BLRPM: Stochastic Rainfall Generator Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse ModelAutoren: Christoph Ritschel, Carola Detring, Sarah Joedicke
Beschreibung: Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves are a widely used analysis-tool in hydrology to assess extreme values of precipitation [e.g. Mailhot et al., 2007, <doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.09.019>]. The package 'IDF' provides a function to read precipitation data from German weather service (DWD) 'webwerdis' <> files and Berlin station data from 'Stadtmessnetz' <> files, and additionally IDF parameters can be estimated also from a given data.frame containing a precipitation time series. The data is aggregated to given levels yearly intensity maxima are calculated either for the whole year or given months. From these intensity maxima IDF parameters are estimated on the basis of a duration-dependent generalised extreme value distribution [Koutsoyannis et al., 1998, <doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(98)00097-3>]. IDF curves based on these estimated parameters can be plotted.
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Autor: Christoph Ritschel
Beschreibung: Due to a limited availability of observed high-resolution precipitation records with adequate length, simulations with stochastic precipitation models are used to generate series for subsequent studies [e.g. Khaliq and Cunmae, 1996, <doi:10.1016/0022-1694(95)02894-3>, Vandenberghe et al., 2011, <doi:10.1029/2009WR008388>]. This package contains an R implementation of the original Bartlett-Lewis rectangular pulse model (BLRPM), developed by Rodriguez-Iturbe et al. (1987) <doi:10.1098/rspa.1987.0039>. It contains a function for simulating a precipitation time series based on storms and cells generated by the model with given or estimated model parameters. Additionally BLRPM parameters can be estimated from a given or simulated precipitation time series. The model simulations can be plotted in a three-layer plot including an overview of generated storms and cells by the model (which can also be plotted individually), a continuous step-function and a discrete precipitation time series at a chosen aggregation level.
Download: BLRPM_1.0.tar.gz
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