Prof. Dr. Brigitta Schütt

Room H 155
12249 Berlin
1998 | Habilitation in Geography, Univ. Trier, Germany (Dr. habil.) |
1993 |
Graduation in Geography, RWTH-Aachen Univ., Germany (Dr. phil.) |
1988 | Diploma in Geography, Bayerische Julius-Maximilians Univ. Würzburg, Germany (Dipl.-Geogr.) |
Professional Experience
2010-2018 | Vice-President for Science at Freie Universität Berlin |
since 2002 | Professor for Physical Geography, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany (C4) |
2002 |
Guest Professor for Physical Geography, Rhein. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. Bonn, Germany (C3) |
2000 - 2002 |
Assistant Professor for Physical Geography, Universität Trier, Germany (C2) |
1998 - 2000 |
Research assistant, Universität Trier, Germany |
1997 - 1998 | Guest-professor, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada |
Honors, Awards
2007 | DFG Habilitation Fellowship |
since 2012 | Member of the Leopoldina, Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften |
since 2012 | Member of the Bayrische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kommission für Geomorphologie |
Funded Projects as PI (since 2005)
since 2011 | DAAD implementation of the Master study programme “Water Management” at the German-Kazach University, Almaty (768 k€, together with L. Metz and T. Rost) |
since 2009 |
VolkswagenStiftung Integrated Watershed Management in Central Asia - Implementing an Educational and Research Concept for Capacity Building in Kyrgyzstan - (450 k€) |
since 2007 | Exc 264 Topoi - The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilisations, Speaker of the Research Area Spatial Knowledge and Conceptual Design (annual c. 310 k€) |
2011 |
VolkswagenStiftung Summer-School on Geoarchaeology in Anhuradhapura/Sri Lanka (38 k€) |
2011 |
DAAD workshop “Strategies and Methodology for E-Learning” (140 k€) |
2010 |
DAAD-DIES Proposal writing for international research projects (43 k€) |
2008 - 2011 |
BMBF Geoarchaeology of the Mongolian Steppe (160 k€) |
2007 - 2008 |
DAAD-DIES Proposal writing for international research projects (45 k€) |
2005 - 2008 |
DFG Schu 949/9 – Tibet-Plateau: Young Quaternary Paleohydrology (60 k€) |
2005 - 2008 |
DFG Schu 949/8 – Limnosahara: Holocene Paleohydrology of Central Sahara (95 k€) |
2005 - 2007 | DAAD e-Learning in the Environmental and Geosciences (160 k€, together with C. Heubeck) |
2004 - 2007 |
DAAD EURASIA-Network (95 k€) |
2004 - 2005 | DFG Schu 949/5 – Lake Abaya: Modern Drainage Basin Morphodynamics (35 k€) |
Cooperation or Consultancy in National and International Commitees
- EU short term specialist for Geomorphology and Micro Dam Siltation in Ethiopia OL 17451/96/02
- Peer Reviewer of the International University Council of East Africa for the Victoria Lake Research Programme (IUECA – VicRes)
- DAAD DIES Expert for Proposal Writing (Eastern Africa, Middle East, SE Asia)
- Member of the German UNESCO-Commission, section sciences – until 2009
- Member of theDFG Senate Commission on Collaborative Research in Geoscience – until 2009
- VolkswagenStiftung Scientific Reviewer - ongoing
- DFG Scientific Reviewer – ICDP Priority Programme – ongoing
- Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung scientific reviewer - ongoing
- BMBF scientific reviewer – DEKLIM – until 2006
- DAAD Scientific Reviewer University Foundings - ongoing
- Member of the Board of Trustees Frithjof Voss Stiftung – ongoing
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research – ongoing
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the coordination platform Geo.X
- Board Member of the German Geomorphological Research Group – until 2010
The lectures can be traced online via
Research focus
- reconstruction of palaeoenvironments
- late quaternary palaeo-climate
- environmental history
- soil erosion
- Watershed Management
- e-learning
- regional: drylands of the old world, central Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Eastern Africa
Ongoing projects:
- GEO-IT - The Technology of Data Acquisition for Sustainable Development and
Crisis Management (Germany, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) -
The Transformation of the Pergamon Micro-Region between Hellenism and Roman Imperial Period
- Routes of Interaction: Interregional Contacts between the Northern Horn of Africa and the Nile Region
- Beyond the margins: local adaptation and inter-regional contact in the Neolithic of northern Saudi-Arabia
- Implementation of an interdisciplinary master program "Integrated Water Resources Management for Central Asia" at the German-Kazakh University in Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Integrated Biodiversity Management in Exemplar Regions of Colombia (ColBioDiv)
- The Prehistoric societies of Upper Mesopotamia and their subsistence
- Archäologische und geoarchäologische Untersuchungen am germanisch-römischen Schlachtfeld Harzhorn, Ldkr. Northeim
- An Integrated Socio-EcoHydrological Framework to Assess and Evaluate Urban Water Security
- Application of hyperspectral imaging in archaeological contexts
- Tanks in the dryzone of Sri Lanka
- Subject related Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Education Master Landscape Archaeology at the University of Peradeniya
- Gender Equality in the Egyptian Higer Education System
- Integrated Watershed Management in Central Asia - Implementing an Educational and Research Concept for Capacity Building in Kyrgyzstan
Finished projects:
- Integrated Watershed Management in Central Asia - Implementing an Educational and Research Concept for Capacity Building in Kyrgyzstan
- E-Learning Network Integrated Watershed Management II
- Gender Equality in the Egyptian Higher Education System
- E-Learning Network Integrated Watershed Management I
- Geoarchaeology in the Steppe-Region - towards the reconstruction of manmade landscapes in the Orkhon Valley, Central Mongolia
- Quartäre Landschaftsentwicklung und aktuelle Morphodynamik in der zentralen Sahara (NE-Niger)
- Lake system response of Nam Co area, Central Tibet, to late Quaternary monsoon dynamics: Interaction of litoral, fluvial and slope processes
- Eurasia Network – MSc Environmental Sciences
- Network Watershed Management Eastern Africa
- e-Learning in the Environmental and Geosciences
- Ak Kaya (Krim) - Geoarchäologische Untersuchung zur Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung
- Moderne Seespiegelschwankungen des Lake Abaya, Süd-Äthiopien - Die Analyse eines Process-Response-Systems im Wirkungsfeld zwischen Human Impact und natürlichen Wasserhaushaltsschwankungen
- PG Net – Physische Geographie ins Netz
- WEBGEO - Webbing von Geoprozessen für die Grundausbildung Physische Geographie Teilprojekt WEBGEO|Pedo
- Umweltgeschichte der Region Trier – Landschaftsgeschichte in der Region und ihre natürlichen und anthropogenen Ursachen.
