Publikationen 1981-1990
(Sortiert nach Jahr, Autor, Titel)
Autoren, die der AG Atmosphärendynamik zugeordnet sind werden in Fettdruck hervorgehoben.
1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990
Planetary waves and solar activity in the stratosphere between 50 and 10mbar
A. Ebel, B. Schwister and K. Labitzke
J. Geophys. Res., 86, No. C 10, 9729-9738, 1981
Der normierte Wärefluß in der Stratosphäre als Maß für den Wirkungsgrad der planetarischen Wellen
B. Goretzki
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 1981
Die numerische Simulation der nahezu zweijährigen Schwingung des mittleren zonalen Windes in der äquatorialen Stratosphäre
E. Klinker
Dissertation, Abh. Met. Inst. FU Berlin, Serie A, 2/4, 1981
The amplification of height wave 1 in January 1979: A characteristic precondition for the major warming in February
K. Labitzke
Mon. Weather Rev., 109, No. 5, 983-989, 1981
Stratospheric-mesospheric midwinter disturbances: a summary of observed characteristics
K. Labitzke
J. Geophys. Res., 86, No. C 10, 9665-9678, 1981
Review of the radiance distribution in the upper mesosphere as observed from the Nimbus 6 Pressure Modulator Radiometer (PMR)
K. Labitzke and J. J. Barnett
Planet. Space. Sci., 29, No. 6, 673-685, 1981
First information on the major midwinter warming in February 1981
K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 4/81, 1981
The third winter of PMP-1, 1980/81: A winter with record breaking temperatures
K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 13/81, 1981
A free Rossby wave in the troposphere and stratosphere during January 1979
R.A. Madden and K. Labitzke
J. Geophys. Res., 86, No. C 2, 1247-1254, 1981
Long-term variations in the stratosphere of the northern hemisphere during the last two sunspot cycles
B. Naujokat
J. Geophys. Res., 86, 9811-9816, 1981
Die Dynamik der mittleren Stratosphäre im Winter dargestellt mit Hilfe der Haushaltsgleichungen für den Drehimpuls und sein Quadrat
K. Rose
Dissertation, Abh. Inst. Met. FU Berlin, Serie A, 2/3, 1981
Darstellung charakteristischer Kenngrößen der mittleren Stratosphäre im Nordwinter unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des "final warmings"
R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 77 S., 1981
On the interannual variability of the middle stratosphere during the northern winters
K. Labitzke
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 60, 124-139, 1982
Stratosphäre durch Vulkan erwärmt
K. Labitzke
In: Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin) vom 24.12.1982, 1982
A catalogue of dynamic parameters describing the variability of the middle stratosphere during the northern winters
