Prof. Dr. Frank Riedel

Geologische Wissenschaften
Fachrichtung Paläontologie
Raum D.025
D-12249 Berlin
nach Absprache.
Film, Magazin und Radio
Die Vermessung der Erde - Von der Nebra-Scheibe bis zum GPS
Fernsehdokumentation (45 min) "Die Vermessung der Erde" ZDF (2019)
Ein Labor am Geburtsort der Menschheit -
Über die Geschichte eines Paläo-Sees im südlichen Afrika
Artikel in der Beilage der Tageszeitung "DER TAGESSPIEGEL" (2016)
Artikel im Onlinemagazin der Freien Universität campus.leben
Stumme Zeugen des Klimawandels -
Was uns Affenbrotbäume über das Erdklima verraten
Artikel in der Beilage der Tageszeitung "DER TAGESSPIEGEL" (2015)
Tatort Uni Der Geowissenschaftler Frank Riedel begibt sich in seiner Freizeit in gefährliche Gefilde: Er schreibt Krimis
Artikel im Online-Magazin campus.leben der Freien Universität Berlin (2015)
Unterschätzte Disziplin -
Paläontologen als Zukunftsforscher gefragt
Radio-Gespräch, "ZEITFRAGEN", Deutschlandradio Kultur (2015)
Ein See verschwindet -
Geowissenschaftliches Projekt in Botsuana
Pressemitteilung der Freien Universität Berlin vom 14.09.2015
Schatztruhe Kaspisches Meer -
wie sie dem Ölboom zum Opfer fällt
Radio-Gespräch, "Weltsichten", RBB Inforadio (2007)
Heiße Spur am Monte Verde -
Das Rätsel der ersten Amerikaner
Fernsehdokumentation (45 min) "Expidition" im ZDF (2006)
Dem Klimawandel auf der Spur
Radio-Gespräch, "Vis à vis", RBB Inforadio (2005)
Das Rätsel von Ladakh
Fernsehdokumentation (45 min) "Einsteins Erben" im ZDF (2005)
Bohren im Klima-Archiv
FOKUS, 2005;8:86-87
Das Kaspische Meer
Fernsehdokumentation (45 min) "Europas vergessene Küste" ARTE (2005)
Die aus dem Weltall kommen
Fernsehdokumentation (45 min) "Humboldts Erben" im ZDF (2001)
- Since 11/2011 Guest Professor at Yunnan Normal University, China
- Since 7/2001 Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Ecosystem Dynamics in Central Asia of the Freie Universität Berlin
- Since 3/2001 Appointed co-director of the Sino-German Center of Arid Environment and Paleoclimate Research, Lanzhou University, China
- Since 1/2001 Professor of palaeobiology at the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Freie Universität Berlin
- 1994-2000 Assistant professor (wissenschaftl. Assistent) at the Institute of Palaeontology of the Freie Universität Berlin
- 1992-1994 Post-Doc at the Geological and Palaeontological Institute and Museum of Hamburg University
- 1990-1992 PhD-student at the Geological and Palaeontological Institute and Museum of Hamburg University
- 1984-1990 Student of biology and geology/palaeontology at Hamburg University
- 1980-1984 Sailor
- 9/1961 Born in Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany
A wide range of different lectures has been taught by me during my scientific career with special emphasis on the palaeobiology of invertebrates, ecosystem dynamics and environmental change. My favourite courses are practical training courses, either in respect of marine or in respect of terrestrial-lacustrine (palaeo-) ecosystems and (palaeo-) environments respectively.
See also B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Geological Sciences curriculae which you can find via the FU Berlin homepage.
There are three avenues of research in which I am mainly interested and which are partly interlinked:
1. Environmental Change
In 2001 the Interdisciplinary Centre for Ecosystem Dynamics in Central Asia (EDCA) was founded which acts as an umbrella and coordination organisation of several research groups of the Freie Universität Berlin. These are groups from Natural Sciences as well as from Social Sciences having the same goal of trying to understand the processes of the late Quaternary environmental change in Central Asia.
