Publications before 2019
Lehmann, Elfrun und Peter Névir, 2012, Uncertainties in Variations of Relative Atmospheric Angular Momentum Computed from Reanalysis Data’, 05/2012; 117(D9). DOI: 10.1029/2011JD016658JGR-Atmosphere.
Jaenicke, R., V. Dreiling, E. Lehmann, P.K. Koutsenogli, J. Stingl (1992): Condensation Nuclei at The German Antarctic Station Georg-von-Neumayer, Tellus, Vol. 44B, 311-317.
Lehmann, E., R. Jaenicke (1991): Condensation Nuclei Measurements at The Georg von Neumayer Station (F.R.G.), Coastal Antarctica, J. Aerosol Sci., Vol. 22, 589-592.
Wolfgang Lucht, Elfrun Lehmann, Sybill Schaphof, Birgit Schröder, Tim Erbrecht (2005): Trends in the Regional Carbon Budget 1900-2100, Endbericht für das Siberia II Projekt (Mult-Sensor Concepts for Greenhouse Gas Accounting in Northern Eurasia), innerhalb des 5. Rahmenprogramms der Europäischen Kommission.
Hanna, S. R., E. Lehmann, P. Franzese, N. Hamer (2002): User-Based Requirements Assessment for Atmospheric Transport Tools, School of Computational Sciences, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444, Bericht für das Department of Energy, Chemical and Biological National Security (CBNP) Program.
Gary Moore, Lloyd Schulman, Elfrun Lehmann (2000): Ohio Valley-Ozone Smog Pollution and Power Plants in the Ohio River Valley,Bericht für das Ohio Environmental Council, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, Ohio Valley Environmental Restoration.
Lehmann, Elfrun (1997): Comparison of Modeled and Observed Ozone, NOxand Biogenic Isoprene Concentration in Maryland, Bericht für NOAA ARL, Silver Spring, MD.
Conference contributions
Lehmann, E. and P. Névir (2012), Uncertainties in Variations of Relative Atmospheric Angular Momentum Computed from Reanalysis Data, Vortrag, International symposium on data assimilation, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach, 8.-11. 10.2012
Lehmann E., Hansen F., Ulbrich U., Névir P., Leckebusch G.C., (2009), Assessing the effect of the relative atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) on length-of-day (LOD) variations under climate warming, Vortrag, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-10520-1.2009, Vortrag, EGU General Assembly 2009, Wien, 19.-24.04.2009.
Lehmann E., Götzsch A., Ulbrich U., Leckbusch G.C., Névir P., Thomas M. (2009), Long-term ERP time series as indicators for global climate variability and climate change, Poster, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-9084-1.2009, EGU General Assembly 2009, Wien, 19.-24.04.2009.
Lehmann E.,P. Névir G.C. Leckebusch, U. Ulbrich (2008): The influence of zonal winds on the ENSO-LOD relation on interannual time scales, Vortrag, Geodätische Woche, Bremen.
Lehmann, E., G. C. Leckebusch, U. Ulbrich, P. Névir (2008): Effects of ENSO on sub-seasonal to interannual length-of-day (LOD) variability. Vortrag, EGU Wien.
E. Lehmann, G.C. Leckebusch, U. Ulbrich, P. Névir (2007): Ocean-Atmosphere Effects on Interannual Length-of-Day (LOD) Variations. Poster, Geodätische Woche, Leipzig.
Lehmann, E., Chr. Endler, G.C. Leckebusch, U. Ulbrich, P. Névir (2007): LOD - An independent indicator for climate variability & change ? Poster, EGU, Wien
Endler, C., G.C. Leckebusch, U. Ulbrich, P. Nevir, E. Lehmann (2006): Relationship between interannual variations in the lengths of day (LOD) and ENSO. Poster, Geodätische Woche, München.
Elfrun Lehmann, P. Franzese, S. R. Hanna, R. Britter, N. Hamer (2002): Testing and development of comprehensive evaluation methodologies for urban dispersion models and their relationship to users needs requirements, Vortrag und Beitrag in Proceedings der 12. Joint Conference on the Application of Air Pollution Meteorology, A&WMA Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Lehmann, Elfrun, P. Franzese, J. Chang, S. R. Hanna (2002): Assessment of user-based requirements for atmospheric transport tools and its relation to model evaluation methodologies, Vortrag, Sixth Annual GMU Transport and Dispersion Modeling Workshop, Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
Moore, Gary, Elfrun Lehmann (2001): The impact of photochemical grid model volume on ozone predictions in the New York City plume, Vortrag, Modeling Committee Meeting of the State Services Organization (SSO), Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI), USA.
Lehmann, Elfrun, Gary E. Moore (1999): An advanced modeling system to predict air quality, Vortrag, 92ndAir & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Lehmann, Elfrun(1998): An Evaluation of the Predictive Performance of the Photochemical Grid Models UAM-V and CAMx for the Northeast Corridor, Vortrag und Beitrag in Proceedings of 91stAir & Waste Management Association Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, California, USA.
Lehmann, Elfrun(1997): Comparison of Modeled and Observed Biogenic VOCs in Maryland, Vortrag, Workshop on Biogenic Hydrocarbons in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Charlottesville, North Carolina,USA.
Lehmann, E., J.T. McQueen, R.R. Draxler (1997): Modeling the Impact of Biogenic Emissions on Ozone Concentrations in the Lower Troposphere, Vortrag, AGU Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA
Lehmann, E., R. Jaenicke (1991): Condensation Nuclei Measurements at the Georg von Neumayer Station (FRG), Coastal Antarctica, Vortrag, European Aerosol Conference, Karlsruhe.