Dr. Nozair Khawaja
Ph.D. in Geowissenschaften
Master in Astronomie und Weltraumwissenschaften

Postdoc | Projekt Habitat-OASIS
Raum D-222
12249 Berlin
Auszeichnungen & Preise:
• Group Achievement Award der National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) für Cassini's Cosmic Dust Analyzer Experiment, 2019.
• Gewinner des ersten Preises - the Horneck-Brack Award - bei der European Astrobiology Network Association Conference in Berlin, 2018.
• Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM-2010) Auszeichnung der European Cooperation in Science and Technology, ECOST - action chemical cosmos.
• seit 2023
Professionelles Mitglied in NASA's Europa-Clipper Wissenschaftsteam
• seit 2022
Co-Investigator des BIOSIGN (Biosignaturen und bewohnbare Nischen) Projekts mit PI Dr. Jean-Pierre de Vera.
• seit 2021
Principle-Investigator des Hydrothermalexperiments zur Simulation der extraterrestrischen hydrothermalen Aktivität auf Ozeanwelten.
• seit 2018
Co-Investigator des Destiny Dust Analyzer (DDA) Experiments auf der Destiny Plus Mission der JAXA.
• seit 10/2018
Postdoc in der Forschungsgruppe Planetologie und Fernerkundung an der FU Berlin.
• 02/2017 - 09/2018
Postdoc in der Forschungsgruppe Planetary Science by Space Missions am Institut für Geowissenschaften der Universität Heidelberg.
• 11/2012 - 12/2016
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Geowissenschaften der Universität Heidelberg.
• Raumfahrtmission Cassini: Projektbeteiligung am Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA)
• Raumfahrtmission Europa Clipper: Projektbeteiligung am Surface Dust Analyzer (SUDA)
• Raumfahrtmission Destiny+: Projektbeteiligung am Destiny Dust Analyzer (DDA)
• Mitglied der Heidelberg Initiative for Origins of Life (HIFOL)
• Gründungsmitglied des Astrobiology Network of Pakistan
WiSe 22/23
Introduction to Planetary Sciences and Planet Formation (Übung: 24151002), MSc Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration
Special Topics on Space Exploration: Astrobiology -The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and its Feedback in Society (Vorlesung: 24153701, Übung: 24153702), MSc Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration
Projekt Habitat-OASIS:
• Analyse der Zusammensetzung von Eisteilchen aus dem unterirdischen Ozean des Saturnmondes Enceladus
Weitere Projekte:
• Entwicklung von Instrumenten zur Simulation der physiochemischen Prozesse auf Enceladus und anderen Eiskörpern im Sonnensystem
• Kalibrationen für den Surface Dust Analyzer (SUDA) - ein Instrument auf der Europa Clipper Mission der NASA
• Kalibrationen für den Destiny Dust Analyzer (DDA) - ein Instrument auf der Destiny+ Mission der JAXA
• Massenspektrometrie
• Astrobiologie
• Äußere Planetensysteme und außerirdische Ozeanwelten
• Kometen/Asteroiden
• Planung von Raumfahrtkampagnen und -missionen
» weitere Publikationen und Konferenzbeiträge bei Google Scholar.
