Die Vergangenheit erforschen, die Zukunft verstehen!
Die Schwerpunktrichtung der Paläontologie bildet die Schnittmenge der Geologie mit der Biologie. Mit einem breiten Spektrum moderner Methoden lernen die Studierenden in dieser Vertiefung die Lebewelt des Phanerozoikums zu analysieren und zu interpretieren. Mit dem Verständnis der Fossilien in paläogeographischen, paläobiologischen, paläoökologischen und paläoklimatischen Zusammenhängen, können die Studierenden u.a. zur Rekonstruktion von Klima- und Umweltwandel beitragen und daraus Szenarien für zukünftige Entwicklungen ableiten.

Unsere Highlights
Neueste Publikationen
- (2025) New sauropod teeth from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal and their implications for sauropod dental evolution. Pap Palaeontol
- (2025) Farmers’ perceptions of Terminalia brownii management in agroforestry Parklands and its impact on soil physicochemical properties in the South Ari District, Southern Ethiopia. Agroforest System Journal
- (2025) Pacific Walker Circulation modulated millennial-scale East Asian summer monsoon rainfall variability over the past 40 kyr. Global and Planetary Change
- (2025) Societal changes in Ancient Greece impacted terrestrial and marine environments. Communications Earth and Environment
- (2025) Enhanced phosphorus weathering contributed to Late Miocene cooling. Nature Communications
- (2025) Precession modulates the poleward expansion of atmospheric circulation to the Arctic Ocean. Nature Communications
- (2025) Reconstruction of deep-water undercurrent variability from the outer Labrador Sea during the past 550,000 years. Quaternary Science Advances
- (2024) Eocene maar sediments record warming of up to 3.5 °C during a hyperthermal event 47.2 million years ago. Communications Eaarth and Environment
- (2024) Role of land-ocean interactions in stepwise Northern Hemisphere Glaciation. Nature Communications 15, 6711. OPEN ACCESS https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-51127-w
- (2024) Combining orbital tuning and direct dating approaches to age-depth model development for Chew Bahir, Ethiopia. Quaternary Science Advances
- (2024). Effects of canopy management of umbrella tree (Terminalia brownii Fres.) on microclimate and maize (Zea mays L.) yield in agroforestry parkland of South Ari District, southern Ethiopia, Front. Sustain. Food Syst.
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