- Moderne und historische Prozesse der Verwitterung, Abtragung und Akkumulation in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Gebieten Südost-Spaniens.
- Geomorphologische, sedimentologische und hydrologische Untersuchungen von Endseen im Ebrobecken, Spanien
Monographs and text book contributions
- Baumhauer, R., Kneisel, C., Möller, S., Schütt, B., Tressel, E., 2017. Einführung in die Physische Geographie. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. Studium. 352 p.
- Baumhauer, R., Kneisel, C., Möller, S., Schütt, B., Tressel, E., 2008. Physische Geographie 2 - Klima-, Hydro-, Boden-, Vegetationsgeographie. Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. Studium. 152 p.
- Schütt, B., 2004. Zum holozänen Klimawandel der zentralen Iberischen Halbinsel. Relief, Boden, Paläoklima, 20. Stuttgart.
- Schütt, B., 1993. Der Stoffhaushalt der Kall/Nordeifel - Untersuchungen zum Wasserhaushalt, Schwebstoffhaushalt und Haushalt gelöster Stoffe in einem Flußeinzugsgebiet auf silikatischen Gesteinen. -Aachener Geogr. Arbeiten, 27. 357 S.
- Schütt, B., Förch, G., 2007. Watershed-Management – Ein entwicklungspraktisches Instrument zur nachhaltigen Wassernutzung. In: Böhn, D., Rothfuss, E. (eds): Handbuch des Geographieunterrichts, 8/1. S. 244-254. Aulis-Verlag.
- Schütt, B., 1997. Physisch-Geographische Strukturen der Nordeifel. In: C. Erdmann & K.-H. Pfeffer (eds): Eifel. Sammlung Geographischer Führer, 16. -Borntraeger, Stutgart, S. 121-143.
- Schütt, B., 2001. Geomorphologische Detaillkartierung. In: J. Bollmann & W.G. Koch (ed.), Lexikon der Kartographie und Geomathik, Bd. 1. Spektrum-Verlag; Heidelberg. P. 313-314.
- Schütt, B., 2001. Karteninterpretation. In: J. Bollmann & W.G. Koch (eds), Lexikon der Kartographie und Geomathik, Bd. 1. Spektrum-Verlag; Heidelberg. p. 433-434
- Schulte, A., Schütt, B., Möller, S., 2006. Hydrogeographie. In: Gebhardt, H., Glaser, R., Radtke, U., Reuber, P. (eds): Geographie - Physische Geographie und Humangeographie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag. S. 450-478.
International Peer Reviewed Publication
- Busch, R., Bernbeck, R., Hessari, M., Kirsten F., Lüthgenns, C.. Pollock, S., Rol, N., Schütt, B. (2024): Linking archaeology and paleoenvironment: Mid-Holocene occupational sequences in the Varamin Plain (Iran).
Kirsten, F., Dallmeyer, A., Bernbeck, R., Böhmer, T., Busch, R., Hessari, M., Pollock, S., Schütt, B., 2023. Were climatic forcings the main driver for mid-holocene changes in settlement dynamics on the Varamin Plain (Central Iranian Plateau)? PloS one 18 (10), e0290181.
Pfeiffer, K., Hardt, J., Breninek, C., Nir, N., Gerlach, I., Raue, D. und Schütt, B., 2023: Routes of interaction across northern central Tigray (Ethiopia) between 2nd and 1st millennium BCE: Interdisciplinary research in the Rama area. Journal of Global Archaeology, 2023(04), S.162–203.
Xun Yang, Fabian Becker, Moritz Nykamp, Bernhard Ludwig, Mehmet Doğan, Brigitta Schütt, 2023: Holocene geomorphodynamics of a rural catchment in the Pergamon micro-region (eastern Mediterranean). The Holocene.
Fabian Becker, Xun Yang, Mehmet Doğan, Moritz Nykamp, Brigitta Schütt, 2023: Arbeiten der Physischen Geographie. In: Felix Pirson. Pergamon - Die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2021. Archäologischer Anzeiger, 2022/2, 354–361.
Xun Yang, Fabian Becker, Moritz Nykamp, Bernhard Ludwig, Mehmet Doğan, Turhan Doğan, Daniel Knitter, Brigitta Schütt, 2023: Mid- to Late Holocene geomorphodynamics in a long-term settled mountain catchment in the Pergamon micro-region, western Turkey. Quaternary Research 114, 69–92.
Hardt, J., Nir, N., Schütt, B., 2023. Combining Historical Maps, Travel Itineraries and Least-Cost Path Modelling to Reconstruct Pre-Modern Travel Routes and Locations in Northern Tigray (Ethiopia). The Cartographic Journal, 1-17.
- Bebermeier, W., Abeywardana, N., Susarina, M., Schütt, B., 2023. Domestication of water: Management of water resources in the dry zone of Sri Lanka as living cultural heritage. WIREs Water, e1642.
Download PDF - Hardt, J., Nir, N., Lüthgens, C., Menn, T.M., Schütt, B., 2023. Palaeoenvironmental research at Hawelti–Melazo (Tigray, northern Ethiopia) – insights from sedimentological and geomorphological analyses. E&G Quaternary Sci. J. 72, 37-55.
- Nadav, N., Stahlschmidt, M., Busch, R., Lüthgens, C., Schütt, B., Hardt, J. , 2022. Footpaths: Pedogenic and geomorphological long-term effects of human trampling. Catena Volume 215, ScienceDirect.
- Al Shogoor, S. Sahwan, W.,Hazaymeh, K., Almhadeen,E., Schütt, B., 2022. Evaluating the Impact of the Influx of Syrian Refugees on Land Use/Land Cover Change in Irbid District, Northwestern Jordan. Land 2022, 11(3), 372;
- Boulad, N., Al Shogoor, S., Sahwan, W., Al-Ouran,N., Schütt, B., 2022. Systematic Conservation Planning as a Tool for the Assessment of Protected Areas Network in Jordan. Land 2022, 11(1), 56;
- Hazaymeh, K., Sahwan, W., Al Shogoor, S., Schütt, B., 2022. A Remote Sensing-Based Analysis of the Impact of Syrian Crisis on Agricultural Land Abandonment in Yarmouk River Basin. Sensors 2022, 22(10), 3931;
Mukherjee, S., Sundberg, T., Sikdar, P., Schütt, B., 2022. An Integrated Quantitative Assessment of Urban Water Security of a Megacity in the Global South. Front. Water, 4:834239. Doi: 10.3389/frwa.2022.834239.
