Wilhelm Zuschneid
Diplom Geologie und Paläontologie

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | Imaging • Projekt Koregistrierung
Raum D-223
12249 Berlin
Zuschneid, W., Michael, G.G., Walter, S.H.G., Dumke, A., Gwinner, K., Jaumann, R. (2021) HRSC on Mars Express - Recent Advances in the Processing of Quadrangle Image Mosaics. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 15-19 March, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2548, id.2049.
Neesemann, A., Walter, S. H. G., Gross, C., Jaumann, R., Gwinner, K., Michael, G. G., Schreiner, B. P., Zuschneid, W., Neu, D., Balthasar, H., Rabethge, C., Riedel, C., Kersten, E., Tirsch, D. (2021) High-Precision Topographic Map of the Mars 2020 Landing Site as Part of the MC-13E Syrtis Major Quadrangle Digital Terrain Model. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 15-19 March, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2548, id.2509.
Hao, J., Michael, G. G., Adeli, S., Jaumann, R., Portyankina, G., Hauber, E., Millot, C., Zuschneid, W. (2020) Variability of spider spatial configuration at the Martian south pole. Planetary and Space Science, Volume 185, article id. 104848. Doi.: 10.1016/j.pss.2020.104848
Liu, T., Michael, G., Zuschneid, W., Wünnemann, K., Oberst, J. (2020) Lunar megaregolith mixing by impacts: Evaluation of the non-mare component of mare soils, EPSC Abstracts Vol.14, EPSC2020-186.
Michael, G. G., S. H. Walter, W. Zuschneid, C. Gross, B. Schreiner, and K. Gwinner (2019), Brightness Equalization for Mars Images as Applied to HRSC Image Mosaics, in LPI Contribution No. 2151, p. 7058.
2016 und älter