2023N. Khawaja, T. R. O’Sullivan, F. Klenner, L. H. Sanchez, J. Hillier (2023) Discriminating Aromatic Parent Compounds and Their Derivative Isomers in Ice Grains From Enceladus and Europa Using a Laboratory Analogue for Spaceborne Mass Spectrometers, Earth and Space Science (ESS), https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EA002807
Frank Postberg, Yasuhito Sekine....Nozair Khawaja....(2023) Detection of phosphate in Enceladus’ ocean with implications for geochemistry and habitability in the outer solar system, EGU General Assembly 2023-5425, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-5425
2022Nozair Khawaja, Jon Hillier, Fabian Klenner, Lenz Nölle, Zenghui Zou, Maryse Napoleoni, Rene Reviol and Frank Postberg (2022) Complementary Mass Spectral Analysis of Isomeric O-bearing Organic Compounds and Fragmentation Differences through Analog Techniques for Spaceborne Mass Spectrometers, The Planetary Science Journal DOI 10.3847/PSJ/ac97ed
Marie Dannenmann, Fabian Klenner, Janine Bönigk, Miriam Pavlista, Maryse Napoleoni, Jon Hillier, Nozair Khawaja, Karen Olsson-Francis, Morgan L. Cable, Michael J. Malaska, Bernd Abel, and Frank Postberg (2022) Toward Detecting Biosignatures of DNA, Lipids, and Metabolic Intermediates from Bacteria in Ice Grains Emitted by Enceladus and Europa, Astrobiology 23 (1), 60-75
F Klenner, J Bönigk, M Napoleoni, M Dannenmann, N Khawaja, J Hillier, ... One is Enough: Identifying Cell Material in a Single µm-sized Ice Grain Emitted by Enceladus or Europa, AGU Fall Meeting 2022
Y Sekine, F Postberg, F Klenner, CR Glein, Z Zou, B Abel, J Hillier, ...N Khawaja (2022) Detection of Phosphate in Enceladus' Ocean: Its Implications for Geochemistry and Habitability, AGU Fall Meeting 2022
F Postberg, F Klenner, Z Zou, JK Hillier, N Khawaja, L Nölle, J Schmidt (2022) Detection of Phosphates Originating from Enceladus' Ocean by Cassini's Cosmic Dust Analyzer, European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2022-639
M Napoleoni, F Klenner, N Khawaja, JK Hillier, F Postberg (2022) Analogue Experiments for the Mass Spectral Analysis of Organic Compounds form the Salt-rich Surface of Europa, European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2022-193
F Klenner, J Bönigk, M Napoleoni, M Dannenmann, M Pavlista, ...N Khawaja (2022) Experiments for the Identification of Bacterial Cell Material in Single Ice Grains Emitted by Enceladus and Europa, European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2022-304
N Khawaja, J Hillier, L Nölle, F Klenner, M Napoleoni, F Postberg (2022) On the Composition of Organic-bearing Plume Ice Grains Detected during Cassini's E5 Enceladus Flyby, European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2022-909
F Klenner, M Umair, SHG Walter, N Khawaja, J Hillier, L Nölle, Z Zou, ... (2022) Developing a laser induced liquid beam ion desorption spectral database as reference for spaceborne mass spectrometers Earth and Space Science 9 (9), e2022EA002313
M Trieloff, H Kimura, F Postberg, H Krüger, P Strub, J Leitner, V Sterken, ... N Khawaja (2022) Comparing meteoritic stardust with contemporary interstellar dust measured by Cassini and DESTINY+-constraining models of dust processing in the interstellar medium, EPSC2022
M Napoleoni, N Khawaja, J Hillier, F Postberg, F Klenner (2022) Analogue experiments for the mass spectral analysis of organic compounds from the surface of Europa, 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July 44, 497
N Khawaja, M Napoleoni, J Hillier, F Postberg, F Klenner, L Nölle, ... (2022) On the organic material emitted by Enceladus 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July 44, 496
2021A Ershova, J Schmidt, F Postberg, N Khawaja, L Nölle, R Srama (2021) Compositional profiles of the Enceladus dust plume from CDA measurements at flybys E5 and E17, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, P35C-2152
F Klenner, M Napoleoni, J Bonigk, M Pavlista, J Hillier, N Khawaja, ... (2021) Experiments with Bacterial DNA, Lipids and Lysates for the Identification of Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Enceladus and Europa, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, P35C-2144
R Srama, H Kruger, T Arai, A Exle, J Glaser, J Hillier, M Horanyi, S Ingerl, ... N Khawaja (2021) Characterize our Dust Environment with DESTINY+, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, P34A-08
L Nolle, F Postberg, S Kempf, J Schmidt, J Hillier, N Khawaja, F Klenner, ... (2021) The Compositional Impact of a Dynamical Bottleneck within Saturns E-ring AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, P34A-03
L Spilker, M Cable, C Porco, C Glein, J Lunine, C Phillips, C German, ... N Khawaja (2021) The Science Case for a Return to Enceladus, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, P32A-08
F Postberg, Z Zou, J Hillier, N Khawaja, F Klenner, L Nolle, J Schmidt (2021) Compositional heterogeneity of salt-rich grains emitted from Enceladus subsurface ocean, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, P32A-05
J Bönigk, M Pavlista, F Klenner, M Napoleoni, JK Hillier, N Khawaja, ... (2021) Analogue Experiments for the Identification of Bacterial Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Enceladus and Europa Using Mass Spectrometry, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 53 (7), 106.03
ML Cable, C Porco, CR Glein, CR German, SM MacKenzie, M Neveu, ... N Khawaja (2021) The science case for a return to Enceladus, The planetary science journal 2 (4), 132
Bönigk, J., Pavlista, M., Klenner, F., Napoleoni, M., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Dannenmann, M., Klauck, E., Abel, B., Olsson-Francis, K., and Postberg, F. (2021) Analogue experiments for the detection of bacterial biosignatures in ice grains relevant to ocean worlds. EPSC Abstracts Vol.15, EPSC2021-277 (held online).
