Publikationen 1991-2000
(Sortiert nach Jahr, Autor, Titel)
Autoren, die der AG Atmosphärendynamik zugeordnet sind werden in Fettdruck hervorgehoben.
1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000
Vulkanismus und Klima
K. Labitzke
In: Tatort Erde, (Eds.: G. Warnecke, M. Huch and K. Germann) 1.Aufl., Springer Verlag, 197-211, 1991
A note on the interannual variability of the polar vortex in the arctic
K. Labitzke
Proceedings 10th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Reseach, ESA SP-317, 407-411, 1991
Was erwarten wir an Änderungen in der Strato- und Troposphäre nach den Eruptionen des Pinatubos auf den Philippinen?
K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat und H.-F. Graf
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 17/91, 1991
Some complications in determining trends in the stratosphere
K. Labitzke und H. van Loon
Adv. Space Res., 11, No. 3, 21-30, 1991
Eine dreidimensionale Modellsimulation der Zirkulation in der Mittleren Atmosphäre mit Aspekten troposphärisch-stratosphärischer Wechselwirkungen
U. Langematz
Dissertation, Abh. Inst. Met. FU Berlin, Serie A, 5/4, Verlag Dietrich Reimer, Berlin, 1991
The stratospheric winter 1990/91: A major midwinter warming as expected
B. Naujokat, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, K. Petzoldt, B. Rajewski und R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 13/91, 1991
A comparison of the climatology of a troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere model with observations
S. Pawson, U. Langematz, A. Meyer,P. Strauch, S. Leder und K. Rose
Clim. Dyn., 5, 161-174, 1991
The effect on the modelled middle atmosphere of degrading radiation calculations
S. Pawson und K. P. Shine
Ann. Geophys., 9, 654-660, 1991
Backward trajectories for measurements of long-lived species in a strong flow around the polar vortex during the development of a midwinter warming
K. Petzoldt
Proceedings of the first European workshop on polar stratospheric ozone, Schliersee/FRG, 271-274, 1991
An updated review of the decadal oscillation in the atmosphere on the northern hemisphere
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 43, Suppl., 719-729, 1991
Analyse des Phasenwechsels der "Quasi-Biennial Oscillation" (QBO) im Wind- und Temperaturfeld
M. Wiesner
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 47 S., 1991
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 19/91, 1991
On the formation and sedimentation of stratospheric nitric acid aerosols: Implications for polar ozone destruction
F. Arnold, K. Petzoldt and E. Reimer
Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, 677-680, 1992
Zum Einfluß von Feststoffraketenabgasen auf die Chemie der Stratosphäre: Untersuchungen mit einem dreidimensionalen photochemischen Zirkualtionsmodell
M. Hirschberg
Dissertation, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 109 S., 1992
Klimatrends in der Mittleren Atmosphäre
K. Labitzke
In: Meteorologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre, Promet, 2-4, 22. Jahrg., 140pp, (Eds.: K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt), 129-132, 1992
On the variability of the stratosphere in the arctic regions in winter
K. Labitzke
Berichte der Bunsen-Ges. f. phys. Chemie, 96, No. 3, 496-501, 1992
Meteorologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre
K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt (Eds.)
Promet, 2-4, 22. Jahrg., 140pp., 1992
Stratospheric temperature increases due to Pinatubo aerosols
K. Labitzke and M.P. McCormick
Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, No. 2, 207-210, 1992
Associations between the 11-year solar cycle and the atmosphere. Part V: Summer
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
J. Clim., 5, No. 3, 240-251, 1992
Die 10- bis 12 jährige Schwingung in der Atmosphäre
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: Meteorologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre, Promet, 2-4, 22. Jahrg., 140pp, (Eds.: K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt), 58-62, 1992
Sterne und Weltraum 2/92, 31. Jahrg., 98-102, 1992
Klimatologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre: Beobachtungen bis 80 km Höhe
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: Meteorologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre, Promet, 2-4, 22. Jahrg., 140pp, (Eds.: K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt), 45-49, 1992
On the association between the QBO and the extratropical stratosphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 54, 1453-1463, 1992
The spatial distribution of the association between total ozone and the 11-year solar cycle
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Geophys. Res. Lett., 19, No. 4, 401-403, 1992
Klimatologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre - Modelle
U. Langematz and S. Pawson
In: Meteorologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre, Promet, 2-4, 22. Jahrg., 140pp, (Eds.: K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt), 50-57, 1992
