Wissenschaftliche-technische Zusammenarbeit
Projekte aus dem Arbeitsbereich Prof. Dr. B. Schütt
Laufende Projekte
The Transformation of the Pergamon Micro-Region between Hellenism and Roman Imperial Period
- Routes of Interaction: Interregional Contacts between the Northern Horn of Africa and the Nile Region
- Implementation of an interdisciplinary master program "Integrated Water Resources Management for Central Asia" at the German-Kazakh University in Almaty, Kazakhstan
- The Prehistoric societies of Upper Mesopotamia and their subsistence
- An Integrated Socio-EcoHydrological Framework to Assess and Evaluate Urban Water Security
- E-Learning Network Integrated Watershed Management II
- Implementierung eines Masterstudiengangs Integriertes Wassermanagement an der Deutsch-Kasachischen Universität in Almaty, Kasachstan (DAAD-Projekt)
- Integrated Watershed Management in Central Asia - Implementing an Educational and Research Concept for Capacity Building in Kyrgyzstan
Abgeschlossene Projekte
- Mobile Dörfer und dynamische Landschaften: Die Varamin-Ebene vom späten 5. Jt. bis zum frühen 3.J t. v. Chr.
- Beyond the margins: local adaptation and inter-regional contact in the Neolithic of northern Saudi-Arabi
- Application of hyperspectral imaging in archaeological contexts
Subject related Partnerships with Institutions of Higher Education
Integrated Biodiversity Management in Exemplar Regions of Colombia (ColBioDiv)
Integrated Watershed Management Resaerch Development Capacity building
Quartäre Landschaftsentwicklung und aktuelle Morphodynamik in der zentralen Sahara (NE-Niger)
Ak Kaya (Krim) - Geoarchäologische Untersuchung zur Kulturlandschaftsentwicklung
Water management – Paleoenvironmental reconstructions around Naga, Sudan
Moderne Seespiegelschwankungen des Lake Abaya, Süd-Äthiopien
e-Learning in the Environmental and Geoscience (2006 - 2008)
Network Watershed Management Eastern Africa (2004 - 2007)
Eurasia Network – MSc Environmental Sciences (2004 -2007)
E-Learning Network Integrated Watershed Management I (2011 - 2013)