Napoleoni, M., Klenner, F., Pavlista, M., Bönigk, J., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Dannenmann, M., Klauck, E., Abel, B., Olsson-Francis, K., and Postberg, F. (2021) Analogue experiments for the detection of bacterial biosignatures in ice grains from ocean worlds. Astrobiology Graduate Conference, Tokyo, Japan (held online).
Napoleoni, M., Klenner, F., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Hand, K., and Postberg, F. (2021) Analogue experiments for the identification of organics in ice grains from Europa using mass spectrometry. EPSC Abstracts Vol.15, EPSC2021-494 (held online).
Nölle, L., Postberg, F., Kempf, S., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Klenner, F., Hsu, S., and Srama, R. (2021) Compositional Indicators for a Dynamical Barrier within Saturn's E-ring. EPSC Abstracts Vol.15, EPSC2021-146 (held online).
Khawaja, N., Klenner, F., and Hillier, J. (2021) Mass Spectral Analysis of Benzoic Acid and its Derivative Compounds using an Analogue Experiment for Space-based Impact Ionization Mass Spectrometers. EPSC Abstracts Vol.15, EPSC2021-584 (held online).
Klenner, F., Napoleoni, M., Bönigk, J., Pavlista, M., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Dannenmann, M., Klauck, E., Abel, B., Olsson-Francis, K., and Postberg, F. (2021) Detecting microbial biosignatures in ice grains from Europa and Enceladus using mass spectrometry. Goldschmidt, Abstract ID 6922, Lyon, France (held online).
Hillier, J., Armes, S. P., Eckart, L. M., Khawaja, N., Klenner, F., Postberg, F., Srama, R., Sternovsky, S., Trieloff, M. (2021) Simulating hypervelocity cosmic dust in the laboratory. PERC Int’l symposium on Dust & Parent bodies (IDP2021; held online).
Pavlista, M., Bönigk, J., Klenner, F., Napoleoni, M., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Dannenmann, M., Klauck, E., Abel, B., Olsson-Fancis, K., and Postberg, F. (2021) Experiments for the detection of microbial biosignatures in ice grains from Europa and Enceladus. EGU General Assembly (held online).
Klenner, F., Khawaja, N., Hillier, J., Zou, Z., Dannenmann, M., and Postberg, F. (2020) Exploring Enceladus and other ocean worlds using mass spectrometry. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (held online).
Klenner, F., Postberg, F., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Dannenmann, M., Cable, M. L., and Abel, B. (2020) Discriminating Abiotic and Biotic Chemistry on Active Ocean Worlds. Goldschmidt, Honolulu, USA (held online).
Dannenmann, M., Klenner, F., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Zou, Z. and Postberg, F. (2020) Analogue experiments for the detection of microorganisms on Enceladus and Europa, EPSC Abstracts Vol.14, EPSC2020-793.
Khawaja, N., Hillier, J., Klenner, F., Nölle, L. and Postberg, F. (2020) Comparative Study of Mass Spectrometry Techniques Relevant to Current and Future Space Missions, EPSC Abstracts Vol.14, EPSC2020-827.
Klenner, F., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, M. L. Cable, B. Abel, S. Kempf, C.R. Glein, J.I. Lunine, R. Hodyss, R. Reviol and F. Stolz (2020), Discriminating Abiotic and Biotic Fingerprints of Amino Acids and Fatty Acids in Ice Grains Relevant to Ocean Worlds, Astrobiology 20 (10): 1168-1184. doi:10.1089/ast.2019.2188.