K. Labitzke and B. Goretzki
Handbook for MAP, Vol. 5, (Ed. C. F. Sechrist Jr.), 188pp., 1982
The fourth winter of PMP-1, 1981/82: A winter with several interisting features
B. Naujokat, K. Petzoldt, K. Labitzke and R. Lenschow
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 9/82, 1982
A scale analysis of the D-region winter anomaly
D. Offermann, H. G. K. Brückelmann, J. J. Barnett, K. Labitzke, K. M. Torkar and H. U. Widdel
J. Geophys. Res., 87, No. A 10, 8286-8306, 1982
10 Jahre Beobachtungen der Stratosphärentemperatur durch Forschungs- und Wettersatelliten
K. Petzoldt
Ann. Meteor., 18, 81-83, 1982
Aerosole in der Stratosphäre - zwei Meßverfahren
B. Rajewski
Beilage zur Berliner wetterkarte, SO 13/82, 1982
The upper atmospheres of the earth and planets
C. A. Barth, D. Offermann, K. Labitzke, J. I. Vette, K. Rawer and H. A. Taylor (Eds.)
Adv. Space Res., 2, No. 10, Pergamon Press, 1983
A survey over the PMP-1 winters 1978/79 - 1981/82 in comparison with earlier winters
K. Labitzke
In: The upper atmospheres of the earth and planets, (Eds.: C. A. Barth, D. Offermann, K. Labitzke, J. I. Vette, K. Rawer and H. A. Taylor, Adv. Space Res., 2, No. 10, 149-157, 1983
On the variability and on trends of the temperature in the middle stratosphere
K. Labitzke and B. Naujokat
Beitr. Phys. Atmos., 56, 495-507, 1983
Temperature effects on the stratosphere of the April 4, 1982 eruption of El Chichón, Mexico
K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and M. P. McCormick
Geophys. Res. Lett., 10, No. 1, 24-26, 1983
The first winter of MAP-Dynamics, 1982/83: A winter with three different warming periods
B. Naujokat, K. Petzoldt, K. Labitzke and R. Lenschow
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 13/83, 1983
Dynamische Vorgänge in Strato- und Mesosphäre - abgeleitet aus 10jährigen Satellitenbeobachtungen
K. Petzoldt
Promet, 3/4'83, 30-35, 1983
On the influence of nonlinear wave-wave interaction in a 3-d primitive equation model for sudden stratospheric warmings
K. Rose
Beitr. Phys. Atmos., 56, 14-41, 1983
VHF radar observations in the stratosphere and mesosphere during a stratospheric warming
R. Rüster, P. Czechowsky, G. Schmidt and K. Labitzke
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 45, No. 2/3, 161-168, 1983
Responses of the upper middle atmosphere (60-110km) to the stratwarms of the four Pre-Map-Winters (1978/79 - 1981/82)
M. J. Smith, J. B. Gregory, A. H. Manson, C. E. Meek, R. Schminder, D. Kürschner and K. Labitzke
In: The upper atmospheres of the earth and planets, (Eds.: C. A. Barth, D. Offermann, K. Labitzke, J. I. Vette, K. Rawer and H. A. Taylor, Adv. Space Res., 2, No. 10, 173-176, 1983
Eine theoretische und numerische Untersuchung der Ausbreitung planetarischer Wellen
W. Kouker
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 1984
Die Ertel'sche potentielle Vorticity als dynamischer Tracer während verschiedener winterlicher Stratosphärenerwärmungen
U. Kümmel
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 1984
Midwinter disturbances in the middle atmosphere
K. Labitzke
Intern. Symposium on "Ground-Based Studies of the Middle Atmosphere", Schwerin/GDR, May 1984, MAP Handbook, 10, 1984
On the interannual variability of the middle atmosphere during winter
K. Labitzke
In: MAP Handbook, 18, Intern. MAP-Symposium, Kyoto/Japan, Nov. 1984, 1-9, 1984
On the variability and on trends of the temperature in the middle stratosphere
K. Labitzke
NASA Workshop, Feldafing, June 1984, 1984
On the effect of the volcanic eruptions of Mount Agung and El Chichón on the temperature of the stratosphere
K. Labitzke and B. Naujokat
Geof. Int., 23-2, 223-232, 1984
The second winter of MAP-Dynamics, 1983/84: The winter of MAP-WINE
K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat, R. Lenschow, K. Petzoldt and A. O'Neill
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 15/84, 1984
Responses of the upper middle atmosphere (60-110km) to the first stratwarms of MAP (1982/3, 1983/4)
A. H. Manson, C. E. Meek and K. Labitzke
Adv. Space Res., 4, No. 4, 51-55, 1984
ECMWF stratospheric forecasts for stratalert Berlin
B. Naujokat and K. Labitzke
ECMWF Newsletter, No. 26, 3-5, 1984
On the use of potential vorticity for the diagnosis of stratospheric synoptics
K. Rose, K. Labitzke and U. Kümmel
In: MAP Handbook, 18, 109-115, MAP-Symposium, Kyoto/Japan, November 1984, 1984
Annual and semiannual cycles based on the middle atmosphere reference model
J. J. Barnett, M. Corney and K. Labitzke
In: Middle Atmosphere Program, Draft of a new reference middle atmosphere, Handbook for MAP, 16, Eds.: K. Labitzke, J. J. Barnett and B. Edwards, Chapter 2.3.5, 175-180, 1985
Ozone and nitrogen oxides in the middle atmosphere: A three-dimensional model simulation
G. Brasseur and K. Rose
Proceedings ESA Symposium, Loen/Norway, ESA SP-229, 255-258, 1985
The development of a global travelling Rossby wave under solstice conditions
B. Goretzki and K. Rose
Beitr. Phys. Atmos., 58, 74-87, 1985
Ein objektives, dreidimensionales Trajektorien-Modell zur Untersuchung großräumiger Strömungen
