bishop, J. L., Gruendler, K. E. W., Parente, M., Saranathan, A. M., Gross, C. (2023). Investigating
the Diversity of Phyllosilicates and Sulfates at Mawrth Vallis, Mars and the Implications for
Changing Environmental Conditions. 55th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary
Sciences, id. 217.06. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 55, No. 8 e-id
Gruendler, K. E. W., Bishop, J. L., Parente, M., Saranathan, A. M., Gross, C. (2023).
Characterization of Moist Environments at Mawrth Vallis, Mars Through Comparison with
Volcanic Alteration on the Island of Kauai. 55th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary
Sciences, id. 212.02. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 55, No. 8 e-id
Schreiner, B. P., Gross, C., Jaumann, R., Neesemann, A., Walter, S. H. G. (2023). Virtual Reality:
Visualisation of Mars Image Data from HRSC, CTX and HiRISE for Public Outreach and
Research. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract # 2806
Gross, C., Munteanu, R. R. C., Walter, S. H. G., Patermann, L., Schreiner, B., Jaumann, R.,
HRSC/Mars Express Teams. (2023). 20 Years of High Resolution Stereo Camera Image Releases
of ESA's Mars Express Mission. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract # 1951
Bishop, J. L., Parente, M., Saranathan, A. M., Gross, C., Itho, Y., Elwood Madden, M. E. (2023).
Diverse Phyllosilicate Assemblages in the Mawrth Vallis Channel. 54th Lunar and Planetary
Science Conference, Abstract # 1913
Online HRSC-Presseveröffentlichungen 2023
2022Walter, S. H. G., Gross, C., Neesemann, A., Munteanu, R., Jaumann, R., Postberg, F., Bell, J.
(2022). An Interactive Virtual Hiking Map for Jezero Crater, the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
Landing Site. European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC), Grenada, Spain, 18-23 September,
Schreiner, B. P., Gross, C., Neesemann, A., Walter, S. H. G., Postberg, F. (2022). Virtual Reality:
Visualisation of Mars HRSC Image Data for Public Outreach and Research. 53rd Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1921
Gross, C., Al-Samir, M., Bishop, J. L., Poulet, F., Schubert, D., Zabel, P. (2022). Prospecting In-Situ
Resources for Future Manned Missions to Mars. 53 rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
Abstract #1946
Walter, S. H. G., Neu, D., Gross, C., Neesemann, A., Balthasar, H., Jaumann, R., Postberg, F.
(2022). An Interactive Virtual Hiking Map for the Mars 2020 Perseverance Landing Site, Jezero
Crater. 53 rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1921
Online HRSC-Presseveröffentlichungen 2022
2021Gross, C., Balthasar, H., Dumke, A., Neu, D., Schreiner, B., Walter, S., Jaumann, R. (2021) Looking Back to 17 Successful Years of High Resolution Stereo Camera Image Release on ESA's Mars Express Mission. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 15-19 March, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2548, id.1480.
Bishop, J. L., Parente, M., Saranathan, A. M., Itho, Y., Gross, C. (2021). The Clay Sulfate Transition
at Mawrth Vallis and Implications for Changes in the Geochemical Environment and Climate.
AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Abstract P24A-09
Al-Samir, M., Gross, C., Schubert, D. (2021). A Plausible Formation Model for the Maja Valles
Outflow Channel System. 52 nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1491
Neesemann, A., Walter, S. H. G., Gross, C., Jaumann, R., Gwinner, K., Michael, G. G., Schreiner,
B. P., Zuschneid, W., Neu, D., Balthasar, H., Raberhge, C., Riedel, C., Kersten, E., Tirsch, D. (2021).
High-Precision Topographic Ma pof the Mars 2020 Landing Site as Part of the MC-13E Syrtis
Majoe Quadrangle Digital Terrain Model. 52 nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference,
Abstract #2509
Wilk, K. A., Bishop, J. L., Itho, Y., Saranathan, A. M., Parente, M., Weitz, C. M., Flahaut, J., Gross,
C., Seelos, F. (2021). Characterizing Unusual Deposits at Ius Chasma, Mars. 52 nd Lunar and
Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1322
Online HRSC-Presseveröffentlichungen 2021
2020Bishop, J. L., C. Gross,J. Danielsen, M. Parente, S. L. Murchie, B. Horgan, J. J. Wray, C. Viviano, F. P. Seelos (2020) Multiple mineral horizons in layered outcrops at Mawrth Vallis, Mars, signify changing geochemical environments on early Mars, Icarus, Volume 341, article id. 113634, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.113634.