Klenner, F., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, R. Reviol, F. Stolz, M. L. Cable, B. Abel, and L. Nölle (2020), Analog Experiments for the Identification of Trace Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Extraterrestrial Ocean Worlds, Astrobiology 20 (2). doi:10.1089/ast.2019.2065.
Klenner, F., Postberg, F., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Cable, M. L., Abel, B., Kempf, S., Lunine, Jonathan, Glein, C.R. (2020) A Method to Discriminate between Abiotic and Biotic Processes on Cryovolcanically Active Ocean Worlds. 22nd EGU General Assembly, held online 4-8 May, 2020, id. 9105.
Zou, Z., Postberg, F., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Klenner, F., Nölle, L. (2020) Compositional heterogeneity amongst salt-rich grains emitted from Enceladus' subsurface ocean. 22nd EGU General Assembly, held online 4-8 May, 2020, id. 18970.
Buratti, B. J., P. C. Thomas, E. Roussos, C. Howett, M. Seiß, A. R. Hendrix, P. Helfenstein, R. H. Brown, R. N. Clark, T. Denk, G. Filacchione, H. Hoffmann, G. H. Jones, N. Khawaja, P. Kollmann, N. Krupp, J. Lunine, T. W. Momary, C. Paranicas, F. Postberg, M. Sachse, F. Spahn, J. Spencer, R. Srama, T. Albin, K. H. Baines, M. Ciarniello, T. Economou, H.-W. Hsu, S. Kempf, S. M. Krimigis, D. Mitchell, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, P. D. Nicholson, C. C. Porco, H. Rosenberg, J. Simolka, and L. A. Soderblom (2019), Close Cassini flybys of Saturn's ring moons Pan, Daphnis, Atlas, Pandora, and Epimetheus, Science, 364(6445), doi:10.1126/science.aat2349.
Ershova, A., J. Schmidt, F. Postberg, N. Khawaja, and L. Nölle (2019), Compositional Profiles of the Enceladus Dust Plume from CDA measurements at flybys E5 and E17, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-1401.
Khawaja, N., and F. Klenner (2019), Astrobiology - a roadmap for Pakistan vol 5, issue 2, MIT Technology Review PK, Pakistan.
Khawaja, N., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, F. Klenner, S. Kempf, L. Nölle, R. Reviol, Z. Zou, and R. Srama (2019), Low-mass nitrogen-, oxygen-bearing, and aromatic compounds in Enceladean ice grains, MNRAS, 489(4), 5231–5243, doi:10.1093/mnras/stz2280.
Khawaja, N., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, F. Klenner, and L. Nölle (2019), Volatile and Refractory Organic Material from the Hydrothermal Depths of Enceladus’ Subsurface Ocean, in Goldschmidt Abstracts, p. 1663.
Khawaja, N., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, F. Klenner, L. Nölle, and R. Reviol (2019), Astrobiologically relevant precursor organic compounds from the subsurface ocean of Enceladus, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-474.
Khawaja, N., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, F. Klenner, S. Kempf, L. Nölle, R. Reviol, Z. Zou, and R. Srama (2019), Detection of low mass amines, carbonyls and aromatics from within Enceladus – suitable precursors for biologically-relevant hydrothermal synthesis, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, P24A-06.
Klenner, F., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, R. Reviol, and R. Srama (2019), Calibrating Impact Ionization Detectors for Hypervelocity Water Ice Grains from Ocean Worlds, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-250.
Klenner, F., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, and F. Stolz (2019), Experiments for the Identification of Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Extraterrestrial Ocean Worlds, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-1754.
Klenner, F., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, and F. Stolz (2019), Experiments for the Identification of Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Extraterrestrial Ocean Worlds, in Goldschmidt Abstracts, p. 1711.
Klenner, F., F. Postberg, J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, R. Reviol, R. Srama, B. Abel, F. Stolz, and S. Kempf (2019), Analogue spectra for impact ionization mass spectra of water ice grains obtained at different impact speeds in space, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 33(22), 1751–1760, doi:10.1002/rcm.8518.