U. Kirch
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 1985
Monthly mean distribution of ozone and temperature
K. Labitzke (Ed.)
In: Atmospheric Ozone 1985, WMO - Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 16, Vol III, Appendix D, 981-1032, 1985
On the quasi-biennial oscillation, QBO
K. Labitzke
In: Middle Atmosphere Program, Draft of a new reference middle atmosphere, Handbook for MAP, 16, Eds.: K. Labitzke, J. J. Barnett and B. Edwards, Chapter 2.3.6, 181-182, 1985
Planetary waves - interannual variability
K. Labitzke and J. J. Barnett
In: Middle Atmosphere Program, Draft of a new reference middle atmosphere, Handbook for MAP, 16, Eds.: K. Labitzke, J. J. Barnett and B. Edwards, Chapter 2.3.1b, 138-143, 1985
Stratospheric and mesospheric large-scale height and temperature fields during the November/December 1980 Energy Budget Campaign
K. Labitzke and J. J. Barnett
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 45, 173-182, 1985
Middle Atmosphere Program, Draft of a new reference middle atmosphere
K. Labitzke, J. J. Barnett and B. Edwards (Eds.)
Handbook for MAP, 16, 1985
Ozone and temperature trends
K. Labitzke and A. J. Miller (Eds.)
In: Atmospheric Ozone 1985 (Eds.: C. S. Zerefos and A. Ghazi), WMO - Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 16, Vol III, Chapter 14, 789-820, D. Reidel, Hingham/Mass., 1985
First note on the major stratospheric warming at the end of December 1984
K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 1/85, 1985
On the interannual variability and on trends of the temperature in the middle atmosphere
K. Labitzke and B. Naujokat
In: Middle Atmosphere Program, Draft of a new reference middle atmosphere, Handbook for MAP, 16, Eds.: K. Labitzke, J. J. Barnett and B. Edwards, Chapter 2.3.7, 183-196, 1985
The third winter of MAP-Dynamics, 1984/85: A winter with an extremely intense and early major warming
K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat, R. Lenschow, K. Petzoldt, B. Rajewski and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 24/85, 1985
Large-scale structure of the middle atmosphere during the winter 1983/84
K. Petzoldt
Proceedings ESA Symposium, Loen/Norway, ESA SP-229, 33-39, 1985
Rossby waves in a 3-d numerical model for sudden stratospheric warmings.