Stratosphärenerwärmungen: Synoptik
B. Naujokat
In: Meteorologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre, Promet, 2-4, 22. Jahrg., 140pp, (Eds.: K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt), 81-89, 1992
The stratospheric winter 1991/92: The winter of the European Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Experiment (EASOE)
B. Naujokat, K. Petzoldt, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, M. Wiesner and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 18/92, 1992
Die annähernd zweijährige Schwingung (QBO) in der Stratosphäre
B. Naujokat and C. Marquardt
In: Meteorologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre, Promet, 2-4, 22. Jahrg., 140pp, (Eds.: K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt), 62-67, 1992
Ozon im nordpolaren Winter (CHEOPS III - Kampagne)
K. Neugebohren
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 120 S., 1992
A note concerning the inability of GCMs to model the QBO
S. Pawson
Ann. Geophysicae, 10, 116-118, 1992
Underestimates of O3 9.6µm heating rates as a cause of the cold bias in the low tropical stratosphere of GCMs
S. Pawson
Ann. Geophysicae, 10, 619-624, 1992
A study of the radiative dissipation of planetary waves using satellite data
S. Pawson, R. S. Harwood and J. D. Haigh
J. Atmos. Sci., 49, 1304-1313, 1992
A microphysical box model for EASOE: Preliminary results for the January/February 1990 PSC event over Kiruna
Th. Peter, R. Müller, K. Drdla, K. Petzoldt and E. Reimer
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 96, 362-367, 1992
Dynamik von Stratosphärenerwärmungen
K. Petzoldt
In: Meteorologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre, Promet, 2-4, 22. Jahrg., 140pp, (Eds.: K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt), 90-96, 1992
Point correlations of geopotential height and temperature at 30mb and between 500mb and 30mb
D. J. Shea, H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TN-368+STR, Boulder/USA, 1992
Decadal change in the stratosphere of the northern hemisphere
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
AMS 8th Conference on the Middle Atmosphere, January 1992, Atlanta/USA, 1992
Die Jahres- und Halbjahreswelle in der Mittleren Atmosphäre
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
In: Meteorologie der Mittleren Atmosphäre, Promet, 2-4, 22. Jahrg., 140pp, (Eds.: K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and K. Petzoldt), 68-70, 1992
Die Bedeutung der Troposphäre als untere Randbedingung bei der Simulation von Stratosphärenerwärmungen
A. Beck
Dissertation, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 139 S., 1993
Eine Modelluntersuchung über die Ausbreitung stationärer Wellen in Abhängigkeit von der Phase der QBO und des Sonnenfleckenzykus
P. Braesicke
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 95 S., 1993
Eine neue Parametrisierung der skalenabhängigen Strahlungs-Dämpfungsrate in der mittleren Atmosphäre
G. Bresser
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 107 S., 1993
An EOF analysis of the vertical-time delay structure of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
K. Fraedrich, S. Pawson and R.-S. Wang
J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 3357-3365, 1993
Welt im Wandel: Grundstrukturen globaler Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen
H. Graßl, H. Zimmermann, O. Beese, G. Hempel, L. Kruse-Graumann, P. Klemmer, K. Labitzke, H. Mühle, H.-J. Schellnhuber, E. Simonis, H.W. Thoenes and P. Velsinger
(Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung
Globale Umweltveränderungen 1993)
Economica Verlag, Bonn, 1993
So entsteht das Ozonloch
K. Labitzke
In: FU Nachrichten 11/93, S.16., 1993
A ten-to-twelve year variation in the stratosphere of the northern hemisphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Surveys in Geophysics, 14, 187-196, 1993
Decadal changes in the upper troposphere - lower stratosphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
5th. International Symposium on Equatorial Observations over Indonesia, Dec. 1993, 1993
Recent papers on sun-atmosphere associations
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Trends in Geophys. Res., Trivandrum/India, 2, 289-298, 1993
Some influences responsible for the interannual variations in the stratosphere of the northern hemisphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: The role of the stratosphere in Global Change, NATO ASI Series, Subseries I "Global Environmental Change", Vol. 8, (Ed.: M.-L. Chanin), 276-283, Springer Verlag, 1993
Some recent studies of probable connections between solar and atmospheric variability
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Ann. Geophysicae, 11, 1084-1094, 1993
Analyse der Jahres- und Halbjahreswelle in der mittleren Atmosphäre: Vergleich zwischen Beobachtungen und einem globalen Tropo-Strato-Mesosphären-Modell
K. Müller
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 83 S., 1993
Collection of reports on the stratospheric circulation during the winters 1974/75 - 1991/92