Bishop, J., Usabal, G., Miura, J., Yesilbas, M., Itoh, Y., Saranathan, A., Parente, M., Gross, G., Danielsen, J. and Murchie, S. (2020) Characterization of sulfates and salty soils in the phyllosilicate-rich layered outcrops at Mawrth Vallis, Mars. AAS Division of Planetary Science meeting #52, id. 311.06. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 52, No. 6 e-id 2020n6i311p06.
Bishop J.L., Parente M., Saranathan A.M., Itoh Y., Weitz C.M., Flahaut J., Gross C., Danielsen J.M., Usabal G. & Miura J. (2020) Implementing New Feature Extraction Techniques for Characterization of Complex Mineral Signatures of Salty Regions on Mars. IEEE IGARSS: International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Abstract #1502.
Schreiner, B. P., Neu, D., Musiol, S.; Balthasar, H., Dumke, A., Gross, C., Michael, G. G. (2020) HRSC on Mars Express - Imaging for Public Outreach: Global Colour Mars View, in LPI Contribution No. 2326, p.2437.
Gross, C., Bishiop, J. L. (2020) Tracking Layered Deposits Across the Dichotomy Boundary into the Northern Lowlands of Mars, in LPI Contribution No. 2326, p.2278.
Ehrlich, J., Gross, C. (2020) Morphological Mapping of Becquerel Crater, Mars and Comparison of Light-Toned Layered Deposit Formation Theories, in LPI Contribution No. 2326, p. 1988.
Poulet, F., C. Gross, B. Horgan, D. Loizeau, J. L. Bishop, J. Carter, and C. Orgel (2020), Mawrth Vallis, Mars: a fascinating place for in situ exploration, Astrobiology, 20(2), doi:10.1089/ast.2019.2074.
Online HRSC-Presseveröffentlichungen 2020
Bishop, J. L., J. Flahaut, C. Gross, S. Perrin, J. M. Danielsen, J. K. Miura, G. S. Usabal, A. M. Sessa, J. J. Wray, K. Warren-Rhodes, N. W. Hinman, and N. A. Cabrol (2019), Identifying Environmental Change and Seeking Potentially Habitable Sites on Mars at Mawrth Vallis Through Correlation with Analog Expeditions on Earth, in Astrobiology Science Conference, 312–3.
Bishop, J. L., C. Gross, J. M. Danielsen, S. Perrin, J. K. Miura, G. S. Usabal, A. M. Sessa, and J. J. Wray (2019), Multiple Mineral Horizons at Mawrth Vallis, Mars, Represent Changing Environmental Conditions, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-1175.
Bishop, J. L., C. M. Weitz, J. Flahaut, C. Gross, A. M. Saranathan, J. M. Danielsen, G. S. Usabal, J. K. Miura, Y. Itoh, and M. Parente (2019), Salty Residues on Mars Mark Changing Geochemical Environments, in LPI Contribution No. 2089, p. 6148.
Gross, C., J. L. Bishop, J. Carter, B. Horgan, D. Loizeau, C. Orgel, and F. Poulet (2019), Investigating Fractured Phyllosilicate-Rich Deposits at Mawrth-Vallis, Mars, in LPI Contribution No. 2083, p. 1517.
Michael, G. G., S. H. Walter, W. Zuschneid, C. Gross, B. Schreiner, and K. Gwinner (2019), Brightness Equalization for Mars Images as Applied to HRSC Image Mosaics, in LPI Contribution No. 2151, p. 7058.