2. Ancient Lakes
There is a dozen of lakes on our planet which differ from the other tens of thousands extant lakes in respect of their geological age and their unique fauna and flora. These are e.g. the Siberian Lake Baikal, the Mongolian Khubsugul, the Kyrgyzian Issyk-Kul, the Japanese Lake Biwa, the Indonesian Malili- Lakes, the East-African-Rift lakes Tanganyika and Malawi, the Peruvian-Bolivian Lake Titicaca and, in Europe, Lake Ohrid.
In September 2006 the FU Berlin hosted the 4th International Symposium on Speciation in Ancient Lakes (SIAL)
3. Molluscs
Generally I am interested in all molluscs but particularly in Caenozoic gastropods which are the most important organisms in my research. These have usually a good fossil record and are also extant in most actual ecosystems, from the deep sea to the high mountain areas. My publication list will give you an impression of the range of approaches.
Research projectsCurrent
- Testen von Klimasimulationen für das Hochland von Lesotho (südliches Afrika) während des Letztglazialen Maximums mit Proxy-Daten der Phylogeographie, der Geomorphologie und der paläobiologischen Isotopengeochemie; DFG RI 809/38; since 2020
- Establishing vivparid gastropods as Cenozoic continental environmental archive; with case studies on Oligocene SE-Asian intial icehouse weather, on climate variability during the Plio-Pleistocene transition in Central Asia, and on genetic and environmental control of shell plasticity; DFG RI 809/39; since 2020
- Rekonstruktion eines Paläo-Seesystems am UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Tsodilo Hills, Kalahari, Botsuana: MIS3 und MIS2 Ökosystemdynamik und Klima-, Wetter- und Umweltvariation, abgeleitet von Sedimentationsprozessen und Bioindikatoren; DFG RI 809/34; since 2015
- Assessment of stable isotope time series from Baobab trees (Adansonia digitata) as a high-resolution climate archive for (semi-)arid Africa for the last Millennium; DFG RI 809/ 32; since 2015
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate change in the most continental part of Central Asia
PI Mischke, DFG RI 809/27; 2011-2020 - Exploring the potential of δ18O and δ13C in pollen for reconstruction of Quaternary palaeo-climate focussing seasonal variations of climate quantities (temperature, moisture, solar radiation): Pilot study towards a comprehensive calibration of stable isotopes in modern pollen from selected European plant taxa; DFG RI 809/33; 2015-2020
- Asian monsoon weather and climate and lake system changes on the Yunnan Plateau during the late Holocene inferred from sclerochronological isotope patterns of gastropod shells and sediments from Xingyun and Fuxian lakes (Yunnan, China) DFG RI 809/29; RI 809/31; 2013-2016
- Age, development and Limnology of extant Tibetan Plateau lakes: A reconstruction based on phylogeography and palaeoecology of the gastropod genus Radix
DFG RI 809/21; 2008-2015 - The role of the Pleistocene mega-lake Palaeo-Makgadikgadi, Kalahari, for the biodiversity and biogeography of modern non-marine aquatic organisms of southern Africa, with special focus on riverine gastropods
DFG RI 809/20; Ri 809/23; 2007-2013 - Himalaya: Modern and Past Climates - Reconstructing Holocene climatic oscillations in the Indian monsoon system using cores from Himalayan (Manasbal, Tso Moiri) and central Indian (Lonar) lakes DFG RI 809/24; 2010-2012
- Phylogeographical analyses of Patagonian terrestrial gastropods as a tool for understanding regional late Quaternary glacial dynamics DFG RI 809/19; 2006 - 2007
- Interstadial and Interglacial periods of the Late Quaternary environmental history of the Arctic reconstructed with the aid of organismic remains from permafrost sequences of NE-Siberia
DFG RI 809/17, FR 877/15-1, SCHI 975/1-1; 2006-2009 - Dynamics of the Indian Monsoon since the Mid Holocene: High-resolution multiproxy studies on the Tso Kar basin in the arid high mountain area of Ladakh (NW-India)
DFG Ri 809/15; 2004-2009 - Shells of Corbicula (Bivalvia) as environmental proxy for palaeoecological reconstructions
DFG RI 809/13; from 2003 - 2006 - The phylogeography of pyrgulid gastropods: Evolutionary processes in the context of the palaeogeographical dynamics of the central and eastern Paratethys and Ponto-Caspian region respectively and of the northeastern Mediterranean
DFG Ri 809/12; 2003-2005 - Holocene climate development in NW China: Analysis of plant macro-fossils and their oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotopic signal
DFG Ri/11; 2003-2005 - Holocene paleohydrography and climate variability of the Zigetang lake, Tibetan Plateau derived from laminated sediments
GZ 059, Sino-German Center of Science Promotion; 2002-2003 - Evolutionary ecology and biogeography of Caspian Sea gastropods
DFG Ri 809/8; 2000-2001 - Palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical studies on limnic Late Caenozoic molluscs from Inner Mongolia with regard to climate interpretation
DFG Ri 809/5; 1998-2001 - Origin and evolution of the higher Caenogastropoda.