B. Naujokat and K. Labitzke (Eds.)
Supported by the Japanese Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP) fund of Grant-in-Aid for Scientifuc Research of Ministry of Education, Report 1, Sci. Comm. on Sol.Terr. Phys., Univ of Ill., Urbana, Ill., 1993
The stratospheric winter 1992/93: A cold winter with a minor warming and a late final warming
B. Naujokat, K. Petzoldt, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, B. Rajewski, M. Wiesner and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 21/93, 1993
The role of radiation in the stratosphere and its representation in models
S. Pawson
In: The role of the stratosphere in Global Change, NATO ASI Series, Subseries I "Global Environmental Change", Vol. 8, (Ed.: M.-L. Chanin), 215-226, Springer Verlag, 1993
Climatology of the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere derived from Berlin analyses. Part I: Monthly means
S. Pawson, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, B. Naujokat, B. Rajewski, M. Wiesner and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Meteorlogische Abhandlung, Institut für Meteorologie der FU Berlin, Serie A, Band 7, Heft 3, Verlag von Dietrich Reimer, 141pp, 1993
Intraseasonal tropical-extra-tropical interactions observed in the stratosphere
S. Pawson, K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat, R.-S. Wang and K. Fraedrich
In: Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere, NATO ASI Series, Serie C "Mathematical and Physical Sciences", Vol. 387, (Eds.: E.V. Thrane, T.A. Blix and D.C. Fritts), 35-47, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993
Trajectories of trace constituents in a strong flow around the polar vortex during the development of a midwinter warming
K. Petzoldt and U. Schmidt
Adv. Space Res., 13, (1)343-(1)350, 1993
Interannual variations in the stratosphere of the northern hemisphere: A description of some probable influences
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
In: Interactions between global climate subsystems, the legacy of Hann, (Eds.: G. A. McBean and M. Hantel), AGU Geophys. Monogr, 75, IUGG Vol. 15, 111-122, 1993
Review of the decadal oscillation in the stratosphere of the northern hemisphere
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
J. Geophys. Res., 98, No. A11, 18.919-18.922, 1993
Linear wave propagation in the stratosphere: The influence of the mean state
P. Braesicke
Beitr. Phys. Atmos., 67, No. 3, 209-217, 1994
Modelling the effects of solar variability on the middle atmosphere: A review
M. Dameris and S. Pawson
Adv. Space Res., 19, 211-220, 1994
Einfluß starker Vulkanausbrüche auf die Temperaturen und die Dynamik der mittleren Stratosphäre am Beispiel des Pinatubo
P. Erlebach
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 89 S., 1994
Welt im Wandel: Die Gefährdung der Böden
H. Graßl, H. Zimmermann, O. Beese, G. Hempel, L. Kruse-Graumann, P. Klemmer, K. Labitzke, H. Mühle, H.-J. Schellnhuber, E. Simonis, H.W. Thoenes and P. Velsinger
(Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung
Globale Umweltveränderungen 1994)
Economica Verlag, Bonn, 1994
A multi-year forecast of the stratospheric vortex in the northern winter
K. Labitzke
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 25/94, 1994
Stratospheric processes and their role in climate (SPARC) - A project of the World Climate Research Programme
K. Labitzke (Chair / German Group)
Informationsblatt, 1994
Stratospheric temperature changes after the Pinatubo eruption
K. Labitzke
J. Atmos. Terr Phys., 56, No. 9, 1027-1034, 1994
Von globalen Umweltproblemen zum gewollten globalen Wandel
K. Labitzke and H. Graßl
Phys. Blätter, 50, No. 3, 254, 1994
Stratospheric temperature trends
K. Labitzke, S. Leder and H. van Loon
Proceedings of "Eastern Europe and Global Change" Workshop, Oct. 1994, Halkidiki/Greece - and in press of J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 1994
A note on trends in the stratosphere: 1958-1992
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
COSPAR Colloquia Series, 5, 537-546, 1994
A probable connection between solar and atmospheric decadal variability
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: "The Sun as a Variable Star - Solar and Stellar Irradiance Variations", Proceedings of IAU Colloquium No. 143 (Boulder/USA), 330-338, (Eds.: J. M. Pap, C. Fröhlich, H. S. Hudson and S. K. Solanki), Cambridge University Press, 1994
Aspects of a decadal sun-atmosphere connection
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: The solar engine and its influence on terrestrial atmosphere and climate, NATO ASI Series, Subseries I "Global Environmental Change", Vol. 25, (Ed.: E. Nesme-Ribes), 381-391, Springer Verlag, 1994
Trends of temperature and geopotential height between 100 and 10hPa on the northern hemisphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 72, No. 5, 643-652, 1994
A synoptic view of the ECMWF stratospheric forecasts
B. Naujokat
Stratosphere and numerical weather prediction, ECMWF Workshop Proceedings, ECMWF, Reading/UK, November 1993, 61-71, 1994
The stratospheric winter 1993/94: A winter with some minor warmings and an early final warming
B. Naujokat, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, B. Rajewski, M. Wiesner and R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 24/94, 1994
Joint IAMAS/IAHS Symposium J1 on global monitoring and advanced observing techniques in the atmosphere and hydrosphere
G. Ohring, T. Aoki, D. Halpern, A. Henderson-Sellers, T. Charlock, J. Joseph, K. Labitzke, E. Raschke and W. Smith
Bulletin of the AMS, 75, No. 4, 595-599, 1994
Correlation between stratospheric temperature, total ozone and tropospheric weather systems