- Asempah, M., W. Sahwan, B. Schütt, 2021. Assessment of Land Cover Dynamics and Drivers of Urban Expansion using Geospatial and Logistic Regression Approach in Wa Municipal, Ghana. Land, 10(11), 1251.
- Bebermeier, W., M. Brumlich, F. Becker, R. Eser, D. Knitter, V. Cordani, H. Eilbracht, E. Kaiser, J. Klinger, E. Lehnhardt, M. Meyer, S.G. Schmid, B. Schütt, M. Thelemann, 2021. Socio-Ecological Aspects of Iron as a New Raw Material. In: D. Knitter, W. Schier, B. Schütt (eds): Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 74, 155-177. DOI 10.17171/3-74):
- Berking, J., B. Beckers, S. Ißelhorst, E. Cancik-Kirschbaum, C. Möller, J. Renn, M. Ronin, A. Schomberg, I. Schrakamp, G. Sürmelihindi, M. Trümper, M. Valleriani, B. Schütt, 2021. Material and Cultural Aspects of Water Management. In: D. Knitter, W. Schier, B. Schütt (eds): Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 74, 107-129. DOI 10.17171/3-74):
- Busch, R., Hardt, J., Nir, N., & Schütt, B. (2021): Modeling Gully Erosion Susceptibility to Evaluate Human Impact on a Local Landscape System in Tigray, Ethiopia. Remote Sensing, 13(10), 2009.
- Knitter, D., R. Bernbeck, W. Schier, B. Schütt, 2021. Reflecting the Applicability of a Social-Ecological Concept to the Research under the Frame of Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design. In: D. Knitter, W. Schier, B. Schütt (eds): Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 74, 7-37. DOI 10.17171/3-74):
- Knitter, D., R. Bernbeck, W. Schier, B. Schütt, 2021. The Applicability of a Socio-Ecological Model to Landscape Archaeological Research. In: D. Knitter, W. Schier, B. Schütt (eds): Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 74, 199-210. DOI 10.17171/3-74):
- Marondedze, M.K., B. Schütt. 2021. Predicting the Impact of Future Land Use and Climate Change on Potential Soil Erosion Risk in an Urban District of the Harare Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe. Remote Sensing, 13, 4360.
- Mukherjee, S., P.K. Skidar, S. Pal, B. Schütt, 2021. Assessment of Environmental Water Security of an Asian Deltaic Megacity and Its Peri‐Urban Wetland Areas. Sustainability 2021, 13, 2772.
- Mukherjee, S., T. Sundberg, B. Schütt. 2021. Issues, Dimensions and Approaches of Assessing Urban Water Security in Developing and Emerging Countries: An Inclusive Perspective. In: Sikdar, P, ed. Environmental Management: Issues and Concerns in Developing Countries, 151-184. Springer.
- Näser, C., M. Gussone, W.M. Kennedy, T. Klein, D. Knitter, J. Krause, J. Meister, S.G. Schmid, B. Schütt, W. Bebermeier, I. Gerlach, K. Kohlmeyer, D. Marzoli, B. Müller-Neuhof, P. von Rummel, D. Sack, U. Wulf-Rheidt, 2021. Investigating Marginality within the Framework of Socio-Ecological Interaction Models. In: D. Knitter, W. Schier, B. Schütt (eds): Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 74, 39-82. DOI 10.17171/3-74):
- Nir, N., Knitter, D., Hardt, J., and Schütt, B. (2021): Human movement and gully erosion: Investigating feedback mechanisms using Frequency Ratio and Least Cost Path analysis in Tigray, Ethiopia: PLOS ONE, v. 16, no. 2: e0245248.
- Nykamp., M., F. Becker, R. Braun, D. Knitter, N. Poellath, J. Peters, B. Schütt, 2021. Sediment cascades and the entangled relationship between human impact and natural dynamics at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Göbekli Tepe, Anatolia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46, 430–442.
- Schier, W., S. Pollock, A. Grabundžija, C. Schoch, C. Becker, N. Benecke, H.C. Küchelmann, M. Park, E. Cancik-Kirschbaum, I. Schrakamp, B. Schütt, 2021. A4 Textile Revolution. In: D. Knitter, W. Schier, B. Schütt (eds): Spatial Environment and Conceptual Design. Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 74, 131-153. DOI 10.17171/3-74):
- Schorr, B., M. Braig, B. Fritz, B. Schütt, 2021. The Global Knowledge Value Chain on Sustainability: Addressing Fragmentations through International Academic Partnerships. Sustainability, 2021, 13(17), 9930;
- Yang, X., F. Becker, D. Knitter, B. Schütt, 2021. An Overview of the Geomorphological Characteristics of the Pergamon Micro-Region (Bakırçay and Madra River Catchments, Aegean Region,West Turkey). Land 2021, 10, 667.
- Nykamp, M., Becker, F., Braun, R., Pöllath, N., Knitter, D., Peters, J., Schütt, B.(2020): Sediment cascades and the entangled relationship between human impact and natural dynamics at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Göbekli Tepe, Anatolia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
- Nykamp, M., Knitter, D., Schütt, B. (2020): Sediment descriptions and geochemical analyses of radiocarbon-dated deposits from the vicinity of Göbekli Tepe - A dataset. Data in Brief 31, 106012.
- Nykamp, M., Knitter, D., Schütt, B. (2020): Late Holocene geomorphodynamics in the vicinity of Göbekli Tepe, SE Turkey. Catena 195, 104759.
- Anselm, N., Rojas, O., Brokamp, G., Schütt, B., 2020. Spatiotemporal Variability of Precipitation and Its Statistical Relations to ENSO in the High Andean Rio Bogotá Watershed, Colombia. Earth Interactions, 24 (3), 1-17.
- Becker, F., Knitter, D., Nykamp, M., Schütt, B., 2020. Meta-Analysis of Geomorphodynamics in the Western Lower Bakırçay Plain (Aegean Region, Turkey). Land, 9, 338. doi:10.3390/land9090338
- Becker, F., Djurdjevac C., Eser, R., Helfmann, L., Schütt, B. ,Schütte, C., Zonker, J., 2020. The furnace and the goat—A spatio-temporal model of the fuelwood requirement for iron metallurgy on Elba Island, 4th century BCE to 2nd century CE. PLoS ONE 15(11).