K. Rose
Beitr. Phys. Atmos., 58, 220-236, 1985
Ozone during sudden stratospheric warmings: A three-dimensional simulation
K. Rose and G. Brasseur
In: Atmospheric Ozone 1985 (Eds.: C. S. Zerefos and A. Ghazi), WMO - Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project, Report No. 16, Vol III, D. Reidel, Hingham/Mass., 1985
Vertical change of the response to solar activity oscillations with periods around 13 and 27 days in the middle atmosphere
A. Ebel, M. Dameris, H. Hass, C. E. Manson and K. Petzoldt
Ann. Geophys., 4 (A), 271-280, 1986
Transport of atmospheric tracer by planetary waves during a winter stratospheric warming event: A three-dimensional model simulation
W. Kouker and G. Brasseur
J. Geophys. Res., 91, 13.167-13.185, 1986
Long-term temperature trends in the stratosphere: Possible influence of anthropogenic gases
K. Labitzke, G. Brasseur, B. Naujokat and A. de Rudder
Geophys. Res. Lett., 13, 52-55, 1986
Long-term temperature trends in the middle stratosphere of the northern hemisphere
K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and J. K. Angell
Adv. Space Res., 6, No. 10, 7-16, 1986
The role of atmospheric planetary-scale waves in the d-region winter anomaly
Y. Muraoka, K. Petzoldt and K. Labitzke
Ann. Geophys., 91 (A1), 329-338, 1986
An update of the observed Quasi-Biennial Oscillation of the stratospheric winds over the tropics
B. Naujokat
J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 1873-1877, 1986
The fourth winter of MAP-Dynamics, 1985/86: A cold winter of with two minor warmings and a major final warming
B. Naujokat, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, K. Petzoldt and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 13/86, 1986
The role of the potential vorticity gradient for the breakdown of the zonal flow in the stratosphere and mesosphere during February 1980
K. Petzoldt and M. Scholl
Beitr. Phys. Atmos., 59, 301-320, 1986
The stratospheric winter polar vortex simulated as a material entity
K. Rose
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 48, 1197-1202, 1986
Eine numerische Untersuchung der frontogenetischen Funktion als diagnostische Variable zur Beschreibung von Zonen starker Gradienten in der Stratosphäre
A. Beck
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 1987
Enzyklopädie der Ignoranz
K. Labitzke
In: GEO - Wissen, Sonderheft Nr. 2 (Klima-Wetter-Mensch), 170-173, 1987
Sunspots, the QBO, and the stratospheric temperature in the north polar region
K. Labitzke
Geophys. Res. Lett., 14, 535-537, 1987
The lower stratosphere over the polar region in winter and spring: Relation between meteorological parameters and total ozone
K. Labitzke
Ann. Geophys., 5a (6), 95-102, 1987
Vulkanismus und Klima
K. Labitzke
In: Konsens - Informationen des Deutschen Akademikerinnenbundes e.V., No. 3/87, 9-11, 1987
On the interannual variability of the upper mesosphere during the northern winter and spring
K. Labitzke, J. J. Barnett and M. Corney
Physica Scripta, 35, 899-901, 1987
First note on the major stratospheric warming in January 1987
K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, B. Naujokat, K. Petzoldt and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 5/87, 1987
Comparison of geostrophic and observed winds in the upper mesosphere over Saskatoon, Canada
K. Labitzke, A. H. Manson, J. J. Barnett and M. Corney
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 49, 987-997, 1987
Hemispheric synoptic analysis of 95km winds during the winter of 1983/1984 and comparison with stratospheric parameters
K. Labitzke, A. H. Manson, H. G. Mueller, Z. Rapoport ans E. R. Williams
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 49, 639-648, 1987
Some aspects of a probable association between atmospheric variabiblity and the 11-year solar cycle
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: Solar Radiative Output Variation; Proceedings of HAO-NCAR Workshop, Ed.: P. Foukal, November 1987, Boulder/USA, 57-69, 1987
Synoptic analysis and trajectories during the MAP/GLOBUS Campaign 1983
U. Langematz, K. Labitzke and E. Reimer
Planet. Space Sci., 35, No. 5, 525-538, 1987
D-region winter anomaly associated with vertically propagating planetary waves