DFG Ri 809/2; 1996-1998 - Evolutionary ecology of Lake Baikal gastropods
DFG Ri 809/1; DFG Ri 809/6-1; and: DAAD, State Berlin (ABM), FU Berlin (FK); 1995-1999 - Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate variability and environmental changes in high mountain ranges: Document from the closed Hala Hu (Har lake), northern Tibetan Plateau
GZ 059, Sino-German Center of Science Promotion; 2002-2003
- Holocene climatic variability and evolution of human settlement in the Aral Sea basin
H. Oberhänsli, Potsdam: INTAS 436 Rus 113/663/0-1(A); DFG Ob 86/3; 2002-2005 - Biogeographical patterns and speciation processes of bivalves and gastropods from the brackish to freshwater Paratethys since the Pannonian (Middle Miocene), with special focus on the molluscan fauna of the Caspian Sea
K. Bandel, Hamburg: DFG Ba 675/30; 2002-2004 - On the taxonomy, phylogeny, biostratigraphy and palaeogeography of Middle to Upper Jurassic gastropods from central and eastern Europe
H. Keupp, Berlin: DFG Ke 322/28; 2001-2003 - Investigation of lake history and micro-organisms of Bosten Lake, Xinjiang, China.
B. Wünnemann, Berlin: DFG Wu 290/2; 1999-2001 - Taxonomy, phylogeny and biostratigraphy of Jurassic gastropods (particularly Middle Jurassic) from Germany and Poland
H. Keupp, Berlin: DFG Ke 322/20; 1998 bis 2001 - Phylogeny and evolutionary ecology of Jurassic gastropods from Normandy
H. Keupp, Berlin: DFG Ke 322/15; 1995-1997 - Evolution of gastropods in the Miocene Pannonian long-lived lake
K. Bandel, Hamburg: DFG Ba/18; 1995-1997
Selected Papers
- Wiese R, Harrington K, Hartmann K, Hethke M, von Rintelen T, Zhang H, Zhang L-J, & Riedel F 2022 Can fractal dimensions objectivize gastropod shell morphometrics? A case study from Lake Lugu (SW China). Ecology and Evolution, 12, e8622.
- Sands AF, Riedel F, Gummersbach VS and Albrecht C 2022 Against the Flow: The Colonisation of the Lesotho Highlands by Freshwater Limpets. Front. Environ. Sci. 10: 914272
- Mahulu A, Stelbrink B, Van Bocxlaer B, Riedel F, Albrecht C. 2021 Going with the flow? Diversification of gastropods reflects drainage evolution in Africa. J Biogeogr. 48: 1579–1593.