- Haburaj, V., Japp, S., Gerlach, I., Hoelzmann, P., Schütt, B., 2020. Coupling spectral imaging and laboratory analyses to digitally map sediment parameters and stratigraphic layers in Yeha, Ethiopia. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238894. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0238894
- Haburaj, V., Nykamp, M., May, J., P. Hoelzmann, P., Schütt, B., 2020. On-site measurement of RGB and VIS-NIR reflectance - a fast and inexpensive alternative for delineating sediment layers quantitatively? A case study from a monumental Bronze Age burial mound (Seddin, Germany). Heritage 3(2), 528–548; doi:10.3390/heritage302003
- Katusiime, J., Schütt, B., 2020. Integrated Water Resources Management Approaches to Improve Water Resources Governance. Water 2020, 12, 3424; doi:10.3390/w12123424
- Katusiime, J., Schütt, B., 2020. Linking Land Tenure and Integrated Watershed Management - A Review. Sustainability 2020, 12, 1667; doi:10.3390/su12041667
- Marondedze, K. A., Schütt, B., 2020. Assessment of Soil Erosion Using the RUSLE Model for the Epworth District of the Harare Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8531; doi:10.3390/su12208531
- Mukherjee, S.,Sundberg, T., Schütt, B., 2020. Assessment of Water Security in Socially Excluded Areas in Kolkata, India: An Approach Focusing on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Water 2020, 12(3), 746;
- Nykamp, M., D. Knitter, B. Schütt, 2020. Late Holocene geomorphodynamics in the vicinity of Göbekli Tepe, SE Turkey. Catena, 195, 104759.
- Nykamp, M., Knitter, D., Schütt, B., 2020. Sediment descriptions and geochemical analyses of radiocarbon-dated deposits from the vicinity of Göbekli Tepe—A dataset. Data in brief, 31, 106012.
- Saase, R., Schütt, B., Bebermeier, W. 2020. Analyzing the Dependence of Major Tanks in the Headwaters of the Aruvi Aru Catchment on Precipitation. Applying Drought Indices to Meteorological and Hydrological Data. Water, 2020, 12, 2941; doi:10.3390/w12102941
- Abeywardana, N., H. Pitawala, B. Schütt, W. Bebermeier, 2019. Evolution of the dry zone water harvesting and management systems in Sri Lanka during the Anuradhapura Kingdom; a study based on ancient chronicles and lithic inscriptions. Water history, 11, 75-103.
- Abeywardana, N., Schütt, B., Wagalawatta, T. and Bebermeier, W., 2019. Indigenous Agricultural Systems in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka: Management Transformation Assessment and Sustainability. Sustainability, 11(3).
- Becker, F., R. Eser, P. Hoelzmann, B. Schütt, 2019. Reconstructing human–landscape interactions in the context of ancient iron smelting on Elba Island, Italy, using sedimentological evidence. Geoarchaeology.
- Becker, F., R. Eser, P. Hoelzmann, B. Schütt, 2019. The environmental impact of ancient iron mining and smelting on Elba Island, Italy – a geochemical soil survey of the Magazzini site. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 205, 106307. DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2019.04.09.
- Dietrich, L., Meister, J., Dietrich, O., Notroff, J., Kiep, J., Heeb, J., Beuger, A., Schütt, B. (2019). Cereal processing at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe, southeastern Turkey. PLOS ONE, 14(5): e0215214.
- Haburaj, V., J. Krause, S. Pless, B. Waske, B. Schütt. 2019. Evaluating the potential of semi-automated image analysis for delimiting soil and sediment layers. Journal of Field Archaeology, 44 (7).
- Knitter, D., R. Braun, L. Clare, M. Nykamp, B. Schütt, 2019. Göbekli Tepe: A Brief Description of the Environmental Development in the Surroundings of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Land 2019, 8, 72; doi:10.3390/land8040072
- Marondedze, K.A., B. Schütt, 2019. Dynamics of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Harare, Zimbabwe: A Case Study on the Linkage between Drivers and the Axis of Urban Expansion. Land 2019, 8, 155. doi: 10.3390/land8100155
- Meister, J., D. Knitter, J. Krause, B. Müller-Neuhoff, B. Schütt, 2019. A pastoral landscape for millenia: Investigating pastoral mobility in northeastern Jordan using quantitative spatial analysis. Quaternary International. 501, Part B, 364-378.
- Schubert, H., M. Rauchecker, A. Caballero Calvo, B. Schütt, 2019. Land Use Changes and Their Perception in the Hinterland of Barranquilla, Colombian Caribbean. Sustainability 11(23):6729. Doi: 10.3390/su11236729
- Said Mohamed, E., M. Abu-hashim, M.A.E. AbdelRahman, B. Schütt, R. Lasaponara, 2019. Evaluating the Effects of Human Activity over the Last Decades on the Soil Organic Carbon Pool Using Satellite Imagery and GIS Techniques in the Nile Delta Area, Egypt. Sustainability, 11, 2644; doi:10.3390/su11092644
Abeywardana, N., Bebermeier, W. and Schütt, B., 2018. Ancient Water Management and Governance in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka Until Abandonment, and the Influence of Colonial Politics during Reclamation. Water, 10(12).
- Bebermeier, W., P. Hoelzmann, M. Meyer, S. Schimpf, B. Schütt, 2018. Lateglacial to Holocene landscape history derived from floodplain sediments in context to prehistoric settlement sites of the southern forelands of the Harz Mountains, Germany. Quaternary International, 463, part A, 74-90.
- Djurdjevac Conrad, N., D. Furstenau, A. Grabundžija, L. Helfmann, M. Park, Wolfram S., B. Schütt, C. Schütte, M. Weber, N. Wulkow, J. Zonker, 2018. Mathematical Modeling of the Spreading of Innovations in the Ancient World. eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, 7, 1-32. Doi: 10.17171/4-7-1
- Isselhorst, S., J. Berking, B. Schütt, 2018. Water pricing following rainfall distribution and its implications for irrigation agriculture: A case study from Vélez Blanco, Andalusia (1967–2006). Agricultural Water Management, 199, 34-47.
- Knitter, D., W. Bebermeier, J. Krause, B. Schütt, 2018. Critical Physical Geography in Practice: Landscape Archaeology. In: Lave, R., Biermann C., Lave, S. (eds): The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Physical Geography, 179-200. Palgrave, New York. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-71461-5
- Schumacher, M., A. Dobos, W. Schier, B. Schütt, 2018. Holocene valley incision in the southern Bükk foreland: Climate-human-environment interferences in northern Hungary. Quaternary International, 463, part A, 91-109.
- Thelemann, M., W. Bebermeier, P. Hoelzmann, B. Schütt, 2018. Landscape history since the Saalian Drenthe stadial in the Widawa Catchment Area in Silesia, Poland: A case study on long-term landscape changes. Quaternary International, 463, part A, 57-73.