Y. Muraoka, K. Petzoldt and K. Labitzke
Ann. Geophys., 5a (6), 455-462, 1987
First note on the unusually early major midwinter warming in December 1987
B. Naujokat, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, K. Petzoldt and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 16/87, 1987
The stratospheric winter 1986/87: A major midwinter warming 35 years after they were first detected
B. Naujokat, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, K. Petzoldt and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 9/87, 1987
Large scale dynamics of the mean flow breakdown in the stratosphere and mesosphere during the winter 1983/84
K. Petzoldt
Proceedings ESA Symposium, Sunne/Sweden, ESA SP-270, 181-185, 1987
Large scale structure of the stratosphere and the lower mesosphere (20-60 km) over the northern hemisphere during the MAP/WINE campaign
K. Petzoldt, R. Lenschow, A. Hauchecorne, G.A. Kokin, W. Meyer, A. O'Neill, C.R. Philbrick, F. Schmidlin and R. Thomas
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 49, 621-637, 1987
The Southern Oscillation. Part V: The anomalies in the lower stratosphere of the northern hemisphere in winter and a comparison with the quasi-biennial oscillation
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
Mon. Weather Rev., 115, No. 2, 357-369, 1987
Untersuchungen zur Ausbreitung und Entwicklung von Rossby-Wellen in einem dreidimensionalen, globalen numerischen Modell bei Anwesenheit einer subtropischen kritischen Schicht
B. Goretzki
Dissertation, Abh. Inst. Met., FU Berlin, Serie A, 5/2, Verlag Dietrich Reimer, Berlin, 122 S., 1988
Comparison of LIMS rocketsonde temperatures and geostrophic winds with Berlin radiosonde temperature and wind measurements
W. L. Grose, T. Miles, K. Labitzke and E. Pantzke
J. Geophys. Res., 93, 11.217-11.226, 1988
Thermische Gezeiten in einem dreidimensionalen Zirkulationsmodell
M. Kähler
Dissertation, Abh. Inst. Met., FU Berlin, Serie A, 5/3, Verlag Dietrich Reimer, Berlin, 147 S., 1988
Eine Studie zur Klimatologie der mittleren Atmosphäre mit Hilfe eines 3-D Zirkulationsmodells
W. Kouker
Dissertation, Abh. Inst. Met., FU Berlin, Serie A, 5/1, Verlag Dietrich Reimer, Berlin, 149 S., 1988
The lower stratosphere over the polar region in winter and spring: Relation between meteorological parameters and total ozone
K. Labitzke
Mitteilungsblatt des Deutschen Akademikerinnenbundes e.V., Band 70, 1988
Vulkanismus und Klima
K. Labitzke
In: Die Erde, Eds.: K. Germann et al., Springer Verlag, 101-114, 1988
Changes in the middle atmosphere in winter related to the 11-year solar cycle
K. Labitzke and M.-L. Chanin
Ann. Geophys., 6, 643-644, 1988
Detection of climate change: Some aspects of stratospheric temperature trends
K. Labitzke and B. Naujokat
In: Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases: Climatic and associated impacts, Eds.: R. Fantechi and A. Ghazi, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988
Association between the 11-year solar cycle, the QBO and the atmosphere. Part I: The troposphere and stratosphere in the northern hemisphere in winter
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 50, 197-206, 1988
Variations in the atmosphere associated with the 11-year solar cycle
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Proceedings of "Twelfth Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop", Salt Lake City/USA, 196-199, 1988
The stratospheric winter 1987/88: An unusually early major midwinter warming
B. Naujokat, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, K. Petzoldt and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 6/88, 1988
Association between the 11-year solar cycle, the QBO and the atmosphere. Part II: Surface and 700mb in the northern hemisphere in winter
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
J. Clim., 1, 905-920, 1988
The solar activity - QBO effect in the lower thermosphere
M.-L. Chanin, P. Keckhut, A. Hauchecorne and K. Labitzke
Ann. Geophys., 7, 463-470, 1989
Perpetual January Simulations with the "Berlin-Version" of the ECMWF T21-Model. In "Climate Simulations with the ECMWF T21-model in Hamburg. Part III: Diagnosis of Response Experiments.