K. Petzoldt, B. Naujokat and K. Neugebohren
Geophys. Res. Lett., 21, 1203-1206, 1994
Radiative forcing and temperature trends
K. P. Shine, K. Labitzke, V. Ramaswamy, P. C. Simon, S. Solomon and W.-C. Wang (Eds.)
Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project No. 37, WMO Genf, 1994
The 10-12-year atmospheric oscillation
H. van Loon und K. Labitzke
Meteorol. Zeitschrift, N.F., 3, 259-266, 1994
A new parametrization of scale-dependent radiative dissipation rates in the middle atmosphere
G. Breßer, A.J.L. Manning, S. Pawson und C.D. Rodgers
J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 4429-4447, 1995
An update on the global ozone climatology and on concurrent ozone and temperature trends
J. P. Fortuin und U. Langematz
Proc. SPIE 2311, Atmospheric Sensing and Modelling, 207 (January 4, 1995); doi:10.1117/12.198578, 1995
Klimatrends in der Atmosphäre
M. Geb und K. Labitzke
Forschung an der Freien Universität Berlin, Referat Forschungsinformation - 3/95-VI C-Geb1, Faltblatt, 1995
Downward transport in the upper stratosphere during the minor warming in February 1979
W. Kouker, A. Beck, H. Fischer und K. Petzoldt
J. Geophys. Res., 100, No. D6, 11.069-11.084, 1995
The 10-12 year oscillation, Step working group 5 report, the solar cycle variation of the stratosphere
K. Labitzke und H. van Loon
XXI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, July 1995, Boulder, USA
Aspekte des Ozonproblems
K. Labitzke
Forschung an der Freien Universität Berlin, Referat Forschungsinformation - 3/95-VI C-Labitzk1, Faltblatt, 1995
Die falsche Hautfarbe - FU Meteorologin klärt Mißverständnisse über das "Ozonloch" auf
K. Labitzke
In: FU Nachrichten Extra - Klima und Forschung an der FU Berlin, 8-9, 1995
Meteorologische Aspekte des Ozonproblems
K. Labitzke
In: Umwelt Global - Veränderungen, Probleme, Lösungsansätze, Eds.: M. Jänicke, H.-J. Bolle and A. Carius, 31-46, Springer Verlag, 1995
A note on the distribution of trends below 10hPa: The extratropical northern hemisphere
K. Labitzke und H. van Loon
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 73, No. 5, 883-889, 1995
Connection between the troposphere and stratosphere on a decadal scale
K. Labitzke und H. van Loon
Tellus, 47A, No. 2, 275-286, 1995
The stratospheric winter 1994/95: A cold winter with a strong minor warming
B. Naujokat, K. Labitzke, R. Lenschow, B. Rajewski, M. Wiesner und R.-C. Wohlfahrt
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 24/95, 1995
Internal variability in a perpetual January integration of a troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere GCM
S. Pawson, A. Meyer und S. Leder
Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 121, 369-397, 1995
On the polar stratospheric cloud formation potential of the northern stratosphere
S. Pawson, B. Naujokat und K. Labitzke
J. Geophys. Res., 100, No. D11, 23.215-23.225, 1995
POLECAT: Preparatory and Modelling Studies
T. Peter, R. Müller, S. Pawson and H. Volkert
Phys. Chem. Earth., 20, 109-121, 1995
Connection between the troposphere and stratosphere on the time scale of the sunspot cycle
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 47, 1249-1256, 1995
Phase-space characteristics of the tropical stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
R.-S. Wang, K. Fraedrich and S. Pawson
J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 4482-4500, 1995
Szenario zur Ableitung globaler CO2-Reduktionsziele und Umsetzungsstrategien. Stellungsnahme zur ersten Vertragsstaatenkonferenz der Klimakonventionen in Berlin
H. Zimmermann, O. Beese, G. Hempel, L. Kruse-Graumann, P. Klemmer, K. Labitzke, H. Mühle, H.-J. Schellnhuber, E. Simonis, H.W. Thoenes and P. Velsinger
(Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen 1995) 1995
The stability of the northern stratospheric winter polar vortex in dependence on the horizontal resolution in a global model
A. Beck
Beitr. Phys. Atmosph, 69, 449-460, 1996
Dynamical induced ozone mini-holes in a 3D mechanistic gridpoint model: effects of resolution
A. Beck
BMBF Air Poll. Res. Rep., 56, 42-47, 1996
A semi-Lagrangian advection scheme with modified exponential splines
M. Böttcher
Mon. Weather Rev., 124, 716-729, 1996
The contributions of several absorption bands to stratospheric radiative dissipation rates
G. Breßer and S. Pawson
J. Atmos. Sci. (note), 53, 1339-1342, 1996
Simulations of stratospheric sudden warmings in the Berlin troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere GCM
P. Erlebach, U. Langematz and S. Pawson
Ann. Geophysicae, 14, 443-463, 1996
Stratospheric Temperature trends derived from SPARC datasets
Gelman, M.E., V. Ramaswamy, J. Angell, M.L. Chanin, J. Christy. L. Coy, D. Cullum, Y. Koshelkov,K. Labitzke,J.-J. Lin, A.J. Miller, J. Nash, A. O`Neill, A. Oort, W. Randel, K.P.Shine and R. Swinbank
1st. General Assembly of the WCRP Project "Stratospheric Processes and Their Role in Climate", Melbourne, 2-6.12.1996
The decent rates of the shear zones of the equatorial QBO
J.S. Kinnersly and S. Pawson
J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 1937-1949, 1996
Die Sensitivität des Berliner Tropo-Strato-Mesosphären Modells: Effekte durch Ozonänderungen
T. Kubitz
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 118 S., 1996
The quasi-biennial oscillation
K. Labitzke, B. Naujokat and C. Marquardt
In: Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, Oxford University Press, New York, 622-626, 1996
On the stratosphere, the QBO and the sun: The Winter of 1995-1996
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Meteorol. Zeitschrift, N.F. 5, H. 4, 166-169, 1996
On the Stratosphere, the QBO, and the Sun: The Winter of 1995-1996
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
1st. SPARC General Assembly, 2.-6.12.1996 in Melbourne/Australia, Abstract Vol., page 244, Ed.: Cooperative Research Centre for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology, Clayton (Victoria), Australia.