- Abeywardana, N., W. Bebermeier, B. Schütt, 2017. The Hinterland of Ancient Anuradhapura: Remarks about an Ancient Cultural Landscape. Journal of World Heritage Studies, Special Issue, 37-43. doi/10.15068/00148447
- Borrelli, P., D. A. Robinson, L. R. Fleischer, E. Lugato, C. Ballabio, C. Alewell, K. Meusburger, S. Modugno, B. Schütt, V. Ferro, V. Bagarello, K. Van Oost, L. Montanarella, P. Panagos, 2017. An assessment of the global impact of 21st century land use change on soil erosion. Nature Communications, 8:2013 (2017). doi:10.1038/s41467-017-02142-7
- Nykamp, M., D. Knitter, B. S. Heeb, A. Szentmilowski, R. Krause, B. Schütt, 2017. A landscape archaeological approach to link human activities to past landscape change in the built-up area of the Late Bronze Age enclosure Cornesti-Iacuri, western Romania. eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, 6, 1-15. doi:10.17169/FUDOCS_document_000000026266
- Bebermeier, W., J. Meister, C. R. Withanachi, I, Middelhaufe, B. Schütt, 2017. Tank Cascade Systems as a Sustainable Measure of Watershed Management in South Asia. Water, 9, 231. doi: 10.3390/w9030231
- Borrelli, P., P. Panagos, M. Märker, S. Modugno, B. Schütt, 2017. Assessment of the impacts of clear-cutting on soil loss by water erosion in Italian forests: First comprehensive monitoring and modelling approach. Catena, 149, 770-781. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2016.02.017
- Hoelzmann, P., T. Klein, F. Kutz, B. Schütt., 2017. A new device to mount portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers (p-ED-XRF) for semi-continuous analyses of split (sediment) cores and solid samples. Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. : 6, 93-101, 2017, doi: 10.5194/gi-6-93-2017
- Meister, J., J. Krause, B. Müller-Neuhof, M. Portillo, T. Reimann, B. Schütt, 2017. Desert agricultural systems at EBA Jawa (Jordan): Integrating archaeological and palaeoenvironmental records. Quaternary International, 434, Part B, 1, 33-50. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.12.086
- Nykamp, M., D. Knitter, G. Timár, J. Krause, B.S. Heeb, A. Szentmiklosi, B. Schütt, 2017. Estimation of wind-driven soil erosion of a loess-like sediment and its implications for the occurrence of archaeological surface and subsurface finds – An example from the environs of Corneşti-Iarcuri, western Romania. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 12, 601-612.
- Schneider, S., M. Schlöffel, C. Schwall, B. Horejs, B. Schütt, 2017. First stratigraphic evidence and absolute dating of a Bronze Age settlement in the Bakırçay valley in western Turkey. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2017(12):316-322. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.02.01
- Soulie-Märsche, I., R. Baumhauer, B. Schütt, 2017. Palaeoenvironmental significance of charophyte gyrogonites from Laguna de Gallocanta (Aragón, Spain). Botany Letters.
- Wagalawatta, T. , W. Bebermeier , P. Hoelzmann , D. Knitter , K. Kohlmeyer , A. Pitawala , B. Schütt, 2017. Spatial distribution and functional relationship of local bedrock and stone constructions in the cultural landscape of ancient Anuradhapura; (377 BCE–1017 CE), Sri Lanka. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 13, 382-394.
- Bebermeier, W., D. Beck, I. Gerlach, T. Klein, D. Knitter, K. Kohlmeyer, J. Krause, D. Marzoli, J. Meister, B. Müller-Neuhof, C. Näser, P. von Rummel, D. Sack, S.G. Schmid, B. Schütt, U. Wulf-Rheidt, 2016. Ancient Colonization of Marginal Habitats. A Comparative Analysis of Case Studies from the Old World. eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Vol. 6, 1-44.
- Bebermeier, W., M. Brumlich, V. Cordani, S. de Vincenzo, H. Eilbracht, J. Klinger, D. Knitter, E. Lehnhardt, M. Meyer, S.G. Schmid, B. Schütt, M. Thelemann, M. Wemhoff, 2016. The Coming of Iron in a Comparative Perspective. eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Vol. 6, 152-189.
- Becker, C., N. Benecke, A. Grabundˇzija, H.-C. Küchelmann, S. Pollock, W. Schier, C. Schoch, I. Schrakamp, B. Schütt, M. Schumacher, 2016. The Textile Revolution. Research into the Origin and Spread of Wool Production. eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Vol. 6, 102-151.
- Berking, J., B. Beckers, D. Knitter, B. Schütt, 2016. Problems Concerning Ancient Water Management in the Mediterranean. eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies, Special Vol. 6, 74-101.
- Borrelli, P., Panagos, P., Langhammer, J., Apostol, B., Schütt, B. 2016. Assessment of the cover changes and the soil loss potential in European forestland: First approach to derive indicators to capture the ecological impacts on soil-related forest ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 60, 1208–1220.
- Borrelli, P., K. Paustian, P. Panagos, A. Jones, B. Schütt, E. Lugato, 2016. Effect of Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions on erosion and soil organic carbon balance: A national case study. Land Use Policy, 50, 408-421.
- Haregeweyn, N., A. Tsunekawa, M. Tsubo, D. Meshesha, E. Adgo, J. Poesen, B. Schütt, 2016. Analyzing the hydrologic effects of region-wide land and water development interventions: a case study of the Upper Blue Nile basin. Regional Environmental Change, 16/4, 951-966. Doi 10.1007/s10113-015-0813-2
- Klein, T., W. Bebermeier, J. Krause, D. Marzoli, B. Schütt, 2016. Sedimentological evidence of an assumed ancient anchorage in the hinterland of a Phoenician settlement (Guadiana estuary/SW-Spain) Quaternary International, 407, part A, 110-125. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.12.038
- Möller, C., C. Resch, A. Leder, B. Schütt, J. Berking, 2016. Roman Water Law - A database approach. In: I. Czeguhn, C. Möller, Y. Quesada Morillas, J.A. Pérez Juan (Hrsg.): Wasser – Wege – Wissen auf der iberischen Halbinse. Berliner Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte, 6, 89-94.