Nölle, L., F. Postberg, N. Khawaja, J. Hillier, Z. Zou, S. Hsu, T. Albin, and R. Srama (2019), Chemical ‘aging’ of icy dust grains in Saturn’s E-ring, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-468.
Postberg, F., N. Khawaja, L. Nölle, F. Klenner, J. Hillier, H.-W. Hsu, R. Srama, G. Tobie, A. Bouquet, J. H. Waite, and C. R. Glein (2019), Origins of Organic Matter in Enceladus' Plume, in Astrobiology Science Conference, 203–4.
Postberg, F., N. Khawaja, L. Nölle, F. Klenner, J. Hillier, G. Tobie, G. Choblet, C. Glein, A. Bouquet, and J. Schmidt (2019), The long Journey of Organic Material from Enceladus Hydrothermal Core into the Plume, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-1960.
Srama, R., M. Kobayashi, H. Krüger, T. Arai, H. Kimura, M. Trieloff, J. Agarwal, Y. Li, F. Postberg, N. Khawaja, J. K. Hillier, M. Sommer, H. Strack, N. Altobelli, S. Kempf, Z. Sternovsky, and A. Mocker (2019), Dust Astronomy with DESTINY PLUS at 1 AU, in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-9105.
Frank Postberg, Nozair Khawaja,et al. Macromolecular organic compounds from the depths of Enceladus. Nature 558, 564 – 568 (2018).
Hsiang-Wen Hsu, Jürgen Schmidt, Sascha Kempf, Frank Postberg, ..., Nozair Khawaja, ... Ralf Srama, In situ collection of dust grains falling from Saturn’s rings into its atmosphere. Science.
Nozair Khawaja (invited) et al. Enceladus—A potentially habitable ocean world in the Solar System. Conference Paper, Interdisciplinary Origin of Life Meeting (IOoL-2018), Düsseldorf, Germany.
Nozair Khawaja (invited), Frank Postberg et al. Complex macromolecular organic structure from the subsurface ocean of Enceladus. Conference Paper, European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA-2018) Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Nozair Khawaja (invited), Frank Postberg, Fabian Klenner, Lenz Nölle, Rene Reviol. Cassini’s mass spectrometers find complex organic material in ice grains from the subsurface ocean of Enceladus. Conference Paper, Advances in Space Mass Spectrometry for the Search of Extraterrestrial Signs of Life-2018, Orlean, France.
Nozair Khawaja, Frank Postberg, Fabian Klenner, Simon Linti. Compositional Analysis of F ring Ice Grains on Cassini’s Ring-Grazing Orbits. Dusty Visions (2018), Conference Paper, European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC) Madrid, Spain.
Frank Postberg (Invited), Hsiang-Wen Hsu, Ralf Srama, ... , Nozair Khawaja & Christian Fischer. Enceladus’ complex organics, Saturn’s main ring composition and Oort Cloud dust: the latest and best from Cassini’s CDA. Conference Paper, American Geophysical Union (AGU-2018) Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C. USA.
Postberg, F. (Invited), Khawaja, N., Reviol, R., Nölle, L., Klenner, F., Hsu, H.-W. & Horanyi, M. On Organic Material in E Ring Ice Grains. Conference Paper, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2015, San Francisco, USA.
Frank Postberg, Nozair Khawaja, Lenz Nölle, Fabian Klenner. From a hydrothermal core into space: life and fate of Enceladean organic molecules. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA (2018).
Postberg Frank, Khawaja Nozair, Klein Christopher, ... , Waite J. Hunter. Schmidt. Macromolecular organic compounds emerging from the Enceladus ocean. Conference Paper, European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC-2018), Berlin, Germany.
Srama Ralf, Hsu Sean, Kempf Sascha, ... , Khawaja Nozair, ... , Seiss Martin. The dust environment of Saturn within Saturn’s D ring: CDA results of the Grand Finale of Cassini. Conference Paper, European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC-2018), Berlin, Germany
Klenner Fabian, Postberg Frank, Stolz Ferdinad, Khawaja Nozair, Reviol Rene. Analog mass spectra of astrobiologically relevant organic material for spaceborne mass spectrometers and their future implications. Conference Paper, European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC-2018), Berlin, Germany.