Stratospheric midwinter warmings
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: The upper atmosphere - Data analysis and interpretation, Eds.: W. Dieminger, G. K. Hartmann and R. Leitinger, Cap. IV 1, 793-797, Springer Press., 1996
The effect of the solar cycle on the stratosphere and the total ozone in the western North Pacific Ocean
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
1st. SPARC General Assembly, 2.-6.12.1996 in Melbourne/Australia, Abstract Vol., p. 72, Ed.: Cooperative Research Centre for Southern Hemisphere Meteorology, Clayton (Victoria), Australia
The effect on the stratosphere of three tropical volcanic eruptions
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: The Mount Pinatubo eruption effects on the atmosphere and climate, Eds.: G. Fiocco, D. Fuà and G. Visconti, NATO ASI Series, Vol. I 42, 113-125, Springer Press., 1996
The mean structure of the middle atmosphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: The upper atmosphere - Data analysis and interpretation, Eds.: W. Dieminger, G. K. Hartmann and R. Leitinger, Cap. III 1.1, 587-619, Springer Press., 1996
The signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle in the regions around Japan
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 74, No. 4, 481-491, 1996
The solar signal in the north polar vortex in January-February - A brief review for an aspect of STEP Working Group V
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 48, No.1, 161-164, 1996
The stratospheric decadal oscillation: Is it associated with the 11-year sunspot cycle?
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Atmospheric Environment (New Directions), 30, No. 23, xv-xvii, 1996
Total ozone and the 11-year sunspot cycle
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Abstracts of XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Int. Ozone Commission, L'Aquila/Italy, 12.-21. Sep.1996, page 315, Ed.: University of Aquila and Scientific and Technology Park of Abruzzo
Review of meteorology during SESAME
B. Naujokat
BMBF Air Poll. REs. Rep., 56, 9-12, 1996
The cold stratospheric winters 1994/1995 and 1995/1996
B. Naujokat and S. Pawson
Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 23, No. 25, 3703-3706, 1996
Structure of the tropical lower stratosphere as revealed by three reanalysis data sets
S. Pawson and M. Fiorino
PCMDI Report No. 35, 1996
Climatology of planetary waves in the northern stratosphere
S. Pawson and T. Kubitz
J. Geophys. Res., 101, 16.987-16.996, 1996
Further studies of the internal variability in a perpetual January integration of a troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere GCM
S. Yoden, Y. Naito and S. Pawson
J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 74, 175-188, 1996
Welt im Wandel: Wege zur Lösung globaler Umweltprobleme, Jahresgutachten 1995
H. Zimmermann, O. Beese, G. Hempel, L. Kruse-Graumann, P. Klemmer, K. Labitzke, H. Mühle, H.-J. Schellnhuber, E. Simonis, H.W. Thoenes and P. Velsinger
(Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen 1996)
Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 249 S., 1996
also in english version:
World in Transition. Ways towards Global Environmental Solutions. Annual Report 1995
Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 249 p., 1996
Welt im Wandel: Herausforderung für die deutsche Wissenschaft, Jahresgutachten 1996
H. Zimmermann, O. Beese, G. Hempel, L. Kruse-Graumann, P. Klemmer, K. Labitzke, H. Mühle, H.-J. Schellnhuber, E. Simonis, H.W. Thoenes and P. Velsinger
(Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen 1996)
Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 201 S., 1996
also in english version:
World in Transition. The Research Challenge. Annual Report 1996
Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 193 p., 1997(!)
Converting potential temperature to altitude in the stratosphere
P.J. Crutzen, P. Braesicke
EOS, Vol. 78, No.38, 410, 1997
Reply to comments on "A new parameterization of scale-dependent radiative dissipation rates in the stratosphere"
G. Bresser, A.J.L. Manning, S. Pawson, C.D. Rogers
J.Atmos.Sci, 54, 1393-1394, 1997
Einfluß von Variationen der Meeresoberflächentemperaturen auf die Variabilität eines Klimamodells
P. Erlebach, U. Langematz, E. Manzini, S. Pawson, G. Radek and G. Strauch
Ann Met., 34 ,9-10, 1997
Stratospheric temperature trends derived from SPARC datasets
M.E. Gelman, V. Ramaswamy, J. Angell, M.L. Chanin, J. Christy, L. Coy, D. Cullum, Y. Koshelkov, K. Labitzke, J.-J. Lin, A.J. Miller, J. Nash, A. O'Neill, A. Oort, W. Randel, K.P. Shine and R. Swinbank
In: Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate (SPARC), Proceedings of the 1st SPARC General Assembly, WMO/TD-No.814, Vol.1, 153-156, 1997
Wave-mean-flow interaction
J.R. Holton, P. Kushner, K. Müller, K. Semeniuk, D.H. Tran
in: The Stratosphere and its Role in the Climate System, ( Ed.: G. Brasseur), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 47-57, 1997
An investigation of dynamical contributions to midlatitude ozone trends in winter
Hood, L.L., J.P. McCormack and K. Labitzke
J. of Geophys. Res., Vol. 102, NoD11, 13.079-13093, 1997
Comparison of the middle stratosphere in two independent data sets
K.Krüger, S. Pawson, R. Swinbank, M.J. Bailey and A. O'Neill
Proc. First SPARC General Assembly, Melbourne, Vol. I, 133 - 136, 1997
Vergleich planetarischer Wellen in zwei unabhängigen Datensätzen der mittleren Stratosphäre
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 86 S., 1997
On the stratosphere, the QBO and the sun: The winter 1995/1996
K. Labitzke, H. Van Loon
In: Stratospheric Processes and their role in Climate (SPARC), Proceedings of the 1st SPARC General Assembly, WMO/TD-No.814, Vol.2, 618-621, 1997
Stratospheric temperature trends
K. Labitzke, S.Leder and H. van Loon
In: Eastern Europe and Global Change; European Commission - Directorate-General - Science, Research and Development, Eds.: A. Ghazi, P. Mathy, and C. Zerefos; European Communities, Brussels, EUR 17458 EN, ISBN 92-827-6937-2, pp.61-74, 1997
The effect of the sunspot cycle in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
IAGA 1997 Abstract book / 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, 4.-9. august 1997, Uppsala/Sweden, p. 187, 1997
The effect on the lower stratosphere of three tropical volcanic eruptions
K. Labitzke, S.Leder and H. van Loon
In: Harry van Loon Symposium Studies in Climate II, NCAR Technical Note, TN-433 + PROC, 153-165, 1997
The signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Space Sci. Rev., 80, 393-410, 1997
The signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle in the upper troposphere-lower stratosphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: Harry van Loon Symposium Studies in Climate II, NCAR Technical Note, TN-433 + PROC, 176-196, 1997
The stratospheric winter 1996/97: Was it special?