- Nykamp, M., P. Hoelzmann, B. Heeb, A. Szentmiklosi, B. Schütt, 2016. Holocene sediment dynamics in a small-scale catchment with respect to the enclosure of Corneşti-Iarcuri in the Romanian Banat. Quaternary International, 415, 190-203. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.11.118
- Roth, D. J. Berking, B. Beckers, S. Ißelhorst, B. Schütt, 2016. A short history on water and society around Vélez Blanco, East Andalusia. Water History, 8/1, 59-73. doi 10.1007/s12685-015-0139-5
- Schlöffel, M., Schneider, S. und Schütt, B., 2016. Fluvial dynamics and phases of landscape development in the Bronze Age settlement area of the Sambek valley (northeastern hinterland of the Sea of Azov). In: Méditerranée, Issue n° 126, 91-100
- Schumacher, M., W. Schier, B. Schütt, 2016. Mid-Holocene landscape development and herding-related vegetation change in the Carpathian region. Quaternary International, 415, 253-267. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2015.09.074
- Wagalawatta, T., W. Bebermeier, K. Kohlmeyer, B. Schütt, 2016. An ethnoarchaeological study of stone quarrying techniques in historical Anuradhapura. Ethnoarchaeology, 8/2, 158-179. Doi
- Abdolvand, B., L. Mez, K. Winter, S. Mirsaeedi-Gloßner, B. Schütt, K. T. Rost, J. Bar, 2015. The dimension of water in Central Asia: security concerns and the long road of capacity building. Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 73/2, 897-912 . Doi 10.1007/s12665-014-3579-9
- Borrelli P., D.Armenteras P. Panagos S. Modugno, B. Schütt, 2015. The implications of fire management in the Andean paramo: A preliminary assessment using satellite remote sensing. Remote Sensing, 7(9), 11061-11082; doi:10.3390/rs70911061
- Haregeweyn, N., A. Tsunekawa , J. Nyssen, J. Poesen, M. Tsubo, D.T. Meshesha, B. Schütt, E. Adgo, F. Tegegene, 2015. Soil erosion and conservation in Ethiopia: A review. Progress in Physical Geography, 39/6, 750-774 . doi 10.1177/0309133315598725
- Nykamp, M., B.S. Heeb, D.Knitter, J.Krause, A.Szentmiklosi, B. Schütt, 2015 . Linking hydrological anomalies to archaeological evidences - a case study from the Late Bronze Age fortification enclosure Iarcuri in western Romania. eTopoi – Journal for Ancient Studies, 4, 77-93.
- Schneider, S., A. Matthaei, M. Schlöffel, M. Kronwald, A. Pint, B. Schütt, 2015. A minimally invasive geoarchaeological case study in the chora of Pergamon, Western Turkey to reconstruct the late Holocene landscape development and settlement history. Quaternary International, 367, 62-76. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2014.07.020
- Schumacher, M., W. Schier, B. Schütt. Near Landscapes of the Textile Revolution. eTopoi – Journal for Ancient Studies, 4, 162-187.
- Wagalawatta, T., W. Bebermeier, D. Knitter, K. Kohlmeyer, B. Schütt, 2014. Ancient rock quarries in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. eTopoi – Journal for Ancient Studies, 4, 48-65.
- Becker, M., B. Schütt, S. Amini, 2014. Proposal writing for international research projects. A Guide for teachers. Ebook, DAAD. icamman/daad-broschueren/proposal_writing_for_international_research_projects_dies.pdf
- Borrelli, P., C. Domdey, P. Hoelzmann, D. Knitter, P. Panagos, B. Schütt, 2014. Geoarchaeological and historical implications of late Holocene landscape development in the Carseolani Mountains, central Apennines, Italy. Geomorphology, 216, 26-39.
- Borrelli, P. S. Modugno, P. Panagos, M. Marchetti, B. Schütt, L. Montanarella, 2014. High-resolution detection of human-induced forest cover changes in Italy using Landsat imagery. Applied Geography. 48, 102-111.
- Borrelli, P., M. Märker, P. Panagos, B. Schütt, 2014. Modeling soil erosion and river sediment yield for an intermountain drainage basin of the Central Apennines, Italy. Catena, 114, 45-58.
- Borrelli, P., B. Schütt, 2014. Assessment of soil erosion sensitivity and post-timber-harvesting erosion response in a mountain environment of Central Italy. Geomorphology, 204, 412-424.
- Haregeweyn, N., A. Tsunekawa, M. Tsubo, D. Meshesha, E. Adgo, J. Poesen, B. Schütt, 2014. Modeling the hydrologic effects of land and water development interventions: a case study of the upper Blue Nile river basin. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, 555. Vienna
- Milewski, R., S. Chabrillat, T. Schmid, M. Rodriguez, B. Schütt, 2014. Use of field and airborne advanced remote sensing data for the characterisation of surface erosional stages in agricultural semi-arid soils (central Spain) at various scales. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, 13621-1. Vienna
- Knitter, D., O. Narkoinz, R. Del Fabrro, K. Kohlmeyer, M. Meyer, B. Schütt, 2014. The centrality of Aleppo and its environs. eTopoi, 3, 107-127.
- Knitter, D., Tóth, J., Škundrić, J., Wulf-Rheidt, U., Schütt, B.,submitted. Archaeological Predictive Modeling based on Geomorphometric Parameters. In: eTopoi
- Knitter, D., J. Toth, J. Skundric, U. Wulf-Rheidt, B. Schütt, in press. Archaeological predictive modelling based on geomorphometric parameters. Gamzigrad-Studien, Römisch-Germanische Forschungen, 69.
- Schneider, S., A. Matthaei, W. Bebermeier, B. Schütt, 2014. Late Holocene human-environmental interactions in the Eastern mediterranean: Settlement history and paleogeography of an ancient Aegean hill-top settlement. Quaternary International. 324, 84-98.
Beckers, B., J. Berking, B. Schütt, 2013. The Elaborated Ancient Water Supply System of Resafa. Risk and Uncertainty of Water Harvesting in the Syrian Desert Steppe. etopoi - Journal for Ancient Studies, 3, 149–153. (ISSN 2192-2608)
Beckers, B., J. Berking, B. Schütt, 2013. Ancient Water Harvesting Methods in the Drylands of the Mediterranean and Western Asia. etopoi - Journal for Ancient Studies, 2, 145-164. (ISSN 2192-2608)
Beckers, B., B. Schütt, 2013. The chronology of ancient agricultural terraces in the environs of Petra. In: M. Mouton, S.G. Schmid (eds): Men on the rocks – The Formation of the Nabatean Petra. Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabatean Studies, 1, 313—322.
Dally, O., S. Ch’jui, S. Il’Jasenko, P. Larenok, V. Larenok, T. Schunke, M. Schlöffel, B. Schütt, L. van Hoof, 2013. Germano-rossijskie raskopki na donu. Reszultaty raskopok 2008-2010 gg. – In: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Don-Archäologische Gesellschaft (eds), Archäologische Beiträge, 8, Kongressband zur internationalen Tagung “Kultur- und naturräumliche Entwicklung des Dondeltas” (8-10.12.2011, Berlin), pp. 5-92; Rostov-am-Don.
