About the Project
Our project is divided into three areas, which, when taken together, take an interdisciplinary approach with the aim of teaching schoolchildren about the scientific work involved in researching the Earth system:
Inclusion of current research in classroom instruction
This area of the project aims to bring the latest scientific findings into classroom instruction in schools. To that end, it has offered three teacher education workshops:
Each of the workshops takes place over two consecutive days. At the workshops, experts present information on current research topics and then work with participants to develop interdisciplinary classroom instruction modules.
Earth system research offers a broach field of interdisciplinary questions that should be made accessible, in their full breadth, for classroom instruction. The project members selected eight topics. Now, teachers and scientists are working together on these topics, in smaller working groups, to put together the results of scientific research for classroom use, with an eye to both teaching effectiveness and appropriateness for the target group.
Organizing and holding joint activities is one way to show students the work that is done at the scientific and academic institutions and get them interested in later academic careers.