K. Labitzke
Arctic Ozone Data Workshop, NASDA, Tokyo, 3.-5. December 1997, Abstract Book, p. 17, 1997
Total ozone and the 11-year sunspot cycle
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 59, No. 1, 9-19, 1997
Total ozone and the 11-year sunspot cycle
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: Stratospheric Processes and their role in Climate (SPARC), Proceedings of the 1st SPARC General Assembly, WMO/TD-No.814, Vol.1, 107-108, 1997
Trends and variability in the lower stratosphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
In: Proceedings of the Tsukuba Int. Workshop on Stratospheric Change and its Role in Climate and on the ATMOS-C1 Satellite Mission, (20.-22. October 1997, Tsukuba, Japan), pp. 28-31, 1997
1st German National SPARC Workshop
U. Langematz,
in SPARC Newsletter, 9, 1997
1st SPARC General Assembly
U. Langematz
in: Internationales Geosphären-Biosphären-Programm, Informationsbrief Nr.26, (Ed: IGBP-Sekretariat, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V., pp. 8-10, 1997
The Berlin troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere GCM: Climatology and forcing mechanisms
U. Langematz and S. Pawson
Q.J.R.Meteorol. Soc., 123, 1075-1096, 1997
Die Spezifikation von Ozon in Klimamodellen und ihre Auswirkungen auf das Modellklima
U. Langematz, T. Kubitz and G.Radek
Ann.Met., 34, 11-12, 1997
The sensitivity of stratospheric temperatures to the formulation of ozone in the Berlin GCM
U. Langematz and G. Radek
In: Stratospheric Processes and their role in Climate (SPARC), Proceedings of the 1st SPARC General Assembly, WMO/TD-No.814, Vol.1, 107, 59-62, 1997
Comparison between NCEP and FUB Analyses of the Stratosphere
S. Leder, K. Labitzke, H. Van Loon
First International Conference on Reanalyses, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, Abstract Digest/WCRP, NOAA Science Center Auditorium, p. 153, 1997
An update of the equatorial QBO and its variability
C. Marquardt and B. Naujokat
Proceedings of the 1st SPARC General Assembly, WMO/TD-No.814, Vol.1, 87-90, 1997
Die tropische QBO und dynamische Prozesse in der Stratosphäre
C. Marquardt
Dissertation Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 260S., 1997
The stratopause semiannual oscillation in the Berlin Troposphere-Stratosphere-Mesosphere GCM
K. Nissen (K. Müller), U. Langematz and S. Pawson
J. Atmos. Sci., Vol. 54, No. 23, 2749-2759 1997
Zusammenhang der vertikalen Ozonverteilung in der Stratosphäre mit Luftmassen und Fronten in der Troposphäre
M. Müller
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 65 S., 1997
Is there a trend in the occurrence of extremely low temperatures in the northern hemisphere stratospheric winters?
B. Naujokat, S. Pawson and A. Piel
Proc. SPARC Melbourne, WMO/TD-NO. 814, 157-160, 1997
Meteorology and atmospheric transport.