- Borrelli, P., Sandia Rondón, L.A., Schütt, B. The use of Landsat imagery to assess large-scale forest cover changes in space and time, minimizing false-positive changes. Applied Geography. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2013.03.010
- Beckers, B., B. Schütt, 2013. The chronology of ancient agricultural terraces in the environs of Petra. In: M. Mouton, S.G. Schmid (eds): Men on the rocks – The Formation of the Nabatean Petra. Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabatean Studies, 1, 313—322.
- Beckers, B., B. Schütt, S. Tsukamoto, M. Frechen, 2013. Age determination of Petra´s engineered landscape. OSL and radiocarbon ages of floodwater farms in the Eastern Highlands of Jordan Journal of Archaeological Sciences, 40, 333-348.
- Beckers, B., B. Schütt, 2013. The elaborate floodwater harvesting system of ancient Resafa in Syria – construction and reliability. Journal of Arid Environments, 96, 31-47.
- Borelli, P., Hoelzmann, P., Knitter, D., Schütt, B., 2013. Late Quaternary soil erosion and landscape development in the Apennine region (Central Italy), Quaternary International 312: 96-108, doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.12.007
- Borrelli, P., L.A. Sandia Rondón, B. Schütt, 2013. The use of Landsat imagery to assess large scale forest cover changes in space and time, minimizing false positive changes. Applied Geography, 41, 147-157.
- Knitter, D., H. Blum, B. Horeijs, O. Narkoinz, B. Schütt, M. Meyer, 2013. Integrated centrality analysis: A diachronic comparison of selected Western Anatolian locations. Quaternary International, 312, 45-56.
- Schneider, S., M. Nykamp, A. Matthaei, W. Bebermeier, B. Schütt, 2013. Alluvial geoarchaeology of a small drainage basin in western Anatolia: Late Holocene landscape development and the question oft he mouth oft he Paleo-Bakircay. Quaternary International, 312, 84-95.
- Schütt, B., W. Bebermeier, J. Meister, C.R. Withanachchi, 2013. Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. Die Erde, 144/1, 51-68.
Girma, M.M., Schütt, B., Awulachew, S.B., McCartney, M., Demissie, S.S. 2011. Downsacling rainfall in the upper Blue Nile basin for use in hydrological modelling. In: Global Water System Project (ed.), The global dimension of change in river basins. Global Water System Project; CCI press, Bonn. p. 73-82.
Schlöffel, M., L. van Hoof, B. Schütt, O. Dally, 2012. Human Impact on Landscape Dynamics in the Steppe Environs of the Don Delta (Southern Russia). – In: Geomorphic Processes and Geoarchaeology: From Landscape Archaeology to Archaeotourism. International conference held in Moscow-Smolensk, Russia, August 20-24, 2012. Extended abstracts. Moscow-Smolensk, Universum, pp. 232-233.
- Beckers, B., J. Berking, B. Schütt, 2012. The Elaborated Ancient Water Supply System of Resafa. Risk and Uncertainty of Water Harvesting in the Syrian Desert Steppe. Etopoi - Journal for Ancient Studies, 3, 149–153. (ISSN 2192-2608)
- Berking, J., J. Körper, S. Wagner, U. Cubasch, B. Schütt, 2012. Heavy rainfalls in a desert(ed) city: A climate-archaeological case study from Sudan, in Climates, Landscapes, and Civilizations, Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 198, edited by L. Giosan et al., 163–168, AGU, Washington, D. C., doi:10.1029/2012GM001208.
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- Grützner, C., J. Bemmann, J. Berking, M. Frechen, R. Klinger, N. Klitzsch, S. Linzen, S. Mackens, M. Oczipka, H. Piezonka,.S. Reichert, M. Schneider, B. Schütt, 2012. Improving archaeological site analysis: a rampart in the middle Orkhon Valley investigated with combined geoscience techniques. J. Geophys. Eng. 9 (2012) 1–11.
- Hoelzmann, P., B. Rauchfuß, B. Ullrich, W. Bebermeier, G. Kaufmann, B. Schütt, M. Meyer, 2012. Coupling of Geomorphological, Geophysical, Geochemical and Archaeological Spatial Data for a Study of the Interface of the Latène and Przeworsk Cultures in NE Germany. Etopoi - Journal for Ancient Studies, 3, 399–403. (ISSN 2192-2608)
- Hoff, van, L., Schütt, B., Schlöffel, M., 2012. Untersuchungen zur naturräumlichen und siedlungsgeschichtlichen Entwicklung am Beispiel des Sambek-Tals. Archäologischer Anzeiger 2012/1, 140-152.
- Kluiving, S., Lehmkuhl, F., Schütt B., 2012. Landscape Archaeology at the LAC2010 conference. Quaternary International 251, 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2011.10.011
- Knitter, D., M. Bergner, B. Horejs, B. Schütt, M. Meyer, 2012. Concepts of Centrality and Models of Exchange in Prehistoric Western Anatolia. Etopoi - Journal for Ancient Studies, 3, 361–368. (ISSN 2192-2608)
- Ramisch, A., W. Bebermeier, K. Hartmann, B. Schütt, N. Alexanian, 2012. Fractals in topography: Application to geoarchaeological studies in the surroundings of the necropolis of Dahshur, Egypt. Quaternary International, 266, 34-46.
- Schneider, S., M. Schlöffel, B. Schütt, 2012. Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen im westlichen Kaikos-Tal – Bericht über die Geländearbeiten im Sommer 2012. In: Pirson al.: Pergamon - Bericht über die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2009. In: Archäologischer Anzeiger 2010/2, 218-222.
- Bebermeier, W., Schütt, B., 2011. Editorial. Die Erde 142/3, 209-212
- Bebermeier W., Alexanian N., Blaschta D., Ramisch A., Schütt B., Seidlmayer, S., 2011. Reconstruction of the Ancient Landscape of Dahshur. Die Erde 142/3, 325-333.
- Bemmann, J., Ahrens, B., Grützner, C., Klinger, R., Klitzsch, N., Lehmann, F., Linzen, S., Munkhbayar, L.,. Nomguunsuren, G., Oczipka, M., Piezonka, H., Schütt, B., Saran, S., 2011. Geoarchaeology in the Steppe – First results of the multidisciplinary Mongolian-German survey project in the Orkhon valley, Central Mongolia. Studia Archaeologica 30, 2011, 69–97.