Musiol, S., H. Balthasar, A. Dumke, C. Gross, G. Michael, D. Neu, B. Schreiner, and R. Jaumann (2019), 15 Years High Resolution Stereo Camera Observations with ESA's Mars Express Mission, in LPI Contribution No. 2083, p. 1537.
Schreiner, B. P., D. Neu, S. Musiol, H. Balthasar, A. Dumke, C. Gross, and G. G. Michael (2019), HRSC on Mars Express - Image Mosaicking for Public Outreach: Korolev Crater, in LPI Contribution No. 2083, p. 2735.
Weitz, C. M., J. L. Bishop, J. Flahaut, C. Gross, A. M. Saranathan, Y. Itoh, and M. Parente (2019), Evidence for Hesperian Acidic Alteration in Ius Chasma, in LPI Contribution No. 2089, p. 6240.
Online HRSC-Presseveröffentlichungen 2019
Bishop, J. L., A. G. Fairén, J. R. Michalski, L. Gago-Duport, L. L. Baker, M. A. Velbel, C. Gross, and E. B. Rampe (2018), Surface clay formation during short-term warmer and wetter conditions on a largely cold ancient Mars, Nature Astronomy, 2(3), 206–213, doi:10.1038/s41550-017-0377-9.
Bishop, J. L., J. J. Wray, A. M. Sessa, J. M. Danielson, B. L. Ehlmann, S. L. Murchie, B. Horgan, C. Gross, M. Parente, and F. P. Seelos (2018), Evidence of Salty Residues in Layered Outcrops at Mawrth Vallis and Implications for Evaporative Environments on Early Mars, in LPI Contribution No. 2083, p. 1117.
Gross, C., C. Orgel, F. Poulet, J. Carter, B. Horgan, and J. L. Bishop (2018), ExoMars 2020: High priority science targets within the Mawrth Vallis candidate landing site, in LPI Contribution No. 2083, 1405.
Musiol, S., H. Balthasar, A. Dumke, C. Gross, D. Neu, B. Schreiner, and R. Jaumann (2018), 15 years of fascinating Mars press images and movies from the High Resolution Stereo Camera on Mars Express, prepared at Freie Universität Berlin, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 12, EPSC2018-329.
Tirsch, D., R. Jaumann, S. Adeli, H. Berhardt, J. L. Bishop, L. Fanara, C. Gross, K. Gwinner, E. Hauber, J. W. Head, H. Hiesinger, G. Michael, J.-P. Muller, F. Poulet, D. Reiss, D. A. Williams, P. Pinet, B. Foing, and T. McCord (2018), The Complex Geomorphology of Neukum Crater on Mars, in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-1959-2.
Online HRSC-Presseveröffentlichungen 2018
Al-Samir, M., S. Nabhan, J. Fritz, A. Winkler, J. L. Bishop, C. Gross, and R. Jaumann (2017), The paleolacustrine evolution of Juventae Chasma and Maja Valles and its implications for the formation of interior layered deposits on Mars, Icarus, 292, 125–143, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.12.023.
Bishop, J. L., L. L. Baker, A. G. Fairén, C. Gross, M. A. Velbel, E. B. Rampe, and J. R. Michalski (2017), Unraveling the Diversity of Early Aqueous Environments and Climate on Mars Through the Phyllosilicate Record, in LPI Contribution No. 1964, 1804.
Bishop, J. L., A. G. Fairén, J. R. Michalski, L. Gago-Duport, L. L. Baker, M. A. Velbel, C. Gross, and E. B. Rampe (2017), Diverse Early Aqueous Environments and Climate on Mars Revealed by the Phyllosilicate Record, in LPI Contribution No. 2014, 3030.
Gross, C., J. Carter, F. Poulet, D. Loizeau, J. L. Bishop, B. Horgan, and J. Michalski (2017), Mawrth Vallis \mdash An Auspicious Destination for the ESA and NASA 2020 Landers, in LPI Contribution No. 1964, 2194.
Online HRSC-Presseveröffentlichungen 2017
2017 und älter