B. Naujokat, J. Pyle, M. Bithell, J.C. Farman, L.J. Gray, W.A. Norton, A. O'Neill and Y. Orsolini
In: European research in the stratosphere - The contribution of EASOE and SESAME to our current understanding of the ozone layer. (Ed.: European Commission DG XII. EUR 16986), 39-60, 1997
Observations of dynamical processes
A. O'Neill, J. de Grandpre, P. Erlebach, L. Harvey, J. Koshyk, D. Pendlebury, E. Ray, H. Rogers, E. Schupbach, A. Sobel, S. Williams
in: The Stratosphere and its Role in the Climate System, ( Ed.: G. Brasseur), Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 59-82, 1997
Intercomparison of stratospheric models: The GRIPS initiative
S. Pawson, K. Kodera, N.K. Balachandran, S.R. Beagley, B.A. Boville, M. Chiba, J.D. Farrara, J. de Grandpre, K.P. Hamilton, A. Kitoh, H. Koide, J. Koshyk, W. Lahoz, U. Langematz, D. Li, J.D. Mahlman, N. McFarlane, E. Manzini, C.R. Mechoso, W.A. Norton, Y. Orsolini, W. Randel, D. Rind, T.G. Shepherd, K. Shibata, P. Simon, R. Swinbank, J. Thuburn, L.M. Umscheid, R.J. Wilson and F. Wu
Proc. SPARC Melbourne, WMO/TD-NO. 814, 1-4, 1997
Structure of the tropical lower stratosphere in reanalyses
S. Pawson and M. Fiorino
Proc. SPARC Melbourne, WMO/TD-NO. 814, 141-144, 1997
Effects of gravity waves in the Berlin troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere GCM
S. Pawson
In: Gravity wave processes and their parametrisation in climate models, Ed. K. P. Hamilton, Springer Verlag, pp.327-336, 1997
Trends in daily wintertime temperatures in the northern stratosphere
S. Pawson and B. Naujokat
Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 575-578, 1997
'Kanadische' Stratosphärenerwärmungen. Eine Untersuchung unter Berücksichtigung mehrjähriger Klimaschwankungen
M. Prechtl
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 74 S., 1997
Stratospheric Climatology Studies for SPARC
W.J. Randel, L. Coy, M. Geller, M. Gelman, K. Hamilton, D. Karoly, D. Ortland, S. Pawson, M. Shiotani, R. Swinbank
Proceedings of the 1st SPARC General Assembly, WMO/TD-No.814, Vol.1, 75-78, 1997
Interpretation von OCl0-, BrO-, NO2- und O3-Messungen über Sondre Stromfjord (Grönland) im Januar und Februar 1990, unter Verwendung von Trajektorien
K. Schulz-Schöllhammer
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 131 S. 1997
The global influence of the solar cycle in the stratosphere
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
Beilage zur Berliner Wetterkarte, SO 8/97, 1997
The global range of the decadal wave in the stratosphere
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
IAGA 1997 Abstract book / 8th Scientific Assembly of IAGA, 4.-9. august 1997, Uppsala/Sweden, p. 553, 1997
The use of NCEP data in the global analysis of the 10-12 year oscillation in the stratosphere
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
First International Conference on Reanalyses, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, Abstract Digest/WCRP, NOAA Science Center Auditorium, p. 155, 1997
Modellstudien zur Ausbreitung und Dissipation tropische Wellen unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Transporteigenschaften
P. Braesicke
Dissertation Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 1998
Coupling of a semi Lagrangian transport scheme to the Berlin TSM GCM
P. Braesicke and U. Langematz
Report des MPI für Meteorologie, 265, pp. 93-95, 1998
Die Rolle der mittleren Atmosphäre in der Klimamodellierung - ein Überblick über neuere Modelle
U. Langematz and P. Braesicke
DMG Mitteilungen, 7-9, 3/1998
The unusual cold, persistent vortex in spring 1997
B. Naujokat and S. Pawson
BMBF Air Poll.Res.Rep., 66, 50-53, 1998
Die Bedeutung der Konvektion für die Variabilität in der tropischen Stratosphäre im Vergleich zur Rolle von vertikaler Auflösung und Strahlung: Simulationen mit einem globalen Zirkulationsmodell
K. Nissen
Dissertation Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 1998
Stepwise Changes in Stratospheric Temperature
S. Pawson, K. Labitzke and S. Leder
Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol.25, No.12, 2157-2160, 1998
Uses of satellite observations to validate climate/middle atmosphere models
S. Pawson and U. Langematz
Adv. Space Res., Vol.22, 1483-1492, 1998
The Berlin Troposphere-Stratosphere-Mesosphere GCM: Sesitivity to physical parametrizations
S. Pawson, U. Langematz, G. Radek, U. Schlese and P. Strauch
Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 124, pp. 1343-1371, 1998
The global range of the stratospheric decadal wave. Part I: Its association with the sunspot cycle in summer and the annual mean, and with the troposphere
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
Journal of Climate, Vol.11, 1529-1537, 1998
A note on record-high temperatures at the northern polar stratosphere in winter 1997/98
U. von Zahn, J. Fiedler, B. Naujokat, U. Langematz and K. Krüger
GRL, 25, No. 22, 4169-4172, 1998
A comparison of reanalyses in the tropical stratosphere. Part 1: Thermal Structure and the Annual Cycle
S. Pawson and M. Fiorino
Clim. Dyn., 14, 631-644, 1998
A comparison of reanalyses in the tropical stratosphere. Part 2: The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
S. Pawson and M. Fiorino
Clim. Dyn., 14, 645-658, 1998
Modelle und Prognosefähigkeit,
Dameris M., A. Dörnbrack, H. Flentje, J. Hendricks, U. Langematz, J. Perlwitz, T. Peter and C. Timmreck,
In: 10 Jahre Deutsche Ozonforschung (Ed.: R. Zellner u.a.), 1999
Der Kenntnisstand 1988 - Was wußte man vor der Einrichtung des Ozonforschungsprogramms über die Ozonschicht.