Frey-Buness, A., B. Goretzki, U. Langematz, S. Leder, A. Meyer, K. Rose und P. Strauch
Report Nr. 7, Meteorologisches Institut der Universität Hamburg, 1989
A promising statistical relationship between a 10-12 year cycle in the atmosphere on the northern hemisphere and the sunspot cycle
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Workshop Boulder/USA, June 1989, 1989
Association between the 11-year solar cycle, the QBO and the atmosphere. Part III: Aspects of the association
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
J. Clim., 2, 554-565, 1989
Recent work correlating the 11-year solar cycle with atmospheric elements grouped according to the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Space Science Reviews, 49, 239-258, 1989
The 11-year solar cycle in the stratosphere in the northern summer
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Ann. Geophys., 7, 595-598, 1989
The southern oscillation. Part IX: The influence of volcanic eruptions on the southern oscillation in the stratosphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
J. Clim., 2, 1223-1226, 1989
The stratospheric winter 1988/89: Extremely low temperatures followed by a major warming
B. Naujokat, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, K. Petzoldt and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 12/89, 1989
Monthly-mean diabatic circulations in the stratosphere
S. Pawson and R. S. Harwood
Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 115, 807-840, 1989
A three-dimensional model of chemically active species in the middle atmosphere during disturbed winter conditions
K. Rose and G. Brasseur
J. Geophys. Res., 94, 16.387-16.403, 1989
Das Ozon in der Stratosphäre
B. Spengler
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 69 S., 1989
Climatological distribution of planetary waves in the middle atmosphere
J. J. Barnett and K. Labitzke
In: COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere Models: 1986.
Part II: Middle Atmosphere Models, (Eds.: D. Rees, J. J. Barnett and K. Labitzke), Adv. Space Res., 10, No. 12, 520pp, Pergamon Press, Oxford, Chapter 3.1, 63-91, 1990
The earth's middle atmosphere
W. K. Hocking, S. A. Bowhill, K. Labitzke and M. J. Rycroft (Eds.)
Adv. in Space Res., 10, No. 10, 280pp, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1990
Stratospheric variability and the solar cycle
K. Labitzke
COSPAR Journal, No. 3, S. 7, XXVII COSPAR, The Hague/NL, 1990
Interannual variability
K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and J. J. Barnett
In: COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere Models: 1986.
Part II: Middle Atmosphere Models, (Eds.: D. Rees, J. J. Barnett and K. Labitzke), Adv. Space Res., 10, No. 12, 520pp, Pergamon Press, Oxford, Chapter 6, 163-184, 1990
Associations between the 11-year solar cycle, the quasi-biennial oscillation and the atmosphere: A summary of recent work
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., A 330, 577-589, 1990
Sonnenflecken und Wetter. Gibt es doch einen Zusammenhang?
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Die Geowissenschaften, 8, 1-6, 1990
The state of the atmosphere on the northern hemisphere at solar maximum, July 1989 - February 1990
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 6/90, 1990
The stratospheric winter 1989/90: Very cold with a pronounced minor warming and a late final warming
B. Naujokat, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, K. Petzoldt and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 12/90, 1990
The effect of stratospheric dynamics displayed in springtime in-situ observations of source gases at mid-latitudes
K. Petzoldt, B. Naujokat and U. Schmidt
Adv. Space Res., 10, (10)161-(10)165, 1990
COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere Models: 1986. Part II: Middle Atmosphere Models
D. Rees, J. J. Barnett and K. Labitzke (Eds.)
Adv. Space Res., 10, No. 12, 520pp, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1990
Über den Einfluß des 11-jährigen Sonnenfleckenzyklus auf die Temperatur der mittleren Atmosphäre
B. Schmeling (B. Köbbert)
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 116 S., 1990
Die QBO und das antarktische Ozonloch im Süd-Frühjahr 1989
B. Spengler
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 9/90, 1990
Associations between the 11-year solar cycle and the atmosphere. Part IV: The stratosphere, not grouped by the phase of the QBO
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
J. Clim., 3, 827-837, 1990