Klenner Fabian, Postberg Frank, Stolz Ferdinad, Khawaja Nozair, Reviol Rene. Analog mass spectra of astrobiologically relevant organic material for spaceborne mass spectrometers. Conference Paper, European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA-2018) Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Fabian Klenner, Frank Postberg, Nozair Khawaja, Rene Reviol. The Heidelberg analog experiment for spaceborne mass spectrometers. Conference Paper, Advances in Space Mass Spectrometry for the Search of Extraterrestrial Signs of Life-2018, Orlean, France.
Hsu, H.-W., Schmidt, J., Kempf, S., Postberg, F., ... , Khawaja, N., ... , Srama, R. Cosmic Dust Analyzer onboard Cassini Collects Material from Saturn’s Main Rings. Conference Paper, Magenetosphere of the Outer Planets (MOP) conference-2018, Boulder USA.
Hsiang-Wen HSU, Frank POSTBERG, Sascha KEMPF, Georg MORAGAS-KLOSTERMEYER, Mihaly HORANYI, Martin SEISS, Marcia BURTON, ..., Nozair KHAWAJA, Ralf SRAMA. A Dusty Road Connecting Saturn and Its Rings - Preliminary Results from Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser During the Grand Finale Mission. Conference Paper, AOGS-2018, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
Ralf Srama, Hsiang-Wen Hsu, Sascha Kempf, ... , Nozair Khawaja, ... , Mou Roy.The dust environment of Saturn within Saturn's D ring: CDA results of the Grand Finale of Cassini. Conference Paper, COSPAR-2018, Pasadena, California, USA.
Frank Postberg, Nozair Khawaja, Hsiang-Wen Hsu, Sascha Kempf, ... , Hunter Waite.Macromolecular organic compounds from Enceladus. Conference Paper, COSPAR-2018, Pasadena, California, USA.
Ralf Srama, Masanori Kobayashi, ... , Nozair Khawaja, ... , Eberhard Grün. Dust astronomy with the mission Destiny Plus. Conference Paper, COSPAR-2018, Pasadena, California, USA.
Hsiang-Wen Hsu, Ralf Srama, Sascha Kempf, Frank Postberg, ... , Nozair Khawaja, ... , Geraint H. Jones. The first direct detection of Saturn’s main ring material – Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer Gran Finale results. Conference Paper, COSPAR-2018, Pasadena, California, USA
Hsu, S.; Horanyi, M.; Kempf, S.;... ; Khawaja, N.; ... ; Srama, R. A dusty road connecting Saturn and its rings - preliminary results from Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser during the Grand Finale Mission. Conference Paper, EGU-2018, Vienna Austria.
Ralf Srama, Masanori Kobayashi, Harald Kueger, ... , Nozair Khawaja, ... , Zoltan Sternovsky. Dust Astronomy with Destiny Plus at 1 AU. Conference Paper, EGU-2018, Vienna Austria.
Nozair Khawaja (invited); Frank Postberg; Fabian Klenner; ... ; Zenghui Zou. Conference Paper, The Latest on Enceladus - an Active Ocean World in the Solar System. ICASE-2017, Islamabad, Pakistan.
N. Khawaja , F. Postberg , J. Schmidt. (2017) The Compositional Profile of the Enceladian Ice Plume from the Latest Cassini Flybys. Conference Paper, LPSC XLVIII (2017), Texas USA.
N. Khawaja; F. Postberg; F. Klenner; L. Nölle; R. Reviol; R. Srama. Organic compounds in the ice grains from the subsurface ocean of Enceladus. ESLAB Symposium: Extreme Habitable Environments-2017, Conference Paper, European Space Agency ESA/ESTEC Netherland.
Hsu, S.; Burton, M. E.; Horanyi, M.; ... ; Khawaja, N.; ... ; Srama, R. A dusty road connecting Saturn and its rings - preliminary results from Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser during the Grand Finale Mission. Conference Paper, AGU-2017, New Orleans, USA.
F. Postberg, N. Khawaja, S. Kempf, J.H. Waite, C. Glein, H.W. Hsu, R. Srama. Complex Organic Macromolecular Compounds in Ice Grains from Enceladus. Conference Paper, LPSC XLVIII (2017), Texas USA.