- Müller C, Hennig J, Riedel F and Helle G 2021 Quantifying the impact of chemicals on stable carbon and oxygen isotope values of raw pollen. J. Quaternary Sci. 36: 441-449
- Slotta F, Wacker L, Riedel F, Heußner K-U, Hartmann K, and Helle G 2021 High-resolution 14C bomb peak dating and climate response analyses of subseasonal stable isotope signals in wood of the African baobab – a case study from Oman. Biogeosciences. 18: 3539–3564,
- Geppert M, Riedel F, Gummersbach VS, Gutjahr S, Hoelzmann P, Reyes Garzón MD, Shemang EM, & Hartmann K 2021 Late Pleistocene hydrological settings at world heritage Tsodilo Hills (NW Kalahari, Botswana), a site of ancient human occupation. Quaternary Science Advances. 3:
- Wiese R, Hartmann K, Gummersbach VS, Shemang EM, Struck U, Riedel F, 2020 Lake highstands in the northern Kalahari, Botswana, during MIS 3b and LGM. Quaternary International.
- Pauly M, Helle G, Büntgen U, Wacker L, Treydte K, Reinig F, Turney C, Nievergelt D, Kromer B, Friedrich M, Sookdeo A, Heinrich I, Riedel F, Balting D, Brauer A 2020 An annual-resolution stable isotope record from Swiss subfossil pine trees growing in the late Glacial. Quaternary Science Reviews 247,
Müller C, Hethke M, Riedel F, Helle G 2020 Inter- and intra-tree variability of carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios of modern pollen from nine European tree species. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0234315
Ortiz-Sepulveda CM, Stelbrink B, Vekemans X, Albrecht C, Riedel F, Todd JA, Van Bocxlaer B 2020 Diversification dynamics of freshwater bivalves (Unionidae: Parreysiinae: Coelaturini) indicate historic hydrographic connections throughout the East African Rift System. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 148: 106816
Stelbrink B, Richter R, Köhler F, Riedel F, Strong EE, Van Bocxlaer B, Albrecht C, Hauffe T, Page TJ, Aldridge DC, Bogan AE, Du LN, Manuel-Santos MR, Marwoto RM, Shirokaya AA, von Rintelen T 2020 Global diversification dynamics since the Jurassic: Low dispersal and habitat-dependent evolution explain hotspots of diversity and shell disparity in River Snails (Viviparidae). Systematic Biology,
Taft L, Wiechert U, Albrecht C, Leipe C, Tsukamoto S, Wilke T, Zhang HC, Riedel F 2020 Intra-seasonal hydrological processes on the western Tibetan Plateau: Monsoonal and convective rainfall events at ~7.5 ka. Quaternary International 537: 9-23
Wiese R, Clewing C, Albrecht C, Rabethke C, Zhang HC, Riedel F 2020 How ancient is Lake Lugu (Yunnan, China)? The gastropods´ viewpoint with focus on Radix (Lymnaeidae). Journal of Great Lakes Research,
- Wünnemann B, Yan D, Andersen N, Riedel F, Zhang Y, Sun Q, Hoelzmann P 2018 A 14 ka high-resolution δ18O lake record reveals a paradigm shift for the process-based reconstruction of hydroclimate on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews 200: 65-84
- Pauly M, Helle G, Miramont C, Büntgen U, Treydte K, Reinig F, Guibal F, Sivan O, Heinrich I, Riedel F, Kromer B, Balanzategui D, Wacker L, Sookdeo A & Brauer A 2018 Subfossil trees suggest enhanced Mediterranean hydroclimate variability at the onset of the Younger Dryas. Scientific Reports 8, 13980
- Schmidt M, Fuchs M, Henderson ACG, Kossler A, Leng MJ, Mackay AW, Shemang E, Riedel F 2017 Paleolimnological features of a mega-lake phase in the Makgadikgadi Basin (Kalahari, Botswana) during Marine Isotope Stage 5 inferred from diatoms. J Paleolimnol 58: 373–390
- Slotta F, Helle G, Heußner K-U, Shemang E, Riedel F 2017 Baobabs on Kubu Island, Botswana – A dendrochronological multi-parameter study using ring width and stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O) Erdkunde 71(1) DOI: 10.3112/erdkunde.2017.01.02
- Clewing C, Riedel F, Wilke T, Albrecht C 2015 Ecophenotypic plasticity leads to extraordinary gastropod shells found on the “Roof of the World”. Ecology and Evolution 5(14): 2966–2979
- Riedel F, Henderson ACG, Heußner K-U, Kaufmann G, Kossler A, Leipe C, Shemang E, Taft L 2014 Dynamics of a Kalahari long-lived mega-lake system: hydromorphological and limnological changes in the Makgadikgadi Basin (Botswana) during the terminal 50 ka. Hydrobiologia 739: 25-53
- Leipe C, Demske D, Tarasov PE, Wünnemann B, Riedel F, HIMPAC Project Members 2014 Potential of pollen and non-pollen palynomorph records from Tso Moriri (Trans-Himalaya, NW India) for reconstructing Holocene limnology and human–environmental interactions. Quaternary International 348: 113-129
- Schultheiß R, van Bocxlaer B, Riedel F, von Rintelen T, Albrecht C 2014 Disjunct distributions of freshwater snails testify to a central role of the Congo system in shaping biogeographical patterns in Africa. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 42
- Taft L, Mischke S, Wiechert U, Leipe C, Rajabov I, Riedel F 2014 Sclerochronological oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in Radix (Gastropoda) shells indicate changes of glacial meltwater flux and temperature since 4,200 cal yr BP at Lake Karakul, eastern Pamirs (Tajikistan). Journal of Paleolimnology 52: 27-41
- Albrecht C, von Rintelen T, Sereda S, Riedel F 2014 Evolution of ancient lake bivalves: the Lymnocardiinae (Cardiidae) of the Caspian Sea. Hydrobiologia 739: 85-94
- Taft L, Wiechert U, Zhang HC, Lei GL, Mischke S, Plessen B, Weynell M, Winkler A, Riedel F 2013 Oxygen and carbon isotope patterns archived in shells of the aquatic gastropod Radix: Hydrologic and climatic signals across the Tibetan Plateau in sub-monthly resolution. Quaternary International 290-291: 282-298
- Von Oheimb P, Albrecht C, Riedel F, Bössneck U, Zhang HC, Wilke T 2013 Testing the role of the Himalaya Mountains as a dispersal barrier in freshwater gastropods (Gyraulus spp.). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 109: 526-534
- Taft L, Wiechert U, Riedel F, Weynell M, Zhang HC 2012 Sub-seasonal oxygen and carbon isotope variations in shells of modern Radix sp. (Gastropoda) from the Tibetan Plateau: Potential of a new archive for palaeoclimate studies. Quaternary Science Reviews 34: 44-56
- Riedel F, Erhardt S, Chauke C, Kossler A, Shemang E, Tarasov P 2012 Evidence for a permanent lake in Sua Pan (Kalahari, Botswana) during the early centuries of the last millennium indicated by distribution of Baobab trees (Adansonia digitata) on “Kubu Island”. Quaternary International 253: 67-73
- Von Oheimb PV, Albrecht C, Riedel F, Du LN, Yang JX, Aldridge DC, Bößneck U, Zhang HC, Wilke T 2011 Freshwater biogeography and limnological evolution of the Tibetan Plateau – Insights from a plateau-wide distributed gastropod taxon (Radix spp.). PLoS ONE 6, e26307
- Riedel F, Kossler A, Tarasov P, Wünnemann B 2011 A study on Holocene foraminifera from the Aral Sea and West Siberian lakes and its implication for migration pathways. Quaternary International 229: 105-111
- Bezrukova EV, Tarasov PE, Solovieva N, Krivonogov SK, Riedel F 2010 Last glacial-interglacial vegetation and environmental dynamics in southern Siberia: chronology, forcing and feedbacks. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 296: 185-198
- Sitnikova T, Soldatenko E, Kamaltynov R, Riedel F 2010 The finding of North American freshwater gastropods of the genus Planorbella Haldeman, 1842 (Pulmonata: Planorbidae) in East Siberia. Aquatic Invasions 5: 201-205
- Wünnemann B, Demske D, Tarasov P, Kotlia BS, Reinhardt C, Bloemendal J, Diekmann B, Hartmann K, Krois J, Riedel F, Arya N 2010 Hydrological evolution during the last 15 kyr in the Tso Kar lake basin (Ladakh, India), derived from geomorphological, sedimentological and palynological records. Quaternary Science Reviews 29: 1138-1155
- Keupp H, Riedel F 2010 Remarks on the possible function of the apophyses of the Middle Jurassic microconch ammonite Ebrayiceras sulcatum (ZIETEN 1830), with a discussion on the palaeobiology of Aptychophora in general. Neues Jahrbuch Geologie und Paläontologie 255: 301-314
- Riedel F, von Rintelen T, Erhardt S, Kossler A 2009 A fossil Potadoma (Gastropoda: Pachychilidae) from Pleistocene central Kalahari fluvio-lacustrine sediments. Hydrobiologia 636: 493–498
- Demske D, Tarasov PE, Wünnemann B, Riedel F 2009 Late glacial and Holocene vegetation, Indian monsoon and westerly circulation dynamics in the Trans-Himalaya recorded in the pollen profile from the Tso Kar, Ladakh, NW India. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 279: 172-185
- Rudaya N, Tarasov P, Dorofeyuk N, Solovieva N, Kalugin I, Andreev A, Daryin A, Diekmann B, Riedel F, Tserendash N, Wagner M 2009 Holocene environments and climate in the Mongolian Altai reconstructed from the Hoton-Nur pollen and diatom records: a step towards better understanding climate dynamics in Central Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews 28: 540-554
- Filippov A, Riedel F 2009 The Late Holocene mollusc fauna of the Aral Sea and its biogeographical and ecological interpretation. Limnologica 39: 67-85
- Kohring R, Riedel F, Zobel K (eds) 2009 Zum 60. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Helmut Keupp. Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen 10: 1-371
- Wilke T, Väinölä R, Riedel F (eds) 2008 Patterns and processes of speciation in ancient lakes. Developments in Hydrobiology 205, pp. 235, Springer
- Wünnemann B, Reinhardt C, Kotlia BS, Riedel F 2008 Observations on the relationship betwen lake formation, permafrost activity and Lithalsa development during the last 20 000 years in the Tso Kar Basin, Ladakh, India. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 19: 341-358
- Pachang R, Nigam R, Riedel F, Janssen A & U Ko Yi Hla 2007 A review of the studies on pteropods from the northern Indian Ocean region with a report on the pteropods of Irrawaddy continental shelf off Myanmar (Burma). Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 36: 384-398.
- Tarasov P, Bezrukova E, Karabanov E, Nakagawa T, Wagner M, Kulagina, N, Letunova P, Abzaeva A, Granoszewski W & Riedel F 2007 Vegetation and climate dynamics during the Holocene and Eemian interglacials derived from Lake Baikal pollen record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252: 440-457.
- Coulter G, Langenberg V, Lowe-McConnell R, Riedel F, Roest F, Sarvala J & Timoshkin O 2006 Survival of Ancient Lake Biodiversity. International Association of Theoretical & Applied Limnology 29(3): 1178-1181.
- Kossler A, Kohring R & Riedel F (Hrsg.) 2006 Speciation in Ancient Lakes, SIAL 4. Abstracts of the international symposium in Berlin, September 4-8, 2006 Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen 9: 1-70.
- Redman CL, Crumley CL, Hassan F, Hole F, Morais J, Riedel F, Scarborough VL, Tainter JA, Turchin P & Yasuda Y 2006 Millennial perspectives on the dynamic interaction of climate, people and resources. In: Costanza R, Graumlich LJ, Steffen W (eds), Sustainability or collapse? An integrated history and future of people on Earth, pp. 115-148.
- Riedel F, Audzijonyte A & Mogue N 2006 Aliens associating with Caspian endemic bivalves. Biological Invasions 8: 1067-1071.
- Herzschuh U, Zhang C, Mischke S, Herzschuh R, Mohammadi F, Mingram B, Kürschner H & Riedel F 2005 A late Quaternary lake record from the Qilian Mountains (NW China): evolution of the primary production and the water depth reconstructed from macrofossil, pollen, biomarker and isotope data. Global and Planetary Change 46: 361-379.
- Mischke S, Herzschuh U, Zhang C, Bloemendal J & Riedel F 2005 A late Quaternary lake record from the Qilian Mountains (NW China): lake level and salinity changes inferred from sediment properties and ostracod assemblages. Global and Planetary Change 46: 337-359.
- Szarowska M, Falniowski A, Riedel F & Wilke T 2005 Phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Pyrgulinae (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Hydrobiidae) with emphasis on the genus Dianella Gude, 1913. Zootaxa 891:1-32.
- Röpstorf P & Riedel F 2004 Deep water gastropods endemic to Lake Baikal - a SEM study on protoconchs and radulae. Journal of Conchology 38(3): 253-282.
- Hausdorf B, Röpstorf P & Riedel F 2003 Relationships and origin of endemic Lake Baikal gastropods (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 26: 435-443.
- Ivanov A, Coulter G, Timoshkin O & Riedel F (Eds.) 2003 Proceedings of the International symposium Speciation in Ancient Lakes, SIAL III, Irkutsk, September 2-7, 2002. Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen 4: 1-200.
- Krivonogov SK, Bezrukova EV, Takahara H & Riedel F 2003 Lake Hovsgol in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene: On-land geological evidences for a change in its level. In: K. Kashiwaya (ed.), Long Continental Records from Lake Baikal, Springer Verlag.
- Mischke S, Wünnemann B & Riedel F (Eds.) 2003 Environmental Change in Central Asia. Abstracts of the International Symposium in Berlin, March 10-15, 2003. Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen 2: 1-145.
- Riedel F, Mischke S & Wünnemann B 2003 On the Ancient-Lake-Status of the Chinese Bosten Hu (Xinjiang). Proceedings of the International Symposium Speciation In Ancient Lakes, SIAL III, Irkutsk, September 2-7, 2002. Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen 4: 97-104.
- Wünnemann B, Chen F, Riedel F, Zhang C, Mischke S, Chen G, Demske D & Ming J 2003 Holocene deposits of Lake Bosten, Xinjiang, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 48(14): 1429-1432.
- Mischke S, Fuchs D, Riedel F & Schudack ME 2002 Mid to Late Holocene palaeoenvironment of Lake Eastern Juyanze (NW China) based on ostracods and stable isotopes. Geobios 35: 99-110.
- Röpstorf P, Healy JM, Sitnikova T & Riedel F 2002 Comparative sperm ultrastructure of baikalian endemic prosobranch gastropods. Journal of Molluscan Studies 68: 111-126.
- Riedel F, Healy J, Röpstorf P & Sitnikova T 2001 Ecology, shell morphology, anatomy and spermatozoa of the caenogastropod Pyrgula annulata, with a discussion of the relationship between the `Pyrgulidae` and Caspian and Baikalian rissooideans. Limnologica 31(4): 289-302.
- Sitnikova T, Röpstorf P & Riedel F 2001 Reproduction, duration of embryogenesis, egg capsules and protoconchs of gastropods of the family Baicaliidae (Caenogastropoda) endemic to Lake Baikal. Malacologia 43: 59-85.
- Aberhan M, Riedel F & Gloy U 2000 The mollusk fauna from the Guimarota mine. In: Martin, T. & Krebs, B. (Hrsg.): Guimarota, a Jurassic ecosystem: 37-40.
- Riedel F 2000 Ursprung und Evolution der höheren Caenogastropoda. Berliner geowiss. Abh. E 32: 1-240, 21 Tafeln.
- Walther, M.; Janzen, J.; Riedel, F. & Keupp, H. (Eds.) 2000 State and Dynamics of Geosciences and Human Geography of Mongolia. Extended Abstracts of the International Symposium Mongolia 2000. Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen A 205: 1-197.
- Bandel, K. & Riedel, F. 1998 Ecological zonation of gastropods in the Matutinao River (Cebu, Philippines), with focus on their life cycles. Annls. Limnol. 34(2): 171-191.
- Bandel K, Glaubrecht M & Riedel F 1997 On the ontogeny, anatomy and ecology of the tropical freshwater gastropod Stenomelania (Cerithioidea, Thiaridae). Limnologica 28(2): 239-250.
- Bandel K, Riedel F & Weikert H 1997 Planktic gastropod larvae from the Red Sea: a synopsis. Ophelia 47(3): 151-202.
- Riedel F 1996 Comments on "A new twist on the Garstang torsion hypothesis" by L.W. Buss. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh.1996, 2: 114-127.
- Engeser T & Riedel F 1996 The evolution of the Scaphopoda and its implications for the systematics of the Rostroconchia (Mollusca). Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Institut Hamburg 79: 117-138.
- Riedel F. 1995 An outline of cassoidean phylogeny (Gastropoda). Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology 32(4): 97-132.
- Keupp H & Riedel F 1995 Nautilus pompilius in captivity: a case study of abnormal shell growth. Berliner geowiss. Abh. E 16: 663-681.
- Bandel K, Riedel F & Tiemann H 1994 A special adaptation to planktonic life in larvae of the Cassoidea (= Tonnoidea) (Gastropoda). Marine Biology 118: 101-108.
- Bandel K & Riedel F 1994 Classification of fossil and Recent Calyptraeoidea (Caenogastropoda) with a discussion on neomesogastropod phylogeny. Berliner geowiss. Abh. E 13: 329-367.
- Riedel F 1994 Recognition of the superfamily Ficoidea Meek, 1864 and definition of the Thalassocynidae fam. nov. (Gastropoda). Zoologische Jahrb. 121(4): 457-474.
- Bandel K & Riedel F 1994 The Late Cretaceous gastropod fauna from Ajka (Hungary, Bakony Mountains): a revision. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien A 96: 1-65. [Download: PDF-Teil 1, PDF-Teil 2]
- Bandel K, Hain S, Riedel F & Tiemann H 1993 Limacosphaera, an unusual mesogastropod (Lamellariidae) larva of the Weddell Sea (Antarctica). The Nautilus 107(1): 1-8.
- Riedel F. 1993 Early ontogenetic shell formation in some freshwater gastropods and taxonomic implications of the protoconch. Limnologica 23(4): 349-368.
- Engeser T, Riedel F & Bandel K 1993 Early ontogenetic shells of Recent and fossil Scaphopoda. Scripta Geologica, Spec. Issue 2: 83-100.
- Riedel F. 1992 A re-evaluation of the ontogeny of Cabestana spengleri (Perry, 1811) (Gastropoda: Tonnoidea: Ranellidae). The Veliger 35(2): 117-121.
- Engeser T & Riedel F 1992 Scaphopods from Middle Liassic boulders of northern Germany; with a review on Liassic Scaphopoda. Scripta Geologica 99: 35-56.
- Riedel F et al. 2006 Heiße Spur am Monte Verde - Das Rätsel der ersten Amerikaner. ZDF.
- Riedel F et al. 2005 Einsteins Erben - Das Rätsel von Ladakh. ZDF.
- Riedel F et al. 2005 Das Kaspische Meer - Die vergessene Küste Europas. ARTE.
- Riedel F et al. 2001 Humboldts Erben - Die aus dem Weltall kommen. ZDF.
- Ancient Lakes
- Baobab trees
- Bioindikatoren
- Caenozoic gastropods
- Central Asia
- climate archive
- climate variability
- Ecosystem Dynamic
- environmental archive
- Environmental Change
- environmental control
- Geomorphologie
- Isotopengeochemie
- Klimasimulationen
- Klimavariation
- Klimawandel
- late Quaternary environmental change
- Lesotho
- Molluscs
- Ökosystemdynamik
- Paläobiologie
- Phylogeographie
- Sedimentationsprozesse
- shell plasticity
- stable isotope
- Tsodilo Hills
- Umweltvariation
- Wettervariation