Dr. Maryse Napoleoni
M.Sc. in Planetenwissenschaften und Weltraumforschung

Postdoc | Projekt Habitat-OASIS
Raum D-218
12249 Berlin
Bönigk, J., Pavlista, M., Klenner, F., Napoleoni, M., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Dannenmann, M., Klauck, E., Abel, B., Olsson-Francis, K., and Postberg, F. (2021) Analogue experiments for the detection of bacterial biosignatures in ice grains relevant to ocean worlds. EPSC Abstracts Vol.15, EPSC2021-277 (held online).
McAdam, A. C., C. N. Achilles, D. M. Bower, C. B. Fishman, M. Millan, S. S. Johnson, M. Napoleoni et al. (2021) "Investigation of a Mars-Analog Basaltic Subsurface Lava Tube Environment." LPI Contributions 2595: 8074 (held online).
Musilova, M., McAdam, A.C., Richardson, J.A., Young, K., Bleacher, J.E., Achilles, C., Bower, D.M., Fishman, C., Johnson, S., Millan, M. and Napoleoni, M. (2021) Lunar and Martian Lava Tube Research Simulation at HI-SEAS. In Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (No. 2548, p. 2600) (held online).
Napoleoni, M., Klenner, F., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Hand, K., and Postberg, F. (2021) Analogue experiments for the identification of organics in ice grains from Europa using mass spectrometry. EPSC Abstracts Vol.15, EPSC2021-494 (held online).
Klenner, F., Napoleoni, M., Bönigk, J., Pavlista, M., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Dannenmann, M., Klauck, E., Abel, B., Olsson-Francis, K., and Postberg, F. (2021) Detecting microbial biosignatures in ice grains from Europa and Enceladus using mass spectrometry. Goldschmidt, Abstract ID 6922, Lyon, France (held online).
Pavlista, M., Bönigk, J., Klenner, F., Napoleoni, M., Hillier, J., Khawaja, N., Dannenmann, M., Klauck, E., Abel, B., Olsson-Fancis, K., and Postberg, F. (2021) Experiments for the detection of microbial biosignatures in ice grains from Europa and Enceladus. EGU General Assembly (held online).
Millan, M., Napoleoni, M., McAdam, A., Bower, D. M., Knudson, C. A., Achilles, C., ... & Johnson, S. (2020) Organic Characterization of Mauna Loa Lava Tubes, Hawaii, as Analogs for Mars: Implications for Martian Habitability and Exploration. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2020, pp. P059-05).
Chatain, A., Carrasco, N., Guaitella, O., Napoleoni, M., Vettier, L., & Cernogora, G. (2018) Experimental study of ammonia formation in Titan’s ionosphere. In European Planetary Science Congress. EPSC Abstracts Vol. 12.