Frank Postberg, Nozair Khawaja, Rene Reviol, Lenz Nölle, Fabian Klenner. Organic Compounds from Enceladus Found in Saturn’s E Ring. Conference Paper. Deutsche Astrobiologische Gesellschaft e. V. (DAbG), 2nd annual workshop (2017), Potsdam.
Lenz Nölle, Frank Postberg, Nozair Khawaja, Georg Moragas-Klostemeyer, Ralf Srama. 3-dimensional compositional scan of Saturn’s E-ring. Ices in the Solar System, Conference Paper, ESAC-2017, Madrid, Spain
Hsiang-Wen Hsu, Nicolas Altobelli, Marcia Burton, Mihaly Horanyi, Sacsha Kempf, Nozair Khawaja, ... , Srama, R. Preliminary results from the Cosmic Dust Analyzer during the grand finale mission. Conference Paper, Magenetosphere of the Outer Planets (MOP) conference-2017, Uppsala Sweden.
N. Altobelli, F. Postberg, K. Fiege, M. Trieloff, H. Kimura, V. J. Sterken, H.-W. Hsu,J. Hillier, N. Khawaja, G. Moragas-Klostermeyer, J. Blum, M. Burton, R. Srama, S. Kempf, E. Gruen. Flux and composition of interstellar dust at Saturn from Cassini’s Cosmic Dust Analyzer. Science.
N. Khawaja Organic compounds in Saturn’s E-ring and its compositional profile in the vicinity of Rhea. PhD Dissertation, Heidelberg University, Germany.
Khawaja, Nozair., Postberg, Frank, Srama, Ralf, ... , Kempf, Sascha. Compositional mapping of Saturn’s E ring during Cassini’s flyby of Rhea. Conference Paper, EGU-2015, Vienna, Austria.
Khawaja, N., Postberg, F., Reviol, R., Klenner, F., Nölle, L. & Srama, R. Organic compounds from Enceladus’ sub-surface ocean as seen by CDA. Conference Paper, European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC), October 2015, Nantes, France.
Khawaja, N., Postberg, F., Reviol, R., Nölle, L., Klenner, F. & Srama, R. Identification of Organics in Ice Grains from Enceladus. Conference Paper, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2015, San Francisco, USA.
Khawaja, Nozair; Postberg, Frank; Reviol, Rene; Srama, Ralf. (2015) Characterization of signatures from organic compounds in CDA mass spectra of ice particles in Saturn's E-ring. Conference Paper, EGU General Assembly 2015, held 12-17 April, 2015 in Vienna, Austria.
Postberg, F.; Khawaja, N.; Kempf, S.; Waite, J. H.; Glein, C.; Hsu, H.W.; Srama, R. (2015) Refractory Organic Compounds in Enceladus' Ice Grains and Hydrothermal Activity. Conference Paper, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA.
Srama, R., Postberg, F., Henkel, H., Li, Y., Reviol, R., Khawaja, N., Klenner, F., Moragas-Klostermeyer, G., Nölle, L., Soja, R., Sternovsky, Z., Kempf, S. & Trieloff, M. (2015) ENIJA: Search for life with a high-resolution TOF-MS for in situ compositional analysis of nano- and micron-sized dust particles. Conference Paper, EGU2015-13456, April 2015, Vienna, Austria.
Khawaja, N.; Postberg, F.; Schmidt, J. (2014) Compositional differentiation of Enceladus' plume. European Planetary Science Congress Portugal 2014, Conference Paper, EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 9, id. EPSC2014-446.
N. Khawaja, H. Lehto, J. Silén, H. Krüger, M. Hilchenbach, H. Fischer, K. Lehto, T. Lönnberg. COSIMA: Cometary Secondary Ion Mass Analyzer A High Resolution Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer for Cometary Dust Particles on-board ESA Rosetta Spacecraft Towards the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Finnish Astronomer's Day 2012, Haikko Finland.
Nozair Khawaja (2011), On the calibration of the COSIMA in-situ experiment on-board ESA Rosetta space mission towards the comet 67P/CG. Master's thesis, University of Turku, Finland.