A. Ebel, G.Entzian, P. Köpke, K. Mauersberger, B. Naujokat, and T. Peter
In: 10 Jahre Deutsche Ozonforschung (Ed.: R.Zellner u.a.), 24-37, 1999
Die Stratosphäre
K. Labitzke
Springer Verlag, 1999
The Stratosphere
K. Labitzke and H. van Loon
Springer Verlag, 1999
Meteorologie der nordpolaren Stratosphäre
B. Naujokat, A. Dörnbrack, A.Ebel, C. Marquardt
in: 10 Jahre Deutsche Ozonforschung (Ed.: R. Zellner), S.24-37, 1999
Intercomparison of two stratospheric analyses: Temperatures relevant to polar stratospheric cloud formation
S. Pawson, K. Krüger, R. Swinbank, M. Bailey and A. O'Neill
J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 104, 2041-2050, 1999
The cold winters of the middle 1990s in the northern lower stratosphere
S. Pawson and B. Naujokat
J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 104, NO.D12, 14209-14222, 1999
The role of dynamics in the total ozone deviations from their long-term mean over the Northern hemisphere
K. Petzold
Ann. Geophys., 17, 231-241, 1999
The signal of the 11-year solar cycle in the global stratosphere
H. van Loon and K. Labitzke
J.Atmos.Sol.-Terr.Phys. Vol.61, 53-61, January 1999
A composite analysis of the stratospheric sudden warmings simulated in a perpetual January integration of the Berlin TSM GCM
S. Yoden, T. Yamaga, S. Pawson and U. Langematz
J. Met. Soc. Japan, Vol.77, 431-445, 1999
On the occurrence and evolution of extremely high temperatures at the polar winter stratopause - a GCM study.
P. Braesicke und U. Langematz
Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 1467-1470, 2000
Stratospheric sudden warmings in the Berlin CMAM: Diagnosis using a streamfunction approach
P. Braesicke und U. Langematz
Air pollution research report, Stratospheric ozone 1999, 73, 467-470, 2000
ENSO und die nordpolare, winterliche Stratosphäre.
M. Kunze
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 127 S., 2000
The QBO effect on the solar signal in the global stratosphere in the winter of the Northern Hemisphere
K. Labitzke und H. van Loon
J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys, 62, Issue 8, 621-628, doi:10.1016/S1364-6826(00)00047-X, 2000.
The GCM-Reality Intercomparison Project for SPARC (GRIPS): Scientific Issues and Initial Results.
S. Pawson, K. Kodera, K. Hamilton, T.G. Shepherd, S.R. Beagley, B.A. Boville, J.D. Farrara, T.D.A. Fairlie, A. Kitoh, W.A. Lahoz, U. Langematz, E. Manzini, D.H. Rind, A.A. Scaife, K. Shibata, P. Simon, R. Swinbank, L. Takacs, R.J. Wilson, J.A. Al-Saadi, M. Amodei, M. Chiba, L. Coy, J. de Grandpre, R.S. Eckman, M. Fiorino, W.L. Grose, H. Koide, J.N. Koshyk, D. Li, J. Lerner, J.D. Mahlman, N.A. McFarlane, C.R. Mechoso, A. Molod, A. O'Neill, R.B. Pierce, W.J. Randel, R.B. Rood, F. Wu
Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc.,81, 781-796, 2000
The 11-year solar cycle, the Suns's rotation and the middle stratosphere in winter. Part 1: Response of zonal means.
B. Soukharev and K. Labitzke
J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 62, 335-346, 2000
The lower arctic stratosphere in winter since 1952.
K. Labitzke andB. Naujokat
SPARC Newsletter, 15, 11-14, 2000
An estimate of the impact of observed ozone losses on stratospheric temperature.
U. Langematz
Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol.27, NO.14, 2077-2080, 2000
The Winters 1997/98 and 1998/99 in Perspective
B. Naujokat
Air Poll. Res. Rep., 73, 107-110, 2000
QBO, SAO and tropical waves in the Berlin TSM GCM: Sensitivity to radiation, vertical resolution and convection.
K. M. Nissen, P. Braesicke and U. Langematz
J.Geophys. Res., Vol.105, NO.D20, 24771-24790, 2000
Intercomparison of troposphere-stratosphere GCMs
S. Pawson, E. Drysdale, and K. Krüger
Sparc Newsletter 14, 2000
The Influence of the 11-year Solar Cycle on the Stratosphere Below 30 km: a Review
H. van Loon und K. Labitzke
Space Science Reviews, 94, 1-2, 259-278, doi: 10.1023/A:1026731625713, 2000.
Der Einfluss der QBO auf den stratosphärischen Polarwirbel der Nordhemisphäre in einer Modellstudie
K. Weber (K. Matthes)
Diplomarbeit, Met. Inst. FU Berlin, 130 S., 2000
GOME total ozone in the Arctic winter/spring seasons 1995/96 - 1998/99
M. Weber, K.-U. Eichmann, K. Bramstedt, J.P. Burrows, and B. Naujokat
Air Poll. Res. Rep., 73, 127-130, 2000