- Berking, J., Schütt, B., 2011.Geoarcheology and Chronostratigraphy in the Vicinity of Meroitic Naga in Northern Sudan - a Review. Etopoi – Journal for Ancient Studies, 1, 23-43. (ISSN 2192-2608)
- Berking, J., Kaufmann, G., Meister, J., Schott, M., Schütt, B., Ullrich, B., 2011. Geoarchaeological Methods for Landscape Reconstruction at the Excavation Site of Naga, Central Sudan. Die Erde 142/3, 289-313.
- Berking, J., Schütt, B., 2011. Late Quaternary Morphodynamics in the area of the Merotic Settlement Naga, Central Sudan. Z. f. Geomorph. N. F., 55, Suppl.-Bd.3, 1-24
- Klinger, R., Schwanghart, W., Schütt, B., 2011. Landscape classification using principal component analysis and a fuzzy classification algorithm: Archaeological sites and their natural surroundings in Central Mongolia. Die Erde 142/3, 213-234.
- Kuhn, N.J., Schütt, B., Baumhauer, R., 2011. Managing the impact of Climate Change on the Hydrology of the Gallocanta Basin, NE-Spain. Journal of Environmental Quality, 92, 275-283.
- Schneider, S., Bebermeier, W., Schütt, B., 2011. Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen im westlichen Kaikostal – Erste Ergebnisse. Archäologischer Anzeiger, 2. Halbband, 2010, 183-188.
- Schütt, B., Frechen, M., Fritzenwenger, G. Hoelzmann, P. (2011). Late Quaternary landscape evolution in a small catchment on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary International, 234, 159-166.
- Schütt, B., Meyer, M., 2011. Central Places and Their Environment – Preliminary Results from the Research Group. In: Friederike Fless – Gerd Graßhoff – Michael Meyer (eds.) | Reports of the Research Groups at the Topoi Plenary Session 2010 | © 2011 eTopoi - Journal for Ancient Studies, 1. (ISSN 2192-2608)
- Seeliger, M., Schneider, S., Brückner, H., Schütt, B., Horjes, B.,Feuser, S., Zimmermann, M., Pirson, F., 2011. Studying Pergamon’s Environs – Geoarchaeological Research in Elaia and Bakircay Valley. Proceedings of the International Bergama Symposium, pp. 48-65
- Bemmann, J., Pohl, E., Schütt, B., Schwanghart, W., 2010. Archeological findings in the Upper and Middle Orchon Valley and their geographical setup. In: Bemmann, J., Hüttel, H.G., Pohl, E. (eds): Mongolian-German Qara Qorum-Expedition. FAAK (Forschungen zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen) , 8, Vol. 1, 307-319. Bonn.
- Berking, J., Beckers, B., Schütt, B., 2010. Runoff in two semi-arid watersheds in a geoarcheological context – a case study of Naga (Sudan) and Resafa (Syria). Geoarchaeology, 25/6, 815-836.
- Girma, M.M., B.Schütt, S.B Awulachew, M. Mccartney, S.S. Demissie, 2010. Downscaling rainfall in the upper Blue Nile basin for use in hydrological modeling. , The Global Dimensions of Change in River Basins, 2010, 73-82.
- Herrmann, M., Lu, X., Berking, J., Schütt, B., Yao, T., Mosbrugger, V., 2010. Reconstructing Holocene Vegetation and Climate History of Nam Co Area (Tibet), using pollen and other palynomorphs. Quaternary International, 218/1-2, 45-57.
- Keil, A., Berking, J., Mügler, I., Schütt, B., Schwalb, A., Steeb, P., 2010. Hydrological and geomorphological basin and catchment characteristics of Lake Nam Co, South-Central Tibet. Quaternary International, 218/1-2, 118-130.
- Mügler, I., Gleixner, G., Günther, F., Mäusbacher, R., Daut, G., Schütt, B., Berking, J., Schwalb, A., Schwark, L., Xu, B., Yao, T., Zhu, L., Yi, C., 2010. A multi-proxy approach to reconstruct hydrological changes and Holocene climate development of Nam Co, Central Tibet. Journal of Palaeolimnology, 43, 625-648. DOI 10.1007/s10933-009-9357-0
- Schütt, B., Berking, J., Frechen, M., Frenzel, P., Schwalb, A., Wrozyna, C., 2010. Late Quaternary transition from lacustrine to a fluvio-lacustrine environment in the north-western Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau, China. Quaternary International, 218/1-2, 104-117.
- Schütt, B., Ducke, K., Krause, J., 2010. A cluster-analysis-based climate classification for NE Africa. Palaeoecology of Africa, 30, 199-225.
- Schütt, B., Wenclawiak, B., 2010. Soil erosion off-site effects in the environment of Lake Abaya, South Ethiopia. Die Erde, 2010/1-2, 1-16.
- Schwanghart, W., Schütt, B., Möller, S., 2010. Environmental characteristics of the Upper and Middle Orkhon Valley, Mongolia. In: Bemmann, J., Hüttel, H.G., Pohl, E. (eds): Mongolian-German Qara Qorum-Expedition. FAAK (Forschungen zur Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen), 8, Vol. 1, 14-26. Bonn.
- Schwalb, A., Schütt, B., Fang, XM, 2010. Climate evolution and environmental response on the Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International, 218/1-2, 1-2.
- Baumhauer, R., Felix-Henningsen, P., Schütt, B., 2009. Geomorphological Research in the South-Central Sahara in Review. Palaeoecology of Africa, 29, 1-21.
- Beckers, B., Schütt, B., 2009. Different Dimensions of Recent Vegetation Dynamics of North and West Africa. Palaeoecology of Africa, 29, 197-219.
- Berking, J., Keil., A., Schütt, B., 2009. A review of paleo-hydrological and geomorphological character of Lake Nam Co, South-Central Tibet. Quaternary Sciences, 29, 4, 655-664.
- Krause, J., Schütt, B., 2009. Fluvial geomorphology of the Achelouma valley, NE Niger. Palaeoecology of Africa, 29, 137-157.
- Schütt, B., Krause, J., 2009. Comparison of proxy-based palaeoenvironmental reconstructions and hindcast-modelled annual precipitation – a review of Holocene palaeoenvironmental research in the central Sahara. Palaeoecology of Africa, 29, 23-37.
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- Schütt, B., Berking, J., Frechen, M., Yi, C., 2008. Late Pleistocene lake level fluctuations of the Nam Co, Tibetan Plateau, China. Z. f. Geomorphologie, Suppl.-Bd. NF, 2, 57-74.
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- Schwanghart, W., Schütt, B., Walther, M., 2008. Holocene climate evolution of the Ugii Nuur basin, Mongolia. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 25/6, 986-998.
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- Schütt, B., 2005. Late Quaternary environmental change on the Iberian Peninsula. Die Erde, 136 (